Xion MC feat. Fer Angell - Me Extrañaras - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Xion MC feat. Fer Angell - Me Extrañaras

Me Extrañaras
You'll Miss Me
Amor tu me extrañarás
My love, you will miss me
Por mi lloraras, Por mi sufriras
You will cry for me, you will suffer for me
Amor tu me extrañarás
My love, you will miss me
Por mi lloraras, Por mi sufriras
You will cry for me, you will suffer for me
Nunca pensaba que me pasaria
I never thought it would happen to me
La misma história que escribi un dia
The same story I wrote one day
Dime porque no entiendo la rason del porque te volviste fria
Tell me why I don't understand the reason why you got cold
Ya la emoción del volver a tu lado con el tiempo desaparecia
The excitement of coming back to your side disappeared over time
Toda la razón tenían los que me decian que por mi ya nada sentias
They were right, all those who told me that you didn't feel anything for me anymore
La relacion se para cuándo un amigo ya no quiere verte a la cara
The relationship stops when a friend doesn't want to see you face to face anymore
Porque en el fondo bien saben que no
Because deep down they know they haven't
Tienen el valor para decir que te engañan
Got the courage to say they're cheating on you
Callan! cada patraña que llaman asaña sabiendo que ambos te fallan
They keep quiet! every lie they call a feat knowing that both of them fail you
Lo peor es que lo asen sabiendo que es al tersero al que dañan
The worst thing is that they do it knowing that it's the third party they're hurting
Soy el que te entrego el corazon pero con traicion me pagas
I'm the one who gives you my heart but you repay me with betrayal
No hise caso a quien tuvo la razon por suerte que existe el carma
I didn't listen to who was right, luckily karma exists
Para cuando vuelvas por mi sabras que ya no estare para ti
By the time you come back for me, you'll know that I'm not there for you anymore
Tendre a quien me aga feliz y te tocara sufrir
I'll have someone who makes me happy and you'll have to suffer
Amor tu me extrañarás
My love, you will miss me
Por mi lloraras, Por mi sufriras
You will cry for me, you will suffer for me
Amor tu me extrañarás
My love, you will miss me
Por mi lloraras, Por mi sufriras
You will cry for me, you will suffer for me
Recordaras momentos que viviste juntos ami
You will remember the moments we lived together
Cuando me encuentre con alguien mas y yo ya este feliz
When I find someone else and I'm already happy
Sabras lo que perdiate y lo que pusiste ser
You'll know what you lost and what you could've been
Pero no tu te quedaste con mi amigo del ayer
But you stayed with my friend from the past
No llevare rencores porque de nada me vale
I won't hold any grudges because it's not worth it
Espero que ese tipo sepa como a ti tratarte
I hope that guy knows how to treat you
Que no deje de cuidarte que te quiera al cien por cien
That he doesn't stop taking care of you, that he loves you a hundred percent
Cuando tu te sientas triste el te valla a ver
When you feel sad, let him go see you
Pero el es lo contrario el nunca sera asi
But he's the opposite, he'll never be like that
Fue mi amigo de años y se que te fallara a ti
He was my friend for years and I know he'll fail you to you
Asi como me fallaste y juraste amor en vano
Just like you failed me and swore love in vain
Te lastimara y sera mayor el daño
He will hurt you and the damage will be greater
Ami vida llegara una persona que valore
A person will come into my life who values
Cada cosa que le aga ella nunca lo ignore
Every little thing I do for her, she will never ignore it
Que se sienta protegida por un inmenso amor
May she feel protected by an immense love
Y el amir que yo le dee se torne de otro color
And the love I give her will turn into another color
Veras que cada cosa las ira cobrando el carma
You will see that karma will collect every little thing
Por eso estoy contentó porque hoy mo queda nada
That's why I'm happy because today I have nothing left
Porque ya no me preocupa como tu te estas sintiendo
Because I don't care how you're feeling anymore
Hoy me vale madre todo lo que estes
Today I don't care about anything you are
Solo yo se la verdad que se oculta en su rostro
Only I know the truth that is hidden in his face
Quete sirva de leccion para que no estes con otro
May it serve as a lesson so that you won't be with another
Pero la vida da vuelta y lo pagas con dolor
But life turns around and you pay for it with pain
El sufrimiento que sentia hoy ya lo sientes vos
The suffering I felt today you already feel
Amor tu me extrañarás
My love, you will miss me
Por mi lloraras, Por mi sufriras
You will cry for me, you will suffer for me
Amor tu me extrañarás
My love, you will miss me
Por mi lloraras, Por mi sufriras
You will cry for me, you will suffer for me

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