ZEEBRA feat. KASHI DA HANDSOME, AI, 童子-T, 般若 - Golden Mic (remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ZEEBRA feat. KASHI DA HANDSOME, AI, 童子-T, 般若 - Golden Mic (remix)

Golden Mic (remix)
Golden Mic (remix)
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク 限られた者のみが許される
This is the legendary Golden Mic, only a select few are allowed
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク ニセモノのメッキなどすぐにハゲる
This is the legendary Golden Mic, fake plating will quickly peel off
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク 生半可な気合いじゃ潰される
This is the legendary Golden Mic, half-assed spirit will be crushed
俺ならば(What!!) 俺ならば(What!!) 俺ならば楽勝ブッ放すぞ
If it were me (What!!) If it were me (What!!) If it were me, I'd easily let loose
唸れゴールデンマイク こいつ握ればいつだって当然ハイ
Roar, Golden Mic, if I grip this, I'm always high, of course
ブチカマすぜ ヤバメな頂点ライム 守り抜くぜ 俺らのこの世界
I'm gonna slam it, the sickest summit rhymes, I'll protect our world
今日もHIPHOP調だとかHIPHOP風 なぎ倒して唸らすHIPHOP通
Today's HIPHOP style or HIPHOP-ish, I'll knock it down and make the HIPHOP connoisseurs groan
オーバーグラウンドじゃ唯一のリアルShit BAD BOY達の願望満たすDream
The only real Shit in the overground, fulfilling the desires of BAD BOYs Dream
例えばLadies 例えば車 例えばクラブでの大判振る舞い
For example, Ladies, for example, cars, for example, spending big at the club
例えば特注のチェーンとか ラグジュアリースイートはペントハウス
For example, a custom-made chain, a luxury suite is a penthouse
俺だって昔はただのファン CITTA'の裏で待ったKRS-ONE
I used to be just a fan, waiting behind CITTA' for KRS-ONE
Seriously PUBLIC ENEMY No.1 K DUB was at DMC, I was RUN
JAM MASTER JAYと遊んだ晩 絶対忘れねえ奴はハーコーThug
The night I played with JAM MASTER JAY, the one I'll never forget is the hardcore Thug
俺もジブラ・ザ・イル・スキル として無我夢中 今じゃココに居る
I, too, as ZEEBRA the ill skill, was absorbed, now I'm here
だが今だ渋谷をクルーズアラウンド 今だ聞かして回るスーパーサウンド
But I still cruise around Shibuya, still playing super sounds
今だ夜のクラブでおふざけ 朝まで若手とトップ・オブ・ザ・ヘッド
Still messing around at the club at night, top of the head with the youngsters until morning
描く青写真 夢がマスタープラン 硬く詰まった弾で狙ったGun
Drawing a blueprint, dreams are the master plan, aiming a Gun with tightly packed bullets
常にイメージするMY STAGE みんなが手挙げる先に俺が立つ
Always imagining MY STAGE, I stand at the end where everyone raises their hands
部屋の窓はさしずめ鏡がわり 一晩中向かってラップしたり
The window of the room is like a mirror, rapping towards it all night long
きっと眼中なかろう上の連中と 渡り合うチャンスあれば厳重
Maybe I'm not in the eyes of the higher-ups, if there's a chance to compete, it's strict
セキュリティ潜って上がる切れてる ガキもZEEBRAフリースタイルで受け入れてくれた
Sneaking through security and going up, ZEEBRA accepted even the cut-off kid with freestyle
あの夜あのセッション 以来8, 9, 10年振りのセッション
That night, that session, the first session in 8, 9, 10 years
今だ広がる可能性 信じ楽しもうぜこのゲームだって
The possibilities are still expanding, let's believe and enjoy this game
どうせ2日や3日じゃないぜ 磨きあげたマイクそれがゴールデンマイク
It's not just 2 or 3 days, the polished mic, that's the Golden Mic
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク 限られた者のみが許される
This is the legendary Golden Mic, only a select few are allowed
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク ニセモノのメッキなどすぐにハゲる
This is the legendary Golden Mic, fake plating will quickly peel off
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク 生半可な気合いじゃ潰される
This is the legendary Golden Mic, half-assed spirit will be crushed
YO, 俺のSTAGE(What!!)YO, 俺のTIME(What!!) 俺のNAME勝ち取るMICのGAME
YO, my STAGE (What!!) YO, my TIME (What!!) My NAME wins the MIC's GAME
No music No life 語るならBoyz & Girls もっと4 Music!! Mo VIBE! オリジナルワールド
No music No life If you're gonna talk Boyz & Girls, more 4 Music!! Mo VIBE! Original world
オリジナルA.I. 刻むビートは軽快 抱くヒートはでっかい! 更に光らすゴールデンマイク
Original A.I. The beat is light, the heat is huge! Further shine the Golden Mic
Catch the GOLDEN MIC これから先も つかんでHold it tight! Never let go
Catch the GOLDEN MIC From now on, grab it and Hold it tight! Never let go
今BAD NEWSだらけのこの時代"Hate!"理解出来ない"Waite!"このままじゃどーなんの未来
In this era full of BAD NEWS "Hate!" I can't understand "Waite!" What's gonna happen to the future
Say, Say, Say, What you gotta say Do, Do, Do, What you gotta do
Say, Say, Say, What you gotta say Do, Do, Do, What you gotta do
