Yisa Yu - 成人之美 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yisa Yu - 成人之美

The Beauty of Maturity
我從來 沒缺誰欽佩
I've never lacked admiration
孑然一身 已像標籤
Being alone has become my label
早和你 自帶分隔線
There's always been a dividing line between us
I'm not stuck in that year anymore
很真實 卻更像幻覺
It's real, but it feels like a hallucination
你的喜悅 傳到耳邊
Your joy reaches my ears
不是沒 預想過這天
It's not like I haven't imagined this day
You've found your other half
再短的 天長地久 也需要人 和我交接
Even the shortest forever needs someone to hand over to
我知道沉湎 不乾不脆 害人不淺
I know dwelling is messy and harmful
歲月只是歲月 不是一廂情願
Time is just time, not wishful thinking
放誰 去追悔
Who should I blame for regrets?
天長地久 就等這次 真心和解
Forever is waiting for this genuine reconciliation
給你祝福 我才幸福 毫無懸念
Blessing you is my happiness, without a doubt
Memories are now obsolete
遺忘 是我的 成人之美
Forgetting is my beauty of maturity
笑我們 都成年幾年
It's funny, we've been adults for years
愛恨情仇 一樣不缺
We've had our share of love and hate
只是也 想獲得赦免
But I also want to be forgiven
No longer burdened
再長的 天長地久 也不夠我 為所欲為
Even the longest forever isn't enough for me to do as I please
是無福消受 不再為愛 心力交瘁
I'm not blessed to endure, no longer heartbroken for love
我能率性告別 敢活得更絕對
I can say goodbye freely, dare to live more absolutely
該向 你道謝
I should thank you
天長地久 換來這次 往別處飛
Forever has turned into flying elsewhere
何苦聊過去 總要離題 當免則免
Why dwell on the past? We always stray from the topic, best to avoid it
Loneliness is just a barrier
跨越 是我的 成人之美
Overcoming it is my beauty of maturity
Missing you is not a crime
Nothing to be ashamed of
Love or not
It's the beauty of maturity
圓滿 也殘缺
Complete yet imperfect
我從來 沒缺誰 欽佩...
I've never lacked admiration...

Writer(s): Da Wei Ge, Zi Pu Yang

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