Yesh - Amor de diferencia de edad - Original Mix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yesh - Amor de diferencia de edad - Original Mix

Amor de diferencia de edad - Original Mix
Age Gap Love - Original Mix
Nunca hubiera imaginado,
I never would have imagined,
Que estuvieras a mi lado
That you would be by my side
Es dificil explicarlo
It's hard to explain
Nadie quiere aceptarlo
Nobody wants to accept it
El amor no son edades ya lo sabes
Love isn't about age, you know that
No me importa lo que digan mientras sepa que me quieres.
I don't care what they say as long as I know you love me.
Yo voy hacia el trabajo
I go to work
Tu vas al instituto,
You go to school,
Yo en coche tu en moto
I'm in the car you're on a motorcycle
Van corriendo los minutos
The minutes are running by
Dibujas nuestros nombres en tus libros y cuadernos
You draw our names in your books and notebooks
Yo en todas las paredes para que tu puedas verlo
I write them on all the walls so that you can see it
La distancia no se mide en kilometros sino en años
Distance isn't measured in kilometers but in years
Demasiados para aquellos que intentan separarnos
Too many for those who try to separate us
Las miradas cuando andamos por la calle lo evidencian
The looks when we walk down the street show it
Nos intentan alejar pero no pierdo la paciencia.
They try to push us apart but I won't lose my patience.
Voy a intentar dormir para poder soñar contigo
I'm going to try to sleep so I can dream about you
Y con un poco de suerte pensar que haces lo mismo
And with a little luck think you're doing the same
Ven aqui puedes quitarte todo menos la sombra
Come here you can take off everything but your shadow
Me encanta cuando estoy contigo y las palabras sobran.
I love it when I'm with you and words are superfluous.
Es la verdad ya no puedo esperar
It's the truth I can't wait any longer
Solo quiero estar contigo evadir la realidad
I just want to be with you, escape reality
Escapar y dejar todo atras
Run away and leave everything behind
Los dos juntos para siempre donde no exista final.
The two of us together forever where there is no end.
En un lugar lo mas lejos de este mundo
In a place as far away from this world as possible
Estar contigo aprovechar cada segundo
To be with you, to take advantage of every second
Secare tus lagrimas, nececito todo eso y mas
I'll dry your tears, I need all that and more
En un lugar lo mas lejos de este mundo
In a place as far away from this world as possible
Estar contigo aprovechar cada segundo
To be with you, to take advantage of every second
Secare tus lagrimas, nececito todo eso y mas
I'll dry your tears, I need all that and more
No pueden separarnos porque ahora somos uno
They can't separate us because now we are one
Si vienen a joder en el momento inoportuno
If they come to mess things up at the wrong time
Me olvido de lo malo solo sumo
I forget about the bad things I just add up
Momentos perfectos y del resto no me acuerdo de ninguno.
Perfect moments and I don't remember any of the rest.
Te conoci y pasaba de ti
I met you and I didn't care about you
Tu pensabas que no eras importante para mi
You thought you weren't important to me
Pero luego al mirarte poco a poco descubri
But then looking at you little by little I discovered
Que te quiero desde el primer momento en que te vi
That I love you from the first moment I saw you
Somos tan distintos y a la vez iguales
We are so different and yet the same
Me cuesta creer que alguien aprecie tanto lo que vales
I can hardly believe that someone appreciates so much what you are worth
Estando juntos se curan todos mis males
Being together heals all my ills
Ay un hueco en mi memoria del que sabes que no sales
There is a hole in my memory that you know you can't get out of
Algo tan perfecto es dificil encontrar
Something so perfect is hard to find
Eres el oxigeno si me cuesta respirar
You are the oxygen if I have trouble breathing
Un dia soñe con un mundo en el que no existias
One day I dreamed of a world where you didn't exist
Le llamaban Infierno
They called it Hell
Es la verdad ya no puedo esperar
It's the truth I can't wait any longer
Solo quiero estar contigo evadir la realidad
I just want to be with you, escape reality
Escapar y dejar todo atras
Run away and leave everything behind
Los dos juntos para siempre donde no exista final.
The two of us together forever where there is no end.
En un lugar lo mas lejos de este mundo
In a place as far away from this world as possible
Estar contigo aprovechar cada segundo
To be with you, to take advantage of every second
Secare tus lagrimas, nececito todo eso y mas
I'll dry your tears, I need all that and more
En un lugar lo mas lejos de este mundo
In a place as far away from this world as possible
Estar contigo aprovechar cada segundo
To be with you, to take advantage of every second
Secare tus lagrimas, nececito todo eso y mas
I'll dry your tears, I need all that and more
En un lugar lo mas lejos de este mundo
In a place as far away from this world as possible
Estar contigo aprovechar cada segundo
To be with you, to take advantage of every second
Secare tus lagrimas, nececito todo eso y mas
I'll dry your tears, I need all that and more

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