Xion MC feat. Zaiklon & Juancho Artos - Volviste - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Xion MC feat. Zaiklon & Juancho Artos - Volviste

You Came Back
A pasado tanto tiempo
So much time has passed
Y decides volve-er
And you decide to come ba-ack
Tu búsque muchas veces
I searched for you many times
Y eras quien no me quería ve-er
And you were the one who didn't want to see me
Y ahora que te paso
And now that something's happened to you
Dime qué te sucedió
Tell me what happened to you
De seguro fue una decepción de amor
I'm sure it was a love disappointment
Que te trajo aquí
That brought you here
Buscando algo de mi
Looking for something from me
Llegas tarde pues ya yo pude ser feliz
You're too late because I've already found happiness
Y pude ser feliz muy lejos de ti
And I was able to be happy far away from you
Iba a buscarte y ahora me libero de ti
I was going to look for you and now I'm free from you
Me libero de ti
I'm free from you
Jugaste con mi vida y no te importo
You played with my life and you didn't care
Y a pesar de tus rechazos fui quién te amo
And despite your rejections, I was the one who loved you
Te entregué todo este amor
I gave you all this love
Y no sirvió todo acabo
And it was all for nothing
Dejaste que todo se terminará
You let it all end
Mientras que mi corazon por ti suplicaba
While my heart was pleading for you
Ahora quieres regresar a mi
Now you want to come back to me
Cuando yo no te quiero aquí
When I don't want you here
Tanto tiempo pensando si volverás
So much time thinking about if you'll come back
Pero las cosas cambian y no quiero más
But things have changed and I don't want anymore
Que tu aparezcas y verte a la cara
For you to appear and see you face to face
Porque ya no quiero volverte a mirar
Because I don't want to see you again
Me costó darme cuenta que ya no
It took me a while to realize that you're not
Estás y si vuelves ahora nada será igual
Here and if you come back now, nothing will be the same
Te espere tanto pero no regresabas
I waited for you so long but you didn't come back
Lo que por ti sentía llegó a su final
What I felt for you came to an end
Te espere por tanto tiempo y nunca regresaste
I waited for you for so long and you never came back
Ahora dices que me quieres pero mira no es como antes
Now you say you love me but look, it's not like before
Pase más no me viste, te grite y no me oíste
I came by but you didn't see me, I yelled but you didn't hear me
Te ame y no percibirse
I loved you and you didn't notice it
Este amor que no quisiste
This love that you didn't want
Ahora me doy cuenta la persona que eras
Now I realize the kind of person you were
Espero te vaya bien
I hope you're doing well
Pero mira hoy quien juega
But look who's playing now
Te espere por mucho tiempo, hasta que al fin regresaste
I waited for you for a long time, until you finally came back
Los papeles se invirtieron y yo quise rechazarse
The roles were reversed and I wanted to reject you
No supiste que ese amor más la tristeza me decía
You didn't know that love and sadness
Que tu regresarlas y que espere ese día
Would tell me to return and wait for that day
Las cosas cambiaron y quise abrír los ojos
Things changed and I wanted to open my eyes
Te alejaste como el viento, llendote con otro
You moved away like the wind, going with another
Quizás para mañana tus ideas se aclaren
Maybe your ideas will become clear tomorrow
Y entiendas que el amor tarda mucho en repararse
And you'll understand that it takes a long time to repair love
El tiempo no regresa y este amor se consumió
Time doesn't go back and this love is consumed
Las palabras como como puños ese día de tu adiós
Words like fists that day you said goodbye
Tanto tiempo pensando si volverás
So much time thinking about if you'll come back
Pero las cosas cambian y no quiero más
But things have changed and I don't want anymore
Que tu aparezcas y verte a la cara
For you to appear and see you face to face
Porque ya no quiero volverte a mirar
Because I don't want to see you again
Me costó darme cuenta que ya no estás
It took me a while to realize that you're not
Y si vuelves ahora nada será igual nada será igual
Here and if you come back now, nothing will be the same
Te espere tanto pero no regresabas
I waited for you so long but you didn't come back
Lo que por ti sentía llegó a su final
What I felt for you came to an end
(Tanto tiempo pensando si volverás)
(So much time thinking about if you'll come back)
(Pero las cosas cambian y no quiero más)
(But things have changed and I don't want anymore)
(Que tu aparezcas y verte a la cara)
(For you to appear and see you face to face)
(Porque ya no quiero volverte a mirar)
(Because I don't want to see you again)
Tanto tiempo pensando si volverás
So much time thinking about if you'll come back
Pero las cosas cambian y no quiero más
But things have changed and I don't want anymore
Qué aparezcas y verte a la cara
For you to appear and see you face to face
Porque ya no quiero volverte a mirar
Because I don't want to see you again
Me costó darme cuenta que ya no estás
It took me a while to realize that you're not
Y si vuelves ahora nada será igual
Here and if you come back now, nothing will be the same
Te espere tanto pero no regresabas
I waited for you so long but you didn't come back
Lo que por ti sentía llegó a su final
What I felt for you came to an end
(Me costó darme cuenta que ya no estás)
(It took me a while to realize that you're not)
(Y si vuelves ahora nada será igual)
(Here and if you come back now, nothing will be the same)
(Te espere tanto tiempo pero no regresabas)
(I waited for you so long but you didn't come back)
(Lo que por ti sentía llegó a su final)
(What I felt for you came to an end)

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