Yiyo Sarante - Me Voy Pa La Calle - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yiyo Sarante - Me Voy Pa La Calle

Me Voy Pa La Calle
Me Voy Pa La Calle
Me Voy Pa La Calle Yiyo Sarante
I'm Going Out Tonight, Yiyo Sarante
Me compre una ropa nueva, me quite las penas me voy para la calle
I bought myself some new clothes, I'm going out tonight
Por que yo jure por Dios, que a partir de hoy no sufro por nadie
Because I swear to God, I'm not going to suffer for anyone anymore
Fue tanto lo que sufrido, pero hoy he decidió irme de tu lado
I've suffered so much, but today I've decided to leave your side
Y puedes estar seguro, que a partir de hoy ya tu eres pasado
And you can be sure that from today you're just a thing of the past
De una manera sutil igual que a un reptil tu querías verme
In a subtle way, like a reptile, you wanted to see me
Arrastrando por el suelo y con tu veneno desaparecerme
Crawling on the ground and disappearing with your poison
Promesas que me negaste, porque me libre de una maldición
Promises you denied me, because I freed myself from a curse
Ya no vengas a buscarme por que tengo a otra en mi corazón
Don't come looking for me anymore because I have someone else in my heart
Ya deje la terquedad, de pensar que tu cambiarás un día
I've stopped being stubborn, thinking that you would change one day
Yo que entero me entregaba y tan solo migajas de ti recibía
I gave you everything, and all I got back from you were crumbs
Te creías imprescindible, insustituible y me maltratabas
You thought you were indispensable, irreplaceable, and you mistreated me
Pero yo ya te olvide y por fin encontré, alguien que me ama
But I've forgotten all about you, and I've finally found someone who loves me
Hoy voy a gozar mi vida
Today I'm going to enjoy my life
Ya tu no hay más heridas, ya tu no me importas
You no longer hurt me, you no longer matter to me
Desde que salí de ti, vivo muy feliz en brazos de otra
Since I left you, I've been very happy in the arms of another
Alguien que me demostró, a fuerza de amor lo que yo valía
Someone who showed me how much I'm worth with love
Para mi no vales nada, porque destruiste lo qe yo sentía
You're worthless to me because you destroyed what I felt
Ya deje la terquedad, de pensar que tu cambiarás un día
I've stopped being stubborn, thinking that you would change one day
Yo que entero me entregaba y tan solo migajas de ti recibía
I gave you everything, and all I got back from you were crumbs
Te creías imprescindible, insustituible y me maltratabas
You thought you were indispensable, irreplaceable, and you mistreated me
Pero yo ya te olvide y por fin encontré, alguien que me ama
But I've forgotten all about you, and I've finally found someone who loves me
Pero yo ya te olvide y por fin encontré, alguien que me ama
But I've forgotten all about you, and I've finally found someone who loves me
Ya deje la terquedad, para cambiarás un día
I've stopped being stubborn, to change you one day
Hoy te tengo que olvidar, porque nunca fuiste mía
Today I have to forget you because you were never mine
Cuando yo estaba contigo, tu nunca me valorabas
When I was with you, you never valued me
Y hoy ya tengo un nuevo amor, tal como lo deseaba
And today I have a new love, just as I wished
Ya deje la terquedad, para cambiarás un día
I've stopped being stubborn, to change you one day
Hoy te tengo que olvidar, porque nunca fuiste mía
Today I have to forget you because you were never mine
Y como nunca me quisiste, de mi vida te saque
And since you never loved me, I threw you out of my life
Sigue tu con tus problemas, que yo tengo otra mujer
Carry on with your problems, I have another woman
Tu ve!!
Ya yo tengo quien me ama
I now have someone who loves me
Y ella es muy buena en la cama
And she is great in bed
Ya yo tengo quien me ama
I now have someone who loves me
Justo lo que anhelaba
Just what I wanted
Ya yo tengo quien me ama
I now have someone who loves me
Y te lo digo en la cara
And I'm telling you to your face
Ya yo tengo quien me ama
I now have someone who loves me
Ya deje la terquedad, de pensar que tu cambiarás un día
I've stopped being stubborn, thinking that you would change one day
Yo que entero me entregaba y tan solo migajas de ti recibía
I gave you everything, and all I got back from you were crumbs
Te creías imprescindible, insustituible y me maltratabas
You thought you were indispensable, irreplaceable, and you mistreated me
Pero yo ya te olvide y por fin encontré, alguien que me ama
But I've forgotten all about you, and I've finally found someone who loves me

Writer(s): Cesar David Castro Alvarez

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