Yeis Sensura - Her Gün Her Gece - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yeis Sensura - Her Gün Her Gece

Her Gün Her Gece
Every Day Every Night
Her gün her gece sana doğru yürüyorum... Sana koşsam ne olur?
Every day every night I'm walking towards you... What would happen if I ran to you?
Ne olur al umutlarım senin olsun Sakla onları, sende büyüsün ne olur.
Come on, take my hopes and make them yours, hide them, let them grow with you, come on.
Ne olur... Annen baban bilmezdi beni ama bilirdim
Come on... Your mom and dad didn't know me, but I would have known them
Tanırlardı beni Ben vefasızın biriydim gözlerinde "
They would have known me I was a traitor in their eyes "
Nasıl bildin?" diye sorunca söylemezdim sana çünkü okuyordum gözünden
How did you know?" you asked, but I wouldn't tell you because I could read it in your eyes
Gözüne girmek önemliydi... Gözüne girecek her tozun gözünü oymak için
It was important to get in your head... To pluck out every speck of dust that would blind you
Yanındaydım sürekli Çarelerle geldim yanına
I was always there for you and I came to you with solutions
Ve sen mutsuz olmak için hep bahaneler ürettin "
And you always came up with excuses to be unhappy "
Tamam" dedim "gelir" dedim "geçer" dedim "biter" dedim "gider" dedim
Okay" I said "it'll come" I said "it'll pass" I said "it'll end" I said "it'll go away" I said
Lanet olası kafamın hiçbir yerinden de geçmedin Ve sen
You fucking never crossed my mind and you
Nasıl bir sigaraysan böyle, Efkârdan ömür boyu içtim bitmedin!
What kind of cigarette are you, I smoked for a lifetime full of melancholy and you never ended!
Her gün her gece sana doğru yürüyorum... Sana koşsam ne olur?
Every day every night I'm walking towards you... What would happen if I ran to you?
Ne olur al umutlarım senin olsun Sakla onları, sende büyüsün ne olur.
Come on, take my hopes and make them yours, hide them, let them grow with you, come on.
Ne olur?
Come on?
Genellikle bahçenize vakitsizce gelirdim.
I used to come to your garden at inappropriate times.
Ne zaman elma toplasak baban işten gelirdi Korkuyordun bilirdim.
Whenever we picked apples your dad would come home I knew you were scared.
Görmezden gelirdim.
I would ignore it.
Sen her gün aynı riske rağmen gene de oraya gelirdin!
You would come there every day despite the risk!
Bu yüzden başıma gelen en güzel şeydin.
That's why you were the best thing that ever happened to me.
Hikâyeler uydururdum bazen yalan değil.
I would sometimes make up stories, but I was not lying.
Biliyordun param yoktu.
You knew I had no money.
Sormazdın "neden, niçin" Bakkal Osman'a leblebiler yazdırırdım yemen
You wouldn't ask "why, how come" I would have Osman the grocer write down some candy for you
Için Ayın sonu babam gelir "ne lan bu?"
to eat At the end of the month my dad would come "what the hell is this?"
Der Senin aşkından atarlanıp "ne var!" d
He would say When he found out about my love for you, he would get mad and say "what!"
Erim Sonra anam gelir... Canım benim.
Then my mom would come... My darling.
Hiç şikâyet etmezdi.
She never complained.
Senin yerine güneş olsa gitmezdi!
She wouldn't leave even if you were the sun!
Her gün her gece sana doğru yürüyorum... Sana koşsam ne olur?
Every day every night I'm walking towards you... What would happen if I ran to you?
Ne olur al umutlarım senin olsun Sakla onları, sende büyüsün ne olur.
Come on, take my hopes and make them yours, hide them, let them grow with you, come on.
Ne olur?
Come on?

Writer(s): Mehmet çetin

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