You'll Melt More! - 波がない日 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction You'll Melt More! - 波がない日

Day Without Waves
この街のすべての窓を開け放てる時を 私いつも夢見てる
I've always dreamt of opening every window in this city
アチチッチ 真夏のような日。
Burning hot summer days.
嫌気さし 声を出すわ「NO!」
I'm sick of it, I'm shouting “NO!”
波さえ なければ 向こう街が一望だ
Just without the waves, I can see the city beyond
悲しみも恋も もういい日。
Sadness and love, enough of those days.
立ち止まることに 終止符を!
Let's put an end to holding back!
てっぺんで黒髪結い しなる弓 弧を描く
On top with my black hair tied up, my bow flexible, drawing an arc
冷めて甘すぎる ミルクティ 口にするんだったら踊ろうよ
Cooling down with a milky tea that's too sweet, if I'm going to drink it, I might as well dance
もやもや 消した者勝ちよん
Wipe away the fuzziness, and you'll win
この街に住む 君たちに出会うため やってきたんだ 波がない今日に
I came to meet you who lives in this city, in this day without waves
遠くの声なんて聞かなくていい ここまでの地図 描いた私
You don't need to listen to distant voices, I've drawn the map up to this point
忘れないでね 隣にいるわ 前ばかり向かなくていいんだよ
Don't forget, I'm right beside you, you don't need to keep looking forward
When I want everything to go my way
I try to hide my feelings so I won't be called selfish
But as my honest heart disappears
I notice that there's someone who sees through my excuses
I hate that I'm becoming less angelic to others, because I want to be everyone's angel
What if my arrows are made of lead?
君はレモネード甘酸っぱいとか言うのは... 後でいいから
My dear, you can talk about how your lemonade is sweet and sour later...
Call my name now!
この街にいる 君に会いにきたのに
I came here to meet you in this city
はあ 望みなく そっぽばっか向いてる
Sigh, without hope, you keep turning your face away from me
背中に声が届かない時 追いかけることをやめてしまう
When my voice can't reach you, I'll stop chasing after you
愛も理屈も マイペースだよ 誰にも教わらなくていい
Love and logic, I'll follow my own pace, I don't need anyone to teach me
揺れる波が 消える日には 君が一歩踏み出す
When the day comes that the restless waves disappear, you'll take a step forward
揺れる波が 消える日には 私二歩目踏み出す
When the day comes that the restless waves disappear, I'll take two steps forward
水平線 穏やかで キリトリ線になりそう
The horizon is calm, like a cutting line
まっさらでもゼロじゃないと思えるのは今日だよ ここから始めよ
Even though it's pure white, it's not zero, because I believe that we can start from here
この街は高さが異なる 建物ばかりだ
This city is full of buildings of different heights
駆け上がれ 轟く雷鳴みたいな階段
Run up, up the thunderous stairs
この街のすべて壊してみたくなる なんて 私の気持ち試すのね?
I feel like destroying everything in this city, are you testing my feelings?
風なくて踊ろう 私たち ゆれるスカートは同じはず
Let's dance even without the wind, our swaying skirts should be the same
この手を握りかえせば 必ず 熱感じた 今日を忘れないで
If you hold my hand back, I'll definitely feel the warmth, don't forget today
日が暮れたら もう 波がある日
When the sun sets, it'll be a day with waves again.

Writer(s): 大星徹

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