Yzomandias - Ze Dna a Zhora - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Yzomandias - Ze Dna a Zhora

Ze Dna a Zhora
From Bottom and Back
J.eden dva, jakože jeden, dva chápeš
One two, as in one two understand!
Slovák a Čech se stretli a spravili dobre
A Slovak and a Czech met and did well
Haha, jdi do píči, vole!
Haha, go to hell, man!
Nahoru dolu, jak ze dna a zhora
Up and down, like from the bottom and from above
Život je škola
Life is school
Exuju do dna
I'm bottoming out
Molly a kola
Molly and cola
Nevim, jestli ona byla fakt ona
I don't know if she was really her
Teď zase všechno odznova
Now everything starts all over again
Holla holla
Holla holla
Teprve teď budu baller
Only now will I be a baller
Jsem klidnej jak moře bez vln
I'm calm like the sea without waves
Na každý koruně najdeš trn
You'll find a thorn on every crown
Nechtěl jsem zpátky dolu
I didn't want to go back down
Ale asi je to osud
But it must be fate
Jsem klidnej jak moře bez vln
I'm calm like the sea without waves
Na každý koruně najdeš trn
You'll find a thorn on every crown
Nechtěl jsem zpátky dolu
I didn't want to go back down
Ale asi je to osud
But it must be fate
Nonstop nad sebou cejtim kosu
I feel the grim reaper above me constantly
Nonstop pracuju, nemůžu pauza
I'm constantly working, I can't pause
Nonstop, no break, no no no
Nonstop, no break, no no no
Nonstop, no break, no no no
Nonstop, no break, no no no
Jestli nás nemilovali, tak teď
If they didn't love us, they do now
Jestli nás nenáviděli, tak teď
If they hated us, they do now
Jestli nás neměli rádi, tak teď
If they didn't like us, they do now
Je to všechno naopak
It's all the opposite
A mladej vlčák je vlkodlak
And the young wolf is a werewolf
A mam rick flair drip
And I have Rick Flair drip
Sippin' on some šnyt
Sippin' on some schnapps
A mladej vlčák je vlkodlak
And the young wolf is a werewolf
Mladej vlčák vlkodlak
The young wolf a werewolf
Rick flair drip
Rick flair drip
Sippin' on some šnyt
Sippin' on some schnapps
Moje jméno je Yzomandias
My name is Yzomandias
Milion+ je rodina a chci poděkovat všem fans, který drží s náma a supportujou nás!
1M+ is the family and I want to thank all the fans, who stick with us and support us!
Díky, kurva, moc!
Thanks a lot, my dear!

Writer(s): Hasan, Yzomandias

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