YU GRUPA - Čudna Šuma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Čudna Šuma - YU GRUPAtraduction en anglais

Čudna Šuma
Weird Forest
Jednog toplog dana usred guste šume, medved ispi medni sok
One warm day in the middle of a thick forest, a bear drinks honey juice
Uhvati tad sovu, s njome poče igrati rok
He then catches an owl and starts playing rock with it
Oko njih se brzo sakupiše drugi, družina je šumska sva
Others quickly gathered around them, the whole forest family
S medvedom i oni zaigraše dva po dva
They played in pairs with the bear
Tresla se zemlja celi dan
The ground shook the whole day
Ne zna s kim igra ko
He doesn't know who he's playing with
Dođe i tigar zvani Kan
A tiger named Kan arrives
Čudna šuma je to
What a weird forest this is
Na pečurki jednoj bubamara igra, partner joj je obad ljut
A ladybug plays on a mushroom, her partner is a fierce horsefly
Ona mu se žali kako pleše prvi put
She complains to him about how this is her first time dancing
Slonica je opet uhvatila miša, pa se vrti s njim u krug
An elephant catches a mouse and spins with it in circles
Mišica sa slonom postade sad najbolji drug
The mouse and the elephant have now become best friends
Tresla se zemlja celi dan
The ground shook the whole day
Ne zna s kim igra ko
He doesn't know who he's playing with
Dođe i tigar zvani Kan
A tiger named Kan arrives
Čudna šuma je to
What a weird forest this is
Ljubomorna mečka sto joj muž sa sovom igra ovaj brzi rok
The jealous bear sees her husband playing fast rock with the owl
Hoće da se napije, pa ispija medni sok
She wants to get drunk, so she drinks honey juice
Oko jednog panja lija zeca juri, moli ga za igru tu
A hare runs around a stump, begging him to play
On se ne da, želi kožu svoju čitavu svu
He refuses, he wants to keep his skin intact
Tresla se zemlja celi dan
The ground shook the whole day
Ne zna s kim igra ko
He doesn't know who he's playing with
Dođe i tigar zvani Kan
A tiger named Kan arrives
Čudna šuma je to
What a weird forest this is
Tresla se zemlja celi dan
The ground shook the whole day
Ne zna s kim igra ko
He doesn't know who he's playing with
Dođe i tigar zvani Kan
A tiger named Kan arrives
Čudna šuma je to
What a weird forest this is

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