Yulduz Usmanova - Ona - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yulduz Usmanova - Ona

Bir to'shakda bir ko'rpada yotib yonma yon
Lying next to each other on a bed, a bridge
Uxlayabmiz ahir dema begonalarmiz,
In the end, we fall asleep as strangers
To'shagimiz zamin bo'lsa ko'rpamiz osmon,
Our bed is the ground, our blanket the sky
Yon boshlikni anglay olmagan devonalarmiz,
Fools who don't understand the emptiness,
Qondoshlikni anglolmagan Devonalarmiz Sarsonalarmiz Begonalarmiz,
Fools, distant ones, strangers who don't understand kinship
Bir qorindan tug'ulsakda
Even if we are born from the same womb
Begonadayiz Devonalarmiz yondoshlikni anglolmagan Begonalarmiz
We are strangers, distant ones, fools who don't understand kinship, strangers
Distant ones
Bir qorindan tugilsakda Devonadaymiz, Bir ildizdan ko'karganmiz
Even if we are born from the same womb, we are distant ones, grown from the same root
Muazzam olam beshigimiz
The vast universe is our cradle
Dema seqa afsonalarmiz Momo hovo onamizdur Otamiz Odam,
Don't say we are descendants of apes, our mother is Eve, our father Adam,
Qondoshlikni anglolmagan Devonalarmiz Bani bashar oshyoni shu Mitti sayyora Qo'lni qo'lga bersak go'yo Marjonalarmiz,
Fools who don't understand kinship, the human race's nest is this clay planet
Tinch va totuv yashasak
If we joined hands, as if we were corals,
Baxt topgaymiz zora
If we lived in peace and harmony,
Yolg'on so'zlab ona yig'lab yolg'ona dunyo biz,
We would truly find happiness
Devonalarmiz Qondoshlikni anglolmagan Devonalarmiz Sarsonalarmiz
Lying fools, fools who don't understand kinship, distant ones
Bir qorindan tug'ulsakda Begonadaymiz...
Even if we are born from the same womb, we are strangers...

Writer(s): Yulduz Usmanova

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