Yaph - Qalbu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yaph - Qalbu

Sedar kau tiada,
I realize you are not here,
Langit mendung hiba gema suasa, jujur kata nasib bukan selalu
The sky is overcast, the atmosphere is sad
Baik buruk hanya flex dan lagu
Let's be honest, fate is not always kind
Sudah sampai masa pergi kau yang aku rindu
It's time for you, the one I miss, to leave
Tiada lagi pesan tinggal dalam qalbu layu
My heart is withered, nothing left to say,
Hanya bunyi lagu-lagu yang pernah di tuju
Except for the sound of songs we used to love
Dengar kejap walau tidak merdu hanya sendu
Listen for a moment, even though it's not beautiful, just sad
Bila kosong dalam jiwa
When my soul is empty,
Lambat cepat tiada beza
Sooner or later, it doesn't matter,
Kiri kanan aku lihat
I look left and right,
Tempatnya yang tersurat
My place is written,
Kendiri membawa laluan untuk rehat dan rawat
I take my own path to rest and heal,
Sementara nak terus berjalan, tiada sekatan
For now, I must keep walking, there are no obstacles,
Harap berteman warkah tarikan
Hoping for a friendly word to pull me through.
Sedar kau tiada
I realize you are not here,
Langit mendung hiba gema suasa
The sky is overcast, the atmosphere is sad
Jujur kata nasib bukan selalu
Let's be honest, fate is not always kind
Baik buruk hanya flex dan lagu
The good and bad are just temporary
Senantiasa beremosi
Emotions always run high,
Jiwa ini bersendiri
My soul is all alone,
Tiada gurau bila aku sudah mati hati ini
There is no laughter when I am brokenhearted
Saat mula langkah dalam minda kosong terlopong
As I start to walk, my mind is blank
Sangka kelarutan malam yang bersemuka
I thought the night would end
Jejak tanah ini untuk rasa hujung kaki
I walk on this land to feel the ground beneath my feet
Sahara yang gersang terdampar separuh diri
I am stranded in the barren Sahara, half of me is gone
Mengharap ada yang mampu selamatkan aku lagi
I hope there is someone who can save me again,
Dari kufur dunia
From the curse of the world,
Adiksi dan morfina
Addiction and death
Sedar kau tiada
I realize you are not here,
Langit mendung hiba gema suasa
The sky is overcast, the atmosphere is sad
Jujur kata nasib bukan selalu
Let's be honest, fate is not always kind
Baik buruk hanya flex dan lagu
The good and bad are just temporary
Sedar kau tiada
I realize you are not here,
Langit mendung hiba gema suasa
The sky is overcast, the atmosphere is sad
Jujur kata nasib bukan selalu
Let's be honest, fate is not always kind
Baik buruk hanya flex dan lagu
The good and bad are just temporary

date de sortie

1 Qalbu

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