Young Multi feat. Txnshi - Warszawa Nocą - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Young Multi feat. Txnshi - Warszawa Nocą

Warszawa Nocą
Warsaw at Night
Elevate music
Elevate music
Znowu to samo
The same thing again
Warszawa nocą, jadę przez miasto
Warsaw at night, I'm driving through the city
Nie znam syrenki lecz ruszam się żwawo
I don't know the siren but I'm moving fast
Telefon uciska mi kieszeń, dzwoni, znowu ten iPhone (halo)
My phone is squeezing my pocket, ringing, it's that iPhone again (hello)
Znowu ten słodki głos, ku pamięci ciągle sięgam
That sweet voice again, I keep reaching for memories
Nie pamiętam jej imienia
I don't remember her name
Która to znowu? Pytasz mnie, ta kolejna, ej
Which one is it again? You ask me, she's another one, hey
Napita się pyta czy lubię ją, czy może wbije na crib
She's drunk and asks if I like her, if maybe she can come over to my crib
Czy może podwiozę
If maybe I'll give her a ride
Pod klub gdzie pełno typów co chcą takie jak ona brać
To the club where there are full of guys who want to take girls like her
Trzecia w nocy, jej nie chce się spać
Three in the morning, she doesn't want to sleep
Pijana pyta czy szampan ma brać (ej)
Drunk she asks if she should get champagne (hey)
Pijana pyta czy szampan ma brać
Drunk she asks if she should get champagne
Ja już nie wiem o co chodzi jej
I don't know what she's talking about anymore
Odrzucam rozmowę, bo nie chce jej
I reject the conversation, because I don't want her
Teraz liczy dla niej się tylko seks
Now all she cares about is sex
To masz coś, źle wpływa, wyniszcza te uczucia
This is what you get, it's a bad influence, it destroys these feelings
Wydeptany jak drogi po deszczu, gdy idę w butach
Worn out like roads after the rain, when I walk in shoes
Kiedyś ona była inna, miasto źle na nią wpływa
She used to be different, the city has a bad influence on her
Wkurwia mnie to, bo nie chcę dalej tak żyć
It pisses me off because I don't want to live like this anymore
Z imprezy na imprezę i tylko liczyć kwit
From party to party and just count the cash
I tylko dupy brać, tak bez miłości być (yeah, tak bez miłości być)
And just take girls, be without love (yeah, be without love)
I been drinking, sipping on some alcoholic shit I'm in the city
I been drinking, sipping on some alcoholic shit I'm in the city
Got the cars and bags the bags are full of money
Got the cars and bags the bags are full of money
What you really want?
What you really want, baby?
You think that you really love me, yeah, yeah
You think that you really love me, yeah, yeah
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Sell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Sell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Już nie wiem czego chcę i czego ty chcesz ode mnie
I don't know what I want anymore and what you want from me
Gubię się w tym, gubię się w tym, jak małe dziecko w lesie
I'm getting lost in this, I'm getting lost in this, like a little child in the woods
Zakochałem się raz, 2k13, pamiętam
I fell in love once, 2k13, I remember
Po roku starań powiedziała do mnie sp...
After a year of trying, she told me to f...
Czasami wspominam to, dobrze pamiętasz jak było
Sometimes I remember it, you remember well how it was
Dobrze pamiętasz jaki byłem, a co teraz ze mnie wyszło
You remember well what I was like, and what has become of me now
Mój stan, to teraz wysypisko myśli, korzyści i uczuć
My state is now a landfill of thoughts, benefits and feelings
Które zalegają razem z tobą, gdy przechylasz kolejnego drina
Which remain with you, as you tilt back another drink
Jebać to, wszystko ciągle przemija, już chyba słyszałem to gdzieś
Fuck it, everything is constantly passing by, I think I've heard this somewhere before
Chcę się zmienić, ale kusi mnie, o tej porze ciągle dzwoni tel
I want to change, but I'm tempted, my phone is always ringing at this time
Drugi, trzeci, czwarty numer na raz do mnie dzwoni, pytam, "Halo, halo"
Second, third, fourth number calls me at once, I ask, "Hello, hello"
Koło się obraca, koło się obraca, znów zaczyna się to samo
The wheel is turning, the wheel is turning, it's starting all over again
Inną nie pamiętam, nie, ona mówi do mnie, "Ale kotku, gdzieś ty jest?"
I don't remember another, no, she says to me, "But baby, where are you?"
No proszę, jestem blisko, odwieź mnie
Here I am, I'm close, take me home
Gdzie Twój dotyk? Chcę go, no gdzie on jest?
Where's your touch? I want it, where is it?
I znowu to samo, i każda tak samo
And it's the same thing again, and every one is the same
I been drinking, sipping on some alcoholic shit I'm in the city
I been drinking, sipping on some alcoholic shit I'm in the city
Got the cars and bags the bags are full of money
Got the cars and bags the bags are full of money
What you really want?
What you really want?
You think that you really love me, yeah, yeah
You think that you really love me, yeah, yeah
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Sell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Sell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth
Tell the truth, yeah, tell the truth

Writer(s): Aaron Hackett, Karl Glenn Diampova, Michał Rychlik, Txnshi

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