Yenic - Draga Inima - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yenic - Draga Inima

Draga Inima
My Dearest Heart
Inima stiu c-ai suferit prea mult
I know your heart has suffered too much
Nu ma respinge caci incerc sa te ajut
Don't push me away, I'm trying to help you
Ceea ce nu-nteleg e ca odata eram tot
What I don't understand is that we were once everything
Ranile pe care le-aveai, eu le simteam prin corp
The wounds you had, I felt them through my body
Stiu ca ai rani adanci pe care vrei sa le ascunzi
I know you have deep wounds that you want to hide
Dar nu sunt eu cel de care tre' sa fugi
But I'm not the one you need to run from
Cand te-am tinut in frau, tu mereu ai vrut sa pleci
When I held you close, you always wanted to leave
Inima tu esti naiva nici nu-ti dai seama ce iubesti
Your heart, you're naive, you don't even realize what you love
Te-am colorat in culori reci, ca sa nu mai simti nimic
I painted you in cold colors so you wouldn't feel anything anymore
Draga inima, nu esti inima ce mi-am dorit
My dearest heart, you're not the heart I wanted
Te atasezi rapid, tot tu suferi inzecit
You get attached quickly, and you suffer tenfold
Si arunci vina pe mine ca eu nu te-am ingrijit
And you blame me for not taking care of you
Inima cum poti fi atat de bleaga
Heart, how can you be so weak
Toti te folosesc de pres, se sterg de durere si pleaca
Everyone uses you, they wipe their tears on you and leave
Draga inima nu mai iubi orbeste
My dearest heart, don't love blindly anymore
Ce nu te omoara psihic te darama sufleteste
What doesn't kill you mentally destroys you emotionally
Draga inima in tine au sculptat multi
My dearest heart, many have carved their mark on you
Ti-au facut rani adanci si preferi sa te ascunzi
They've left you with deep wounds, and you prefer to hide
Da nu te poti ascunde la nesfarsit
But you can't hide forever
De ce vrei sa iubesti ceva ce te-a ranit
Why do you want to love something that has hurt you
Draga inima mi te-am luat in brate
My dearest heart, I held you in my arms
Timpu' vindeca rani da nu le vindeca pe-anoastre
Time heals wounds, but it doesn't heal ours
Imi pare rau stiu c-ai fost abandonata
I'm sorry, I know you've been abandoned
Vrei fericirea mea uite, poftim ti-o dau pe toata
You want my happiness, here it is, take it all
Dar nu uita ca impartim aceeasi durere
But don't forget we share the same pain
Ai vazut tu fericirea? Ca ea sigur nu ne vede
Have you seen happiness? Because it surely doesn't see us
Inima, tu ai uitat cine ti-a dat aripi sa zbori
Heart, you've forgotten who gave you wings to fly
Si nu te intorci sa-mi multumesti te-ntorci ca sa-mi declari razboi
And you don't return to thank me, you return to declare war
Eu am fost scutul tau, tu n-ai fost inima mea
I was your shield, you were never my heart
Te cautam in piept, mereu erai altundeva
I looked for you in my chest, you were always somewhere else
Ai acceptat sa fii calcata in picioare
You accepted being trampled on
Totusi esti inima mea si cand te vad asa ma doare
Yet you're my heart, and seeing you like this hurts me
N-am crezut in re-ncarnare, da simt ceva ciudat
I never believed in reincarnation, but I feel something strange
Inima, tu esti reala sau doar bati artificial
Heart, are you real or are you just beating artificially
Am fost nascut cu-n scop, sa imi bati acolo-n piept
I was born with a purpose, to have you beat in my chest
Daca esti intunecata, te pot lumina cu-n bec
If you're dark, I can light you up with a bulb
Draga inima in tine au sculptat multi
My dearest heart, many have carved their mark on you
Ti-au facut rani adanci si preferi sa te ascunzi
They've left you with deep wounds, and you prefer to hide
Da nu te poti ascunde la nesfarsit
But you can't hide forever
De ce vrei sa iubesti ceva ce te-a ranit
Why do you want to love something that has hurt you
Inima, cauti in locuri interzise
Heart, you search in forbidden places
Unde visele sunt stinse si-au fost demult compromise
Where dreams are extinguished and have long been compromised
Da-ti arama pe fata scoate demonu din tine
Put on your armor, let the demon out of you
Degeaba te dai smarald cand moare argintul din tine
It's no use pretending to be emerald when the silver in you dies
Ai inceput sa simti iubirea dupa ce te-a parasit
You started to feel love after it left you
Dac-ai fi fost constienta, acum n-ai fi suferit
If you had been aware, you wouldn't be suffering now
Si Adam cand a tradat, a ramas fara putere
And when Adam betrayed, he was left powerless
Atunci prefer sa fiu eu marul, sa-mi vad inima cum piere
Then I prefer to be the apple, to watch my heart perish
Draga inima in tine au sculptat multi
My dearest heart, many have carved their mark on you
Ti-au facut rani adanci si preferi sa te ascunzi
They've left you with deep wounds, and you prefer to hide
Da nu te poti ascunde la nesfarsit
But you can't hide forever
De ce vrei sa iubesti ceva ce te-a ranit
Why do you want to love something that has hurt you

Writer(s): Ienciu Florin

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