Yo.Soy.Rey - Fumando Con Marcianos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yo.Soy.Rey - Fumando Con Marcianos

Fumando Con Marcianos
Smoking with Martians
Son las 12 del medio día y me levanto de la cama
It's 12 noon and I get out of bed
No porque yo quiero si no porque me llaman
Not because I want to, but because they call me
Yo trato del ignorarlo y tiran piedra ala ventana
I try to ignore it and they throw stones at the window
Me asomo y veo a neto con un bate marihuana
I look out and see Neto with a marijuana bat
Sonriendo el me dice "tú si duermes que problema"
Smiling he says, "You sleep so much, what's wrong?"
Anoche amanecí trabajando en un tema
Last night I worked on a song till dawn
Pero no hay problema aparte trajo de la buena
But it's no problem, besides he brought some of the good stuff
La que viene pegamos y fuma lento cuando quema
The one we smoke together and take it slow when it burns
Yo no protesto mi hermano venga pase adentro
I don't protest, my brother, come on in
Se sienta a enrolarlo con el cuadre de un experto
He sits down to roll it with the skill of an expert
Un bate no se prende si no se enrola perfecto
A bat can't be lit if it's not rolled perfectly
Y todavía no he fumado y los munchies ya lo siento
And I haven't even smoked yet and I can already feel the munchies
A punto de prenderlo y ambos fuimo' interrumpidos
About to light it and we're both interrupted
En la casa to' flotaba con luz blanca y mucho ruido
The house was floating with white light and a lot of noise
Me asome por la ventana, boca abierta y sorprendido
I looked out the window, mouth open and surprised
Y en el patio dos marcianos se bajaron de un platillo
And in the yard two Martians got out of a flying saucer
No cojimos esa rastrillado bajo la mesa
We didn't pick up that roach under the table
El marciano se acerco y me hablo pa' mi sorpresa
The Martian approached me and spoke to my surprise
Dijo "de lo mío te venimo' a dar respuesta"
He said, "We came to give you an answer from mine"
"Y además traemos mota pa' fumar de otro planeta"
"And we also bring some dope to smoke from another planet"
La hierba que tenían yo jamás la había visto
The herb they had I had never seen before
Rosada, transparente y fluorescente los pelitos
Pink, transparent and fluorescent hairs
La enrolo con una mano y se prendió solito
Roll it with one hand and it lit up on its own
Le di dos se la pase y cabezearon con mi disco
I took two puffs, passed it to him and they nodded to my record
El marciano a mi me dijo "eres mejor rapero vivo"
The Martian said to me, "You're the best rapper alive"
"Y por eso hoy terrícola venimos hablar contigo"
"And that's why today, Earthling, we've come to talk to you"
"Tu tienes una misión que todavía no has cumplido"
"You have a mission that you haven't fulfilled yet"
"Y es contarle a la tierra lo que hoy te ha sucedido"
"And it's to tell Earth what has happened to you today"
Me parece bien marciano pero pásame ese bate
Sounds good to me Martian, but pass me that bat
El abanico se lo fuma mientras me habla disparate
The fan smokes it while he talks nonsense to me
"Mala mía humano es que esa hoja esta candela"
"My bad, human, is that this leaf is fire"
No le pare marciano
Don't mind him, Martian
"Después" vía telepatía ellos hablan con mi mente
"After that" they talk to my mind through telepathy
Y me dijeron "no es mentira lo que te dice la gente
And they said to me, "It's not a lie what people tell you
Gobierno y religión solo oprimen continentes
Government and religion only oppress continents
Y nosotros si existimos y lo sabe el presidente
And we do exist and the president knows it
No dejes que te mienten ellos son falsos profetas
Don't let them lie to you, they are false prophets
Dios vive dentro de ti, no en doctrinas ni en iglesias
God lives within you, not in doctrines or churches
El hombre no progresa si no termina lo que empieza
Man doesn't progress if he doesn't finish what he starts
Y en la esencia de tu vida ahí se encuentra tu riqueza
And in the essence of your life there lies your wealth
Nosotros los observamos, los cuidamos y nos curamos
We observe them, we care for them and we heal ourselves
Con la estupidez infinita de muchos seres humanos
With the infinite stupidity of many human beings
Marihuana, Internet y micro chip le regalamos
Marijuana, Internet and microchip we gave him
Y en el área 5-1 esta mi primo secuestrado
And in Area 5-1 is my cousin kidnapped
El humano no nació pa' ser esclavo del estado
Man was not born to be a slave to the state
Aunque a muchos no le importa porque están acostumbrados
Although many don't care because they're used to it
Libertad no existe porque todos son gobernados
Freedom does not exist because everyone is governed
Locura es hacer lo mismo y esperar otro resultado"
Madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result"
Y así como llegaron se esfumaron pa' su nave
And just as they came they disappeared into their ship
Pero antes de ellos irse me dejaron un par de clave
But before they left they left me a couple of clues
Rappero todos los días contaminan el rap terrestre
Every day, rapper, they pollute rap on Earth
No le pare si te juzgan por hablar a extraterrestres
Don't mind him if they judge you for talking to aliens
"Maldito loco"
"Crazy bastard"

Writer(s): Reynaldo González

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