Xion MC feat. Agustín de la O & Topirap - Sólo Amigos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Xion MC feat. Agustín de la O & Topirap - Sólo Amigos

Sólo Amigos
Just Friends
Disculpame amiga por decirte
Forgive me, friend, for saying
Estas palabras,
these words.
Yo me enamore de ti aunque
I fell in love with you even though
Por mi no sientas nada,
you don't feel anything for me.
Te veia como hermana y
I saw you as a sister, and
Eso no puedo negar,
I can't deny that.
Te aconsejaba tantas veces
I advised you so many times,
Hasta ya no poder mas,
until I couldn't anymore.
Mis celos y mis enojos hicieron
My jealousy and my anger made
Que te des cuenta,
you realize
De lo que estaba sintiendo en
what I was feeling,
Mis ojos se refleja,
reflected in my eyes.
Un sentimiento fuerte que
A strong feeling that
Crecio por tantos años,
grew for so many years.
Pero decidi callarme para
But I decided to keep quiet to
Apoyarte en lo malo,
support you through bad times.
Tenerte aqui a mi lado es el
Having you here by my side is the
Sueño mas preciado,
most precious dream,
Pero se me destroza el alma ver
but it breaks my soul to see
Que no te han valorado,
that you haven't been valued,
Que no saben respetar y que
that they don't know how to respect you and that
No saben del amor,
they don't know about love.
Pues el amor que yo te tengo
Because the love I have for you
Contiene gran valor,
holds great value.
Y sostengo la esperanza que
And I hold onto the hope that
Algun dia tu reacciones,
someday you'll react,
Reflexiones. pero debo consolarte
reflect. But I have to console your
Las traiciones,
He llorado tantas veces y mi
I've cried so many times and my
Tristeza es notoria,
sadness is evident.
Tu me quieres como amigo y
You love me as a friend, and
Yo te quiero como novia,
I love you as a girlfriend.
Lose lose que quizas todo
I know, I know, maybe all this
Esto no este bien pero que hago
isn't right, but what can I do
Si el corazon con el tiempo contigo
if my heart, over time, fell in love
Se enamoro
with you?
Lose lose que quizas todo
I know, I know, maybe all this
Esto no este bien pero que hago
isn't right, but what can I do
Si el corazon con el tiempo contigo
if my heart, over time, fell in love
Se enamoro
with you?
Lose lose que quizas todo
I know, I know, maybe all this
Esto no este bien pero que hago
isn't right, but what can I do
Si el corazon con el tiempo contigo
if my heart, over time, fell in love
Se enamoro
with you?
Y lose lose que quisas todo
And I know, I know, maybe all this
Esto no este bien pero te juro
isn't right, but I swear
Que aunque le expliques se sigue
that even if you explain it, it keeps
Preguntando solo amigos porque
asking, just friends, why?
Hey! yo se que ya no nos
Hey! I know we don't
Vemos igual,
see each other the same way anymore.
Ahora se que no debi ocultar,
Now I know I shouldn't have hidden
Lo que sentia yo en mi interior,
what I felt inside.
Desgarraba muy de apoco
It was tearing this broken heart
Este roto corazon,
apart little by little.
Verte llorar por otros ya se me
Seeing you cry for others had become
Hacia rutina,
routine for me.
Mientras tanto yo todo el dia
Meanwhile, I had you
En m i cabeza te tenia,
in my head all day.
Pero yo no podia decirte lo
But I couldn't tell you what
Que sentia,
I felt.
Por muchos meses este miedo
For many months, this absurd fear
Absurdo me comia,
consumed me.
Y ahora no no.
And now, no, no.
No lo puedo cambiar,
I can't change it.
Otra vez yo oh me volvi
Once again, I, oh, I
A equivocar
made a mistake.
Pensaba un dia de la nada
I thought one day, out of nowhere,
Todo iba a cambiar,
everything would change.
Y si me encontraba de
And if I faced
Cara a la realidad,
Y ahora debo aceptar lo que
now I must accept what
Tu sientes,
you feel.
Ser tu amigo o marcharme
To be your friend or leave
Para siempre,
Otra triste historia sumada
Another sad story added
A una larga lista,
to a long list.
Por el bien de ambos hoy me
For the good of both of us, today I
Marcho de tu vista,
disappear from your sight.
Lose lose que quizas todo
I know, I know, maybe all this
Esto no este bien pero que hago
isn't right, but what can I do
Si el corazon con el tiempo contigo
if my heart, over time, fell in love
Se enamoro
with you?
Y lose lose que quisas todo
And I know, I know, maybe all this
Esto no este bien pero te juro
isn't right, but I swear
Que aunque le expliques se sigue
that even if you explain it, it keeps
Preguntando solo amigos porque
asking, just friends, why?
Lose lose que quizas todo
I know, I know, maybe all this
Esto no este bien pero que hago
isn't right, but what can I do
Si el corazon con el tiempo contigo
if my heart, over time, fell in love
Se enamoro
with you?
Y lose lose que quisas todo
And I know, I know, maybe all this
Esto no este bien pero te juro
isn't right, but I swear
Que aunque le expliques se sigue
that even if you explain it, it keeps
Preguntando solo amigos porque
asking, just friends, why?

Writer(s): Orlando Patricio Peñaloza

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