Xhuzer feat. Zaiklon - Sola - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Xhuzer feat. Zaiklon - Sola

Cada noche que llega a casa, se siente sola
Every night she comes home, she feels alone
Tiene un recuerdo que la atormenta a toda hora
She has a memory that haunts her all the time
Pura soledad mientras llora
Pure loneliness while she cries
Y amistades falsas que en los malos momentos siempre la ignoran
And fake friends who always ignore her in bad times
Una habitación, un sueño que siempre añora
A room, a dream that she always longs for
Una parte de ella que quiere y no se enamora
A part of her that wants and doesn't fall in love
Por eso que el alma le perfora
That's why her soul is pierced
Y un dolor inmenso que por dentro la devora
And an immense pain that devours her from within
Quiere charlar, pero no tiene con quien contar
She wants to talk, but she has no one to talk to
Porque en las malas todos se van
Because everyone leaves in bad times
Si nadie está ya, no quiere más soledad
If nobody is there anymore, she doesn't want more loneliness
Quiere cantar, quiere correr y quiere volar
She wants to sing, she wants to run and she wants to fly
Quiere reír, no quiere llorar
She wants to laugh, she doesn't want to cry
Pero no va amar
But she will not love
Hasta que pueda sanar
Until she can heal
Estás encerrada en un bucle de pesimismo
You are locked in a loop of pessimism
Este mundo de colores para ti ya no es el mismo
This world of colors is no longer the same for you
Desde que te fallaron no eres la misma persona
Since they failed you, you are not the same person
Siempre encerrada en tu cuarto evasiva a solas
Always locked in your room evasive alone
Dices que nadie te apoya, que todo sale mal
You say that nobody supports you, that everything goes wrong
El pasado es tu condena, no lo puedes superar
The past is your condemnation, you cannot overcome it
Hay gente que te quiere pero no lo puedes ver
There are people who love you but you can't see it
Sólo lo malo notas porque mal estás mujer
You only notice the bad because you are bad woman
Sal ya nena de tu caparazón
Get out of your shell now, baby
Rompe las cadenas pero no tu corazón
Break the chains but not your heart
que alguien te falló, pero no todos son iguales
I know someone failed you, but not everyone is the same
Aprende a quererte a ti, esa es la clave
Learn to love yourself, that is the key
No busques felicidad en los otros, no vas a verla
Don't look for happiness in others, you won't see it
Porque si éstos se van dejarás de tenerla
Because if they leave you will stop having it
Tu ser feliz siempre ha estado dentro y no afuera
Your being happy has always been inside and not outside
Deja de culpar al resto y enfócate en ti nena
Stop blaming the rest and focus on yourself baby
La vida es sólo una y le pones el matiz
Life is only one and you give it the hue
Da vuelta a la página ¿qué quieres escribir?
Turn the page, what do you want to write?
No extrañas a nadie, y esto siempre ha sido así
You don't miss anyone, and it's always been like this
te extrañas a ti, sí, pero siendo feliz
You miss yourself, yes, but being happy
Quiere charlar, pero no tiene con quien contar
She wants to talk, but she has no one to talk to
Porque en las malas todos se van
Because everyone leaves in bad times
Si nadie está ya, no quiere más soledad
If nobody is there anymore, she doesn't want more loneliness
Quiere cantar, quiere correr y quiere volar
She wants to sing, she wants to run and she wants to fly
Quiere reír, no quiere llorar
She wants to laugh, she doesn't want to cry
Pero no va amar
But she will not love
Hasta que pueda sanar
Until she can heal
Cuando amanece No quiere ser más
When dawn breaks She doesn't want to be anymore
La misma débil que el espejo muestra
The same weak woman that the mirror shows
Sigue en la misma rutina sanando la herida que mira y detesta
She continues in the same routine healing the wound that she looks at and hates
Piensa que todo gira en torno a ella
She thinks that everything revolves around her
Una bella doncella que no se da cuenta
A beautiful maiden who doesn't realize
Que toda persona buena que queda y que llega
That every good person that remains and arrives
A su vida no le abre la puerta
She doesn't open the door to her life
Porque el dolor ha causado que to' le sepa mal aunque no
Because the pain has caused that everything tastes bad to her even though it's not
Es cierto hay relaciones que te sacan del desierto
It's true there are relationships that take you out of the desert
Abre los ojos y observa el amor ha vuelto,
Open your eyes and see, love has returned,
Quiere ir al epicentro y lo siento, pero es que el pasado está muerto
She wants to go to the epicenter and I'm sorry, but the past is dead
Vamos supéralo, espera lo bueno enfrenta lo tenga que venir
Let's get over it, wait for the good, face whatever comes
que lo malo rodea a las buenas personas que quieren vivir
I know that evil surrounds good people who want to live
Y sentir el cariño, el afecto de niños adultos que buscan evadir el fin
And feel the affection, the affection of children and adults who seek to evade the end
Para que a la gente le sirva de ejemplo que el amor puede resurgir
So that it serves as an example to people that love can re-emerge
Porque el amor es de dos y por encima está dios
Because love is for two and God is above
No hace falta relación para quererte a ti misma a partir de hoy
You don't need a relationship to love yourself from today
Deja atrás la depresión y dispón tu vida a no apagar tu voz
Leave depression behind and dispose your life not to silence your voice
Para que el resto se entere que el dolor se muere si llega el amor
So that the rest find out that pain dies if love arrives
Cada noche que llega a casa, se siente sola
Every night she comes home, she feels alone
Tiene un recuerdo que la atormenta a toda hora
She has a memory that haunts her all the time
Pura soledad mientras llora
Pure loneliness while she cries
Y amistades falsas que en los malos momentos siempre la ignoran
And fake friends who always ignore her in bad times
Una habitación, un sueño que siempre añora
A room, a dream that she always longs for
Una parte de ella que quiere y no se enamora
A part of her that wants and doesn't fall in love
Por eso que el alma le perfora
That's why her soul is pierced
Y un dolor inmenso que por dentro la devora
And an immense pain that devours her from within
Yeah, es Zaiklon, Junto con Xhuzer, Dos mil siempre
Yeah, it's Zaiklon, Along with Xhuzer, Two thousand always
Ahí queda eso
There it is

Writer(s): Ricardo Ventura

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