YU-A - 最後でいい - traduction des paroles en anglais

最後でいい - YU-Atraduction en anglais

It's Okay for the End
付き合って また別れて なんかもう疲れちゃった 強がりかな?
I've gone through relationships and break ups, I'm exhausted now. Is it just bravado?
サヨナラした彼とはきっと ずっと一緒にいるって思ってたのに
I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with the man I said goodbye to, but it's not like that at all.
誰だってきっと同じと 心閉ざした 私に君は 忘れた気持ち
I shut myself off to everyone because I thought it would be the same, but you came and made me remember the feelings that I had forgotten.
思い出させてくれた 凄く怖いけど もう一度本気の恋がしたい
I was so scared, but now I'm ready to love again.
弱い自分を認めたくなくて 新しい恋から逃げてたけど
I ran away from love because I couldn't accept my own weaknesses.
落ちてしまいそう だけどもう 傷つきたくない
I'm falling for you, but I don't want to get hurt again.
君とならどうなってもいいかな 頭によぎるけどそんな勇気はない
I think that no matter what happens, I want to be with you, but I don't have the courage to admit it.
最後でいい 最高の恋がしたい
I want to fall madly in love, just this once.
色んな事が 見えすぎてる 自分の恋愛パターンや 終わり方も
I overthink things. I know my own relationship patterns and how they always end.
いつの間にか 大人になって あれもダメこれもダメ 動けないの
Without realizing it, I've become an adult and I'm paralyzed because I can't do this or that.
そんなまっすぐな瞳で 見つめられると わからなくなる
But when you look at me with those sincere eyes, I lose all sense of myself.
君の笑顔は 固まった私の 心両手で 掴んで 離してくれない
The smile that you showed me grabbed a hold of my frozen heart with both hands and refuses to let go.
今すぐ逢いたい気持ち抑えて あくまでも友達のフリしてる
I desperately want to see you right now, but I'm holding myself back and pretending to be just a friend.
気付いてるでしょ? お願い 私を連れ去って
I know you've noticed. Please, take me away.
もっと自分に正直でいたい 君にだけは弱さ見せていいかな?
I want to be honest with myself. Can I just let you see my weaknesses?
最後でいい 最高の恋がしたい
I want to fall madly in love, just this once.
嬉しいとか 悲しいとか 楽しいとか
The emotions that I've been feeling all alone happiness, sadness, joy
I would like to experience them with you.
君と笑って 辛さも分け合えたら
If I could bear the hardships together with you,
幸せね もう一度恋に落ちたい
I would be truly happy.
弱い自分を認めたくなくて 新しい恋から逃げてたけど
I ran away from love because I couldn't accept my own weaknesses.
落ちてしまいそう だけどもう 傷つきたくない
I'm falling for you, but I don't want to get hurt again.
君とならどうなってもいいかな 頭によぎるけどそんな勇気はない
I think that no matter what happens, I want to be with you, but I don't have the courage to admit it.
最後でいい 最高の恋がしたい
I want to fall madly in love, just this once.


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