Xion MC - Lo Que Pudimos Ser - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Xion MC - Lo Que Pudimos Ser

Lo Que Pudimos Ser
What We Could Have Been
Me gustaria decir q fue hermosa la relacion a tu lado
I'd like to say that our relationship was beautiful
Te mentiria si digo que dolioo
I'd be lying if I said it hurt
Con tu mirada me lleva asta el infinito
Your gaze takes me to infinity
Y ahora estoy perdidodesde que no estoy contigo
And now I'm lost since I'm not with you
Me duele tanto recordar esa mirada q me dabas pero tu no sentias nda
It hurts so much to remember that look you gave me but you didn't feel anything
Como decirte que te odio asta el final
How can I tell you that I hate you until the end
Si los besos que dabas tenia un sabor a sal
If the kisses you gave me tasted like salt
100pre fui un pobre tonto que no supo de la vida
I was always a poor fool who didn't know about life
Y hoy en dia las dspinas atraviesan mis heridas
And nowadays the thorns pierce my wounds
Xq soy un ser mortal y no puedo remediar
Because I am a mortal being and I cannot help
Este sufrimiento eterno q'me acabas de dejar
This eternal suffering that you have just left me with
Lo peor que me dijiste vive siendo un gran rencor
The worst thing you told me is to live with great resentment
El no te amo!! No te quiero!! Se grabo en mi corazon
I don't love you!! I don't want you!! Is engraved in my heart
Xq soy la marioneta o un triste buuDuu
Because I'm a puppet or a sad boohoo
Con tus telarañas engañas cambia esa actitud
With your spider webs you trick, change that attitude
Y aunque tu me lastimaste me dejaste enamorado.
And although you hurt me you left me in love.
Enamorado de una sonbra del pasado
In love with a shadow of the past
Solo fue un sueñoo que me amaras como te ame yoo
It was just a dream that you would love me as I love you
Vivi soñando xq ya has depertado mi amor
I lived dreaming because you have already awakened my love
Y todo lo q pudimos ser se murio_mi corazon
And everything we could have been is dead—my heart
Ubiera preferido el tiempo retroseder
I would have preferred time to go back
No estaria por amor llorandoo
I would not be crying over love
No entiendo que pasa ya no hay vuelta atra
I don't understand what's happening, there's no going back
Siento su pulso y no puedo voltear
I feel his pulse and I can't look away
Y si logro voltear yo te ire a buscar
And if I can look away I'll go look for you
Siendo ese imbesil q tube llorar
Being that asshole that had to cry
No ves como va esta situacion yo fui tu despecho que no te daño
Don't you see how this situation is going? I was your heartbreak that didn't hurt you
Aparte de eso el que 100pre te olló
Apart from that, the one who always listened
Y todo por amor que todo cayo ¡yaaa.!
And everything out of love that all fell apart already.
Estoy cansado de estar asii
I'm tired of being like this
Que todo lo que ise fue aserte muy feliz
That all I did was make you very happy
Y no sirvio de nda porque tu no meresiste
And it was no use because you didn't resist
Que te tratara bien xq nunca me quisiste
That I would treat you well because you never loved me
Yo fui ese pañuelo ese que era tu consuelo
I was that handkerchief that was your comfort
El que nunca puso peros a ese corazon de hielo
The one who never put up obstacles for that heart of ice
Sumado alo que isiste tengo un peso q me mata
Added to what you did, I have a weight that kills me
Nunca te pedi de mas
I never asked you for more
Mas que un beso que arrebata
More than a kiss that would take away
Mis ganas de seguir y terminar en un abismo
My desire to continue and end in an abyss
Me enamore tan mal
I fell in love so badly
Me enamore de tu espejismo
I fell in love with your mirage
Tu forma de fingir y de tratar atu manera
Your way of pretending and treating in your own way
Fue la forma mas perfecta
It was the most perfect way
Que no me diera cuenta
So I wouldn't notice
Solo fue un sueño.
It was just a dream
Que me amaras como te ame yo
That you would love me as I love you
Vivi soñando xq ya has despertado mi amor
I lived dreaming because you have already awakened my love
Y todo lo que pudimos ser se murio_mi corazon
And everything we could have been is dead—my heart
Ubiera preferido el tiempo retroceder
I would have preferred time to go back
No estaria por amor llorando...
I would not be crying over love...

Writer(s): Orlando Patricio Peñaloza

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