歌う言葉の意味 伝えたい君に ハードワークな日々... 耳塞いでちゃ無意味
The meaning of the words I sing, I want to convey to you, hard-working days... It's meaningless to cover your ears
(Please) Open yo eyes Open yo mind もっといい風に変えてこーぜこの世界
(Please) Open yo eyes Open yo mind Let's change this world for the better
誰だって可能性あるって信じたい But, そっからその先は自分次第!...Right?!!
I want to believe that everyone has potential But, from there on, it's up to you!...Right?!!
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク つかんだらもうマジ絶対離さない
This is the legendary Golden Mic, once you grab it, you'll never let go
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク 中途半端な気合いじゃ伝わらない‥Rights?
This is the legendary Golden Mic, half-assed spirit won't get through...Rights?
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク マジにならなきゃ未来は変わらない
This is the legendary Golden Mic, you gotta get serious or the future won't change
AIだったら(What!!) AIだったら(What!!) 何言われてもI'LL Sing!! I won't stop!! uh
If it were AI (What!!) If it were AI (What!!) No matter what they say I'LL Sing!! I won't stop!! uh
いい感じじゃん渡しな回しなそのマイク パス・ザ・マイクされ下手打ちゃ明日はない
It feels good, hand it over, spin that mic, pass the mic, if you screw up, there's no tomorrow
超ハイにヤバイビート乗り放題LOW RIDE ベテランドライブS-CLASSのソロマイク
Super high, unlimited riding on sick beats, LOW RIDE, veteran live S-CLASS solo mic
童に子 その後にT また成功 この遊びに
To the child, then T, success again, to this game
命削り 1, 2, 3, 4, 5MC 昔しゃ指ならしマネたSUPER RAPPIN'
Shaving life, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5MC, I used to mimic SUPER RAPPIN' with my fingers
素晴らしい文化 海越え伝わり 日本語踏んでくらわし
Wonderful culture, transmitted across the sea, stepping on Japanese and devouring it
つながりOVERしたHIP HOPシーン 一点突破したドープShit
The OVER-connected HIP HOP scene, the dope Shit that broke through one point
まさに爆破 RAKIMのようにMOVE THE CROWED いくぞ てめえ自身だぜルールは
It's an explosion, MOVE THE CROWED like RAKIM, let's go, you're the rule
今じゃデカい世界 RAPPERS DELIGHT だが簡単にゃつかめねえこのゴールデンマイク
Now it's a big world, RAPPERS DELIGHT, but you can't easily grab this Golden Mic
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク 本物の言葉で作られる
This is the legendary Golden Mic, made with real words
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク チンケなプライドは崩される
This is the legendary Golden Mic, cheap pride will crumble
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク ハッタリ フカシはすぐばれる
This is the legendary Golden Mic, bluffing and faking will be exposed immediately
俺ならば(What!!) 俺ならば(What!!) 俺ならばサッと韻はじくぞ YO
If it were me (What!!) If it were me (What!!) If it were me, I'd spit rhymes in a flash YO
ガタガタ抜かすな 道開けろ雑魚 言わずと知れた東京のカオ
Don't talk nonsense, clear the way, small fry, the face of Tokyo, as you know
どー出て来たのか知ってんだろ? 般若 妄走族だバカヤロウ
You know how I came out, right? Hannya, Mousouzoku, you idiot
例えばカチコミ 例えばFreeStyle 例えば"Dis るな"...ハァ? そりゃ無理ッスわ
For example, Kachikomi, for example, FreeStyle, for example, "Don't Dis"... Huh? That's impossible
例えば核心突くぜZEEBRA Undergroundが1番タフ
For example, I'll hit the core, ZEEBRA, Underground is the toughest
渋谷の街を生き抜く奴 おー? 取ってみ このMIC カス瞬殺
The guy who survives the streets of Shibuya, oh? Take this MIC, trash instant kill
生きて実証 ゲトーのフロー 女、子供は物論 唸らす不良
Living proof, ghetto flow, women, children, of course, make the delinquents groan
来いよ芸能界? 知らねーな え? 兄弟 引かねーわ
Come on, the entertainment world? I don't know, huh? Brothers, I won't back down
クソの影響大なら聞け日本 HITPOPじゃねぇHIPHOP
If shitty influence is big, listen Japan, it's not HITPOP, it's HIPHOP
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク 限られた者のみが許される
This is the legendary Golden Mic, only a select few are allowed
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク ニセモノのメッキなどすぐにハゲる
This is the legendary Golden Mic, fake plating will quickly peel off
これが伝説のゴールデンマイク 生半可な気合いじゃ潰される
This is the legendary Golden Mic, half-assed spirit will be crushed
俺ならば(What!!) 俺ならば(What!!) 俺ならばむこう100年離さなぇぞ
If it were me (What!!) If it were me (What!!) If it were me, I wouldn't let go for the next 100 years


ZEEBRA feat. KASHI DA HANDSOME, AI, 童子-T, 般若 - Tokyo's Finest
Tokyo's Finest
date de sortie

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