ZIAD ZAZA - BENT LAZINA - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ZIAD ZAZA - BENT LAZINA

BENT LAZINA (The Naughty Girl)
بالصلاة عالنبي انا كنت نزيه
I used to be pure, by the prayer to the Prophet.
نبدأها بالصلاة عالزين
We start it with a prayer for the beautiful ones.
الحتة البراند والحالة جميلة
The branded piece, and the state is beautiful.
انا قولت الصلاة عالزين
I said, a prayer for the beautiful ones.
بس قبل مالدنيا توديني في طريق
But before the world took me down a path,
ماكنتش فاكرها هاتديق
I didn't think it would get this tight.
كنت طاووس بتعايق بالزينه
I was a peacock, strutting with my finery.
مكنتش فايق لبنت اللاذينه
I wasn't aware of the naughty girl.
عشت يومين والدنيا ديا في ايدي
I lived a couple of days and the world was in my hands.
وكل حاجه فالايزي
And everything was easy.
جيوبي عمرانه وماشي فاتح ايدي
My pockets were full and I walked with open hands.
كل اللي جاي متطال
Everyone who came was welcomed.
طقم انهاردة غير طقم بكره ازميلي
Today's outfit is different from tomorrow's, my darling.
وخروجه ماللي هيا ازميلي
And a night out, just for you, my darling.
بس الدنيا طلعت بردو ازميلي
But the world turned out to be tricky, my darling.
ان ليلها مش زي النهار
Its night isn't like its day.
الوضع تبدل وانا حالي تبهدل وتبص للشخص مش هوا القديم
The situation changed, and my state deteriorated, and you look at the person, he's not the same.
الوش الجميل اللي كان مزهزه فلحظة بقا مليان كراميش
The beautiful face that was glowing, in a moment became full of blemishes.
ملعونة ياجلدة جبتينا ارضاً بعد اما كنت طور وسط حشيش
Damn you, gambling, you brought me to the ground after I was high in the clouds.
مهو بردو النجاسة فلاسة يازميلي دا غير الدلع اللي جبنا حضيض
Well, filth is poverty, my darling, not to mention the pampering that brought us to ruin.
فجأة ديوني كتير
Suddenly, I have many debts.
فجأة لقتني ببيع
Suddenly, she found me selling.
فجأة لقتني بزيع
Suddenly, she found me begging.
والحرام جابلي كتير
And the forbidden brought me a lot.
مشيت ورا شياطيني
I followed my demons.
وجابولي اموال بكتير
And they brought me a lot of money.
وايامي اللي قدام مني
And my days ahead of me
اسود من تربي كتير
Are darker than a crow's feathers.
ورحمة امك ياباشا تنزلني من راسك
By your mother's soul, Pasha, get me out of your head.
عرفنا انك مقطع لباسك
We know that you've torn your clothes.
وللمرشد زميلي انا ببعت رسالة
And to my fellow guide, I'm sending a message.
كنت مستني اخلاصك
I was waiting for your sincerity.
بكره هتروق وتجمعنا الجميلة
Tomorrow you'll calm down and we'll gather the beautiful ones.
القعده اللي تبقا فيها
The gathering that will be there.
ونلعب اللعبه اللي بموت فيها
And we'll play the game that I die for.
واعمل منك رقاصة
And I'll make a dancer out of you.
بالصلاة عالنبي انا كنت نزيه
I used to be pure, by the prayer to the Prophet.
نبدأها بالصلاة عالزين
We start it with a prayer for the beautiful ones.
الحتة البراند والحالة جميلة
The branded piece, and the state is beautiful.
انا قولت الصلاة عالزين
I said, a prayer for the beautiful ones.
بس قبل مالدنيا توديني في طريق
But before the world took me down a path,
ماكنتش فاكرها هاتديق
I didn't think it would get this tight.
كنت طاووس بتعايق بالزينه
I was a peacock, strutting with my finery.
مكنتش فايق لبنت اللاذينه
I wasn't aware of the naughty girl.
النجاسة فلاسة والدنيا بتديق
Filth is poverty and the world is getting tight.
ايام ماكنت نزية
Back when I was pure,
كنت اجيب الكتير وارميه واشوف غير
I would get a lot and throw it away and look for something else.
ايام ماكنت نزية
Back when I was pure.
دلوقتي قرصاني ممشياني ميري
Now my pirates are making me walk the plank.
واديني عرفت اهو زميلي
And now I know, my friend,
الايامُ دوراة وبكرة تبقا في ايدي
Days are a cycle, and tomorrow it will be in my hands.
واجيب كله عالديك
And I'll get everything on credit.
سنة ورا سنه ورا سنه وماشيين
Year after year after year and we're going.
واتاخد مني بكتير
And a lot was taken from me.
تتعاد الايام وهيا نفس المواويل
The days repeat themselves with the same old tunes.
اللي انام فيه اصبح فيه
What I sleep in, I wake up in.
سكتي يازميلي اتسنترت ع دي
Shut up, my friend, I'm stuck on this.
واللي خد عالقرش الكتير
And whoever took a lot of money,
لا يرضي بقليل ولا يحب جيبه
Doesn't settle for less, nor does he like his pocket
يفضي لو دقيقتين
To be empty for even two minutes.
حزر فزر مين اللي جاي هناك
Riddle me this, who's coming over there?
حزر فزر مين يابا تاب
Riddle me this, who, dad, repented?
ظبط الكلام ورجعت للحلال
I fixed my words and returned to what's lawful.
وقفت كله وظبطت الاداء
I stopped everything and fixed my performance.
وتلف الايام والدنيا تيجي في سؤال
And the days turn and the world comes with a question.
وتلف الدنيا وارجع للموال
And the world turns and I return to the tune.
انام الصبح وعيني وسط راسي
I sleep in the morning with my eyes wide open.
وييجي الليل اشغل الكلام
And when night comes, I turn on the words.
بالصلاة عالنبي انا كنت نزيه
I used to be pure, by the prayer to the Prophet.
نبدأها بالصلاة عالزين
We start it with a prayer for the beautiful ones.
الحتة البراند والحالة جميلة
The branded piece, and the state is beautiful.
انا قولت الصلاة عالزين
I said, a prayer for the beautiful ones.
بس قبل مالدنيا توديني في طريق
But before the world took me down a path,
ماكنتش فاكرها هاتديق
I didn't think it would get this tight.
كنت طاووس بتعايق بالزينه
I was a peacock, strutting with my finery.
مكنتش فايق لبنت اللاذينه
I wasn't aware of the naughty girl.

Writer(s): Ziad Zaza

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