YUKI - Watashi No Negaigoto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction YUKI - Watashi No Negaigoto

Watashi No Negaigoto
Watashi No Negaigoto
さんざん雨に打たれても 強くなりたいわ
Even if I'm drenched in rain, I want to be strong
だいたいいつも決まって びしょ濡れのままだけど
Usually, I'm always soaked to the bone
だんだんわたしは眠くなって 空を飛んでる 夢の中
Gradually, I grow sleepy and dream of flying through the sky
毎回変な怪獣に追われても 上手く逃げられない
Each time, I'm chased by a strange monster, but I can't escape
そう お似合いよ 地図を片手に右往左往して
Yes, I look ridiculous, wandering around with a map
誠実な果物だけじゃあ 大人になれないの?
Can't I become an adult with just honest intentions?
I wish ここに集まって歌う小鳥より 自由に飛びまわれ
I wish I could fly more freely than birds gathered here singing
I wish 海原滑るあの魚のように 大きく踊る
I wish I could dance as grandly as the sea-skimming fish
鏡の中で笑いころげる あの日のわたしが見える
I can see the old me laughing hysterically in the mirror
花のように咲き 花のように待つ
Blossom like a flower, and wait like a flower
That's my wish
That is my wish
正直者はバカをみない 騙すのなら騙されていたい
Honesty is no laughing matter, I'd rather be deceived than to deceive
損得勘定もけっこうだけど 義理と人情を捨てられない
Profit and loss calculations are fine, but I can't abandon loyalty and compassion
そう いつだって そばにいるだけで安らげるような
That's right, just being by your side is enough to make me feel at ease
しわだらけの笑顔で笑うような 大人になりたいわ
I want to grow into an adult who smiles with a wrinkled face
I wish 流れる時代に押し潰されない 自由を履き違えず
I wish, without being crushed by the relentless currents of the times
I wish たてがみ揺れるあの獣のように 大地に伏せる
I wish I could prostrate myself on the earth, like a beast with flowing mane
鏡の中で涙を流す あの日のわたしが見える
I can see the old me shedding tears in the mirror
波のように立ち 波のように消える
Rising like waves, and disappearing like waves
That's my wish
I wish, wish
I wish, wish
I wish, wish
I wish, wish
I wish, wish
I wish, wish
I wish
I wish
I wish 夕闇深く 高く月は昇り 光は道になる
I wish, as the twilight deepens, the moon rises high, and light becomes a path
I wish わたしは祈る 忘れてしまわぬように しるしを刻む
I wish I could pray, so as not to forget, and engrave a memento
さしだす愛を教えてくれた あなたを抱きしめていたい
I want to embrace you, who taught me about the love that should be extended
風のように柔く 風のように去る
Gentle as the wind, leaving like the wind
That's my wish
My wish
That is my wish

Writer(s): Yuki, Agree 2, yuki, agree 2

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