Yenic - Print Si Cersetor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yenic - Print Si Cersetor

Print Si Cersetor
Print Si Cersetor
Hey you
Daca lumea-ti spune ca nu poti
If the world tells you that you can't
Iti spune ca nu esti suficient de bun sa faci o chestie pe care tu ti-o doresti
It tells you that you're not good enough to do something you want
Arata-le ca ei nu stiu de ce esti in stare
Show them they don't know what you're capable of
Pot sa fiu si baiat bun pot sa fiu si nenorocit
I can be a good boy, I can be a scoundrel
Depinde de ce-mi oferi, ca-ti dau inapoi ce am primit
It depends on what you offer me, I'll give you back what I received
Io dau muzica din suflet, n-astept sa am in cont cifre
I give music from my heart, I don't expect to have numbers in my account
Pot sa fac bani dintr-un job, muzica-i pasiune, se simte
I can make money from a job, music is passion, you can feel it
Te cunosc de undeva stiu bine ca ai un vis
I know you from somewhere, I know you have a dream
Daca nu lupti pentru el, normal ca-i de neatins
If you don't fight for it, it's untouchable
Viata nu-i doar despre droguri si cat esti tu de smardoi
Life is not just about drugs and how much of a jerk you are
Viata-i sa-ti faci o familie si sa-mparti totu' la doi
Life is about building a family and sharing everything in two
Mai tarziu s-o-mparti la 4, sau poate s-o imparti la 3
Later, share it with 4, or maybe share it with 3
Sa fii tu capu' familiei sa dai totu' pentru ei
To be the head of the family to give everything for them
Pentru copilu tau trebuie sa fii model
You have to be a role model for your child
Si cand va creste sa zica vreau sa fiu si eu la fel
And when he grows up to say I want to be like him too
Sa iti iubesti femeia pentru ce ti-a daruit
To love your woman for what she gave you
Si-nvata sa dai iubire daca vrei sa fii iubit
And learn to give love if you want to be loved
Mama m-a invatat cu femeia sa fiu domn
My mother taught me to be a gentleman with women
S-o iubesc si s-o respect, si sa-i dau locu de pe tron
To love her and respect her and give her a place on the throne
Arata-le ca tu poti
Show them that you can
Ca nu faci parte din toti
That you are not part of all
Si-atunci cand ai reusit
And when you succeed
E pentru ca ti-ai dorit
It's because you wanted it
Stii bine c-o sa auzi
You know you're going to hear
Vorbe rele de la multi
Bad words from many
Dar daca ai visul tau
But if you have your dream
Nu tine cont de ce-i rau
Don't pay attention to what's bad
Io sunt genu' ala de om ce crede ca-i mai important
I'm the kind of guy who believes it's more important
Sa ai mintea antrenata nu sa ai 50 in brat
To have a trained mind than to have 50 in your arm
Viata poa sa te intoarca fix atunci cand nu te-astepti
Life can turn you around when you least expect it
Si pe cel ce ti-a gresit ar fi bine sa-nveti sa-l ierti
And the one who wronged you, it would be good to learn to forgive
Totusi sper sa nu regreti, ca stii tu foamea de bani
Still, I hope you don't regret it, because you know the hunger for money
Te face fericit pe moment, dar cum vei fi peste ani?
Makes you happy for a moment, but what will you be like in years?
Sa ai zambetul pe buze, copilu' tau sa-ti zambeasca
To have a smile on your lips, your child smiles at you
Si cand iti privesti sotia sa fie cea mai frumoasa
And when you look at your wife, she's the most beautiful
In ochii ei asta conteaza nu sa-i cumperi rochie scumpa
In her eyes, that matters, not buying her an expensive dress
Chiar daca sunt bani putini, las' ca-i fericirea multa
Even if there is little money, let's just say that happiness is much
Fericirea vine-n timp si cand vine timpu'-l oprest
Happiness comes over time, and when time stops
Sa poti sa-ti faci mult mai mult timp pentru ceea ce iubesti
To be able to make much more time for what you love
Iar la final de drum sa mori cu gandul impacat
And at the end of the journey, to die with a peaceful mind
Ca-n viata de saracie tu ai fost cel mai bogat
That in a life of poverty you were the richest
Altii m-au descurajat si mi-au zis ca n-am sa pot
Others discouraged me and told me I wouldn't be able to
Dar totusi am publicul meu chiar daca n-am piesele-n top
But I still have my audience even if I don't have the songs in the top
Arata-le ca tu poti
Show them that you can
Ca nu faci parte din toti
That you are not part of all
Si-atunci cand ai reusit
And when you succeed
E pentru ca ti-ai dorit
It's because you wanted it
Stii bine c-o sa auzi
You know you're going to hear
Vorbe rele de la multi
Bad words from many
Dar daca ai visul tau
But if you have your dream
Nu tine cont de ce-i rau
Don't pay attention to what's bad

Writer(s): Ienciu Florin

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