Yung Dupe - La Carta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yung Dupe - La Carta

La Carta
The Letter
Yung Dupe en el juego (toxic)
Yung Dupe in the game (toxic)
Hay cosas que quiero que sepas y
There are things I want you to know and
Es normal que yo ya me quiera ir
It's normal that I want to leave already
En todo momento estuve para ti
I was there for you at all times
Porque las cosas salieron así
Why did things turn out like this
Escribo esta carta para que sepas
I'm writing this letter so you know
Que si lloro mañana no te aparezcas
That if I cry tomorrow, don't show up
Me sentí tranquilo al tenerte cerca
I felt at peace having you near
Pero yo no sabía que mi mente afecta
But I didn't know that my mind affects
Inició la cosa buena besos y sorpresas
It all started so well, kisses and surprises
Te di to' tu lugar eras tan buena
I gave you your place, you were so good
Me creí lo del amor engañé a mi cabeza
I believed in love, I deceived my head
Y luego cambiaste ya no eras princesa
And then you changed, you were no longer a princess
Siempre estuve siempre respete
I was always there, I always respected you
Buenos días buenas noches mensajes de ley
Good morning, good night, texts by law
Pasaba por ti a la escuela para verte bien
I used to pick you up from school to see you well
Te avisaba si salía y a qué hora llegue
I let you know if I went out and what time I'd be back
Pero no te basto
But it wasn't enough for you
No se qué pasó
I don't know what happened
Pasaron los días y se complicó
Days went by and it got complicated
Me reprochabas que siempre fui yo
You reproached me for always being me
Mis amigas ya no querías que las viera
You didn't want me to see my friends anymore
Con mis amigos ni siquiera unas chelas
Not even a few beers with my buddies
Que me quedara en casa y que no saliera
You wanted me to stay home and not go out
Tu de rumba sin decirme que yo fuera
While you were out partying without telling me to come along
Paso el tiempo y ahora pides foto de donde estoy
Time passed and now you ask for pictures of where I am
Tienes celos y ahora siempre pierdes el control
You're jealous and now you always lose control
No te basta con creerme que no soy yo
It's not enough for you to believe me, I know it's not me you doubt
Y me siento tan mal porque lo di todo
And I feel so bad because I gave it my all
Pero a la mierda, next (Sh)
But fuck it, next (Sh)
Me sentí mal no lo vi no lo puedo creer
I felt bad, I didn't see it, I can't believe it
Pero ya abrí los ojos y quiero volver
But I opened my eyes and I want to go back
A quien yo era antes de tu alma conocer
To who I was before I met your soul
Poseer engañarme y no tener
To possess, to deceive me and not have
El valor de creerme cuando te dije
The courage to believe me when I told you
Que te amo y quiero poder saber
That I love you and want to know
Cómo actuar para que te sientas bien
How to act to make you feel good
Se ve que ser ese hereje que merece perecer
It seems that being that heretic who deserves to perish
Es el eje que te cede el cetme
Is the axis that gives you the submachine gun
Seré el que ves pese que tenerme cese el estrés
I will be the one you see even though having me ceases the stress
Célebre ser el ex
Celebrated to be the ex
Si mami no me llores me haces trizas
Baby, don't cry for me, you're tearing me apart
Tu sonrisa fue leal sólo tres días
Your smile was only loyal for three days
Quien diría que tanto me dolería
Who knew it would hurt me so much
Pero por fin ya me salí de esos días
But I finally got out of those days
Tengo estrés estoy ciego no lo pude ver
I'm stressed, I'm blind, I couldn't see it
Me lo dijeron y yo siempre lo negué
They told me and I always denied it
Me lo advirtieron y de ellos me alejé
They warned me and I walked away from them
Ahora me siento engañado por mi ser
Now I feel cheated by my own being
Escribo esta carta para que sepas
I'm writing this letter so you know
Que si lloro mañana no te aparezcas
That if I cry tomorrow, don't show up
Me sentí tranquilo al tenerte cerca
I felt at peace having you near
Pero no sabía que mi mente afecta
But I didn't know that my mind affects
Todo era bien ahora está tan mal
Everything was good, now it's so bad
Yo te creí porque tuvo que pasar
I believed you because it had to happen
Lloré tanto que mi cuarto es un mar
I cried so much my room is a sea
Me desespero porque yo no nadar
I despair because I don't know how to swim
Era tan fuerte pero me pusiste débil
I was so strong, but you made me weak
Estoy tan roto y mi corazón ta' heavy
I'm so broken and my heart is heavy
No pienso nada estoy frío como un reptil
I don't think anything, I'm cold as a reptile
Dije que no pasaba nada pero mentí
I said nothing happened, but I lied
Es una pena no dejarte satisfecha
It's a shame not to leave you satisfied
A mi cupido si me lanzo la flecha
Cupid shoots the arrow right at me
Tus palabras nunca fueron derechas
Your words were never straight
Espero estés feliz de toda esta mierda
I hope you're happy with all this shit
nunca te enamoraste ni quisiste nada
You never fell in love, you never wanted anything
Solo juzgaste y en mis huevos una patada
You just judged and kicked me in the balls
Jamás entendiste que yo si te amaba
You never understood that I really loved you
Y ahora en mi pecho se entierra la daga
And now the dagger is buried in my chest
Yo ya me voy pero imposible no pensarte
I'm leaving, but it's impossible not to think about you
Ver al espejo y verte reflejarte
To look in the mirror and see your reflection
Me odio tanto no puedo olvidarte
I hate myself so much, I can't forget you
Lamento tanto cuando perdí por amarte
I regret so much what I lost for loving you
Escribo esta carta para que sepas
I'm writing this letter so you know
Que si lloro mañana no te aparezcas
That if I cry tomorrow, don't show up
Me sentí tranquilo al tenerte cerca
I felt at peace having you near
Pero yo no sabía que mi mente afecta
But I didn't know that my mind affects
Escribo esta carta para que aparezcas (no)
I'm writing this letter for you to show up (no)
Para que tu sepas (no)
For you to know (no)
Ya no se quiero (buah)
I don't know anymore (buah)
Vacía mi cabeza (ey)
Empty my head (ey)
Ya no te quiero na'
I don't love you anymore
Ya no te quiero na' de na' na'
I don't love you anymore, not at all, at all
Me hiciste tanto mal
You hurt me so much
Ya no quiero llorar
I don't want to cry anymore
Yung Dupe en el juego
Yung Dupe in the game
Yung Dupe
Yung Dupe
Yo te escribí esta carta
I wrote you this letter

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