YMCK - キラ*キラ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais YMCK - キラ*キラ

Ten years from now, twenty years from now, the future I foresee
五年前願い事 誇大妄想
Five years ago, a wishful dream, an exaggerated fantasy
今である価値 ひしひしと感じ
The value of the present, I deeply feel
リアルわかちあう 違う
Sharing reality, it's different
Is this not a victory? I don't know
ぐるぐる迷路迷う 線を辿る生命線ガタンゴトン
Round and round, lost in a maze, following the lifeline, clackety-clack
At twenty, what will I be doing with my life?
Will I still be breathing?
儚い未来長生きはしたい 期待 したって仕方がないって
The future is fleeting, I want to live long, but expecting it is futile
I'd rather be expected than thought of as greedy and demanding
やりたいことばかり 欲にまみれて
All I do is what I want, consumed by desire
朝方やってきた太陽 向かい合う
The morning sun has arrived, I face it
From this moment on, subliminal
寒い、息を吐く サドルにまたがリペダルをこぐ高架線の下
It's cold, I breathe out, I straddle the saddle, I pedal under the elevated train tracks
Please, please, don't notice I'm reaching for more
常時同じ目線で見ていたい 昔より今 今より未来
I want to always see you at the same level, in the past, present, and future
おとなになったら おとなになったら
When I grow up, when I grow up
Will my worth be the same?
おとなになっても おとなになっても
Even when I'm an adult, when I'm an adult
I want to sing my own song
おとなになったら おとなになったら
When I grow up, when I grow up
Will my worth be the same?
おとなになっても おとなになっても
Even when I'm an adult, when I'm an adult
I want to sing my own song
Class is a little depressing today
In the stuffy classroom, I think about trivial things
席替えしたくないなとかそんなこと 鐘が伝える
I don't want to change seats, the bell tells me
休み時間 お金使える公売れっつご
Break time, let's go spend money at the vending machines
友達と談笑 干渉されたくないお年ごろ
Chatting with friends, I don't want to be interrupted at this age
スカート2回折 若干短め
My skirt is folded up twice, a little short
先生のチェック しかめっ面 にげろにげろ
The teacher checks, frowns, run away, run away
せっかくなら女子力あげたい 5,6時間目国、
I want to increase my femininity, fifth and sixth period, Japanese history
数の後HR そのまた後に教室掃除
Then math, then homeroom, then classroom cleaning
Lost and found, "Whose is this? I'm going to throw it away!"
The owner appears in a panic, "It's mine!"
「もーちゃんとしなさい!!笑」いつもの風景 平和な日常
The usual scene, a peaceful everyday life
放課後 女子トーク どうなの最近 ないしょのおはなし
After school, girl talk, what's up lately, secret stories
Too honest, too cheeky, I like to joke around
That's what girls are like at this age
おとなになったら おとなになったら
When I grow up, when I grow up
おとなになっても おとなになっても
Even when I'm an adult, when I'm an adult
I can't do whatever I want!
The scary teacher is on patrol
Grab your bag and run, run
夕焼け色の校舎 ふざけながら
The school building is sunset colored, fooling around
"Hey, hey, don't step on my heel!" I put my loafers back on and immediately give my classmate a high five
おはなしのおさらい あ、そろそろだ
Let's recap the story, oh, it's almost time
そこの道のかど 分かれ道 そうそうマガレ右
The corner of that road, the fork in the road, yes, turn right
振り返って笑顔でバイバイ 右手をプンプン「また明日!」
Turn around and wave goodbye with a smile, shake your right hand, "See you tomorrow!"
The future is full of uncertainty
だけどもだけど暗んだ場所うろちょろ より 黒白明確にしとこう 不安のうらがわ どきどきわくわく楽しみな自分がいて
But still, instead of wandering around in the dark, I'd rather make it clear-cut, the other side of uncertainty, excitement, anticipation, a hopeful self
ほんとはどっち こんどはどっちにススメばいいの
Which way is it really, which way should I go?
目がキラキラ輝いてる でも実はチラチラ顔色伺ってるかもよ
My eyes are sparkling, but in reality, I might be looking at your face
With each deep breath, I get closer to the answer
おとなになったら おとなになったら
When I grow up, when I grow up
Will my worth be the same?
おとなになっても おとなになっても
Even when I'm an adult, when I'm an adult
I want to sing my own song

Writer(s): 除村 武志, 中村 智之, 栗原 みどり

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