Yeis Sensura - Hayal Kurmam Zor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yeis Sensura - Hayal Kurmam Zor

Hayal Kurmam Zor
Dreaming Is Hard
Artık almıyo beynim, kimse değil yanında iyinin
My brain can't take it anymore, no one stands by what's good
Hayata devam edip saçma videolar beğenip
Continuing life, liking meaningless videos
Soruyolar bana neyini beğenmiyosun bu dünyanın neyini?
They ask me, "What don't you like about this world, what is it?"
Sistem kusursuz bi' çarksa ben bu çarkın bi' dişi olmak zorunda değilim
If the system is a flawless gear, I don't have to be a cog in it
Uçurtmalara mehili yok gençlerin
The youth have no kites
Sayenizde uçurumlar daha cazip hale geldi
Thanks to you, cliffs have become more appealing
Derdim büyük, derdim büyüklerdi görülemezdi bi' yük
My burden is heavy, it was the elders, an invisible weight
Derdim "Kader, kısmet" deyip yok olmaya sürüklendik (ey)
My burden was being dragged to oblivion, saying "Fate, destiny" (hey)
Dert çekeniz biz
We are the ones suffering
Beni içine alıp sormadan hep çerçeve çizdin
You took me in and drew boundaries without asking
Gerçi nefis değil, gençler hepten hapiste
Actually, it's not the soul, the youth are entirely imprisoned
Hocam tıpkı susmamı beklediğin gibi her teneffüste (ey)
Teacher, just like you expect me to be silent during every break (hey)
Uçmalıydık kanatsızdık
We should have flown, we were wingless
Zorla okul amaçsızken anam babam kararsızdı
Forced into school without purpose, my mom and dad were indecisive
Zararsızdım önceden ben, sonra düşündüm
I was harmless before, then I thought
Benim sahip olduğum tek hak neden sade 10 gün devamsızlık (ey)
Why is my only right a mere 10 days of absence? (hey)
Gönlüm her an kızgın
My heart is always angry
Kalkma saati aynı, kıyafetler aynı, güya yok bi' ayrı gayrı
Wake up time is the same, clothes are the same, supposedly no difference
Sıra uzunluklarına kadar aynı
Even the line lengths are the same
Sorun şu ki biz senle farklı kilolardaydık
The problem is, you and I were on different scales
Hayal kurmam zor, çıkış yolu yok
Dreaming is hard, there's no way out
Aleve veren gençleri, duman araf ediyor
The youth set aflame are left in limbo by the smoke
Hayal kurmam zor, çıkış yolu yok
Dreaming is hard, there's no way out
Aleve veren gençleri, duman araf ediyor
The youth set aflame are left in limbo by the smoke
Hayal kurmam zor, çıkış yolu yok
Dreaming is hard, there's no way out
Aleve veren gençleri, duman araf ediyor
The youth set aflame are left in limbo by the smoke
Sana vercekler bi' postal dicekler ki yat yere
They'll give you boots and tell you to lie down
Takıcaksın bi' maske ve de iniceksin sahneden
You'll put on a mask and leave the stage
Her tarafta kurallar ve de maddeler, beğenmeyene mahkeme
Rules and clauses everywhere, court for those who disagree
Hayal kurmak yasaklandı resmi olan gaztede
Dreaming is forbidden in the official gazette
Sistem beni degajlar, önümde hep baraj var
The system disengages me, there's always a dam in front of me
Yamaç dolu virajlarda değilim bi' maçta
I'm not on a slope full of bends, in a match
"Mübah her yol amaçta" der rakibim arkaşlar aynı araçta
"Every way is permissible to achieve the goal," says my opponent, friends in the same vehicle
Beyin yük ve bagajda
Brain in the load and luggage
Zeka ölçme cetvelini hep para sandınız
You always thought the intelligence measuring ruler was money
Yarışırken gittiğimiz yer koşu bandıdır
The place we go while racing is a treadmill
Bi' yere varmadı, bundan umut kalmadı
It didn't lead anywhere, there's no hope left from this
Düyayı belirler saçma değer yargınız
Your absurd value judgments determine the world
Gelecek viraneyken küpene ne der elalem?
When the future is in ruins, what do people care about your earring?
"Uslu dur, anana babana derim" der idare
"Behave, or I'll tell your parents," says the administration
Karakterim hür adet, ben sevmiyorum müdahale
My character is a free tradition, I don't like interference
Benim ömrüm bi' tane bence etmelisin idare
I only have one life, I think you should manage
Sanma bunlar düzelir ve de batmış ya la üzerim
Don't think these things will get better, I'm already sunk and burdened
Yokluklara düşerim ben olamam uşağı düzenin
I fall into nothingness, I can't be a slave to the order
Yağmurlara kızarız oysa her gün şuursuzca güneşlenen
We get angry at the rain, yet we sunbathe unconsciously every day
Bulutların bencilliği yüzünden grileşti tüm şehir
The whole city turned gray because of the clouds' selfishness
Hayal kurmam zor, çıkış yolu yok
Dreaming is hard, there's no way out
Aleve veren gençleri, duman araf ediyor
The youth set aflame are left in limbo by the smoke
Hayal kurmam zor, çıkış yolu yok
Dreaming is hard, there's no way out
Aleve veren gençleri, duman araf ediyor
The youth set aflame are left in limbo by the smoke

Writer(s): Mehmet çetin

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