Yenic - Zeita Din Olimp - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yenic - Zeita Din Olimp

Zeita Din Olimp
Goddess from Olympus
Ospatar, hai si toarna-mi in pahar
Waiter, could you pour me a mountain?
Nu întreba de ce, da-n seara asta ma fac praf
Don't ask why, tonight I'm going to fall apart.
Adu-mi un gram si stai cu mine la masa
Bring me a gram and stay with me at the table.
Si lasa-ma sa-ti povestesc despre cea mai frumoasa
Let me tell you about the most beautiful girl.
Fata, pe care eu am intalnit o
The girl I met.
Daca ai o fata buna, n-o rani, iubeste-o, alint-o
If you have a good girl, don't hurt her, love her, cherish her.
Eu am iubit-o dar asta n-a fost de-ajuns
I loved her, but it wasn't enough.
Ne vedeam atat de rar dar tot ma simteam in plus
We saw each other so rarely, but I still felt like I was too much.
Sa iubesti e chiar placut, sa fii iubit oare cum e
To love is actually pleasant, to be loved, I wonder what that's like.
Tu sa-ti traiesti viata ta iar celalalt sa sufere
You live your life, and the other person suffers.
Ospatar, am o singura intrebare
Waiter, I have one question.
Cand ai daruit ultima data unei fete o floare
When was the last time you gave a girl a flower?
Cand ai rupt din timpul tau sa ii arati ca o iubesti
When did you take time out of your day to show her that you loved her?
Si cat timp ti-a luat sa-ti dai seama ca esti prost si o ranesti
And how long did it take you to realize that you were a fool and were hurting her?
Da stii ceva de fapt te rog nu imi raspunde
But you know something, actually, please don't answer.
Ca la o singura intrebare ai raspunde cu mai multe
Because to a single question you would answer with many.
Daca ai o fata buna, n-o lasa sa plece
If you have a good girl, don't let her go.
Nu-l lasa nici macar pe Dumnezeu sa va dezlege
Don't let even God undo you.
Tine-o in inima ta ca-ti umple orice artera
Keep her in your heart, she fills every artery.
Nici sângele nu iti curge, cum iti curge ea prin vena
Not even blood flows like she flows through your veins.
Ospatare, eu am pierdut-o cu timpul
Waiter, I lost her with time.
Pentru mine era zeita ce imi lumina Olimpul
For me, she was the goddess who lit up my Olympus.
Singuratatea, mi-a fost mama si tata
Loneliness was my mother and father.
De la un timp m-am obisnuit si începea sa-mi placa
After a while, I got used to it and it started to please me.
Stateam închis în casa, ma izolam de lume
I stayed locked up in the house, I isolated myself from the world.
Vorbeam cu atatia oameni da' in gand un singur nume
I talked to so many people, but only one name in my head.
Imi amintesc si acum ochii ei frumosi caprui
I still remember her beautiful brown eyes.
Dar ochii ochii caprui tradeaza încrederea oricui
But brown eyes betray the trust of anyone.
Ospatar, cum crezi ca va reactiona
Waiter, how do you think she will react?
Cand va auzi un "Te iubesc" da nu din gura ta
When she hears an "I love you" but not from your mouth?
Crezi ca va zâmbi la fel cum zambea cand i-o spuneai tu
Do you think she'll smile the same way she smiled when you told her?
Dac-o cere de sotie crezi ca ca spune da sau nu
If he asks her to marry him, do you think she'll say yes or no?
La mine s-a întâmplat, m-a lasat drept amanet
It happened to me, she left me as collateral.
Si mi-am dorit atat de mult sa-i pun pe mana inel
And I wanted so much to put a ring on her hand.
Ea zeita din Olimp eu doar un Necunoscut
She, the goddess from Olympus, and I, just an Unknown.
Daca te-ntreaba de mine spune-i ca-s ca la-nceput
If she asks about me, tell her that I'm the same as I was at the beginning.

Writer(s): Ienciu Florin

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