ZOO feat. Jazzwoman - Cançons d'ofrena - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ZOO feat. Jazzwoman - Cançons d'ofrena

Cançons d'ofrena
Offering Songs
Era difícil suportar la pressió, les xarxes i el nou home
It was hard to bear the pressure, the networks, and the new man
Projectant un superjò
Projecting a super game
Autocrítica ferotge, fins que caiga sang al full
Fierce self-criticism, until blood falls on the page
No cabuda l'orgull en este viatge
There is no room for pride in this journey
Deconstrucció, algunes coses fan por, abandonar-se al modus vivendi
Deconstruction, some things are scary, surrendering to the modus vivendi
De l'opressor, cedir, perdre les forces, sentir-se un traïdor
Of the oppressor, to yield, to lose strength, to feel like a traitor
Sumir-se en la concòrdia, oblidar-se del dolor
To immerse oneself in harmony, to forget the pain
D'un grapat de llocs possibles ell va caure en el millor, sa casa
Of a handful of possible places, he fell into the best one, his home
Blau mar, blau cel, i vida grisa
Blue sea, blue sky, and gray life
Tan fràgil la cuirassa que tapa a l'home nu
So fragile, the armor that covers the naked man
I el vent remou la brasa, i el foc desfà l'iglú
And the wind stirs the embers, and the fire melts the igloo
Baixen costera avall els fills de la agonia
Down the slope descend the sons of agony
Les males companyies del futur
The bad company of the future
Creuen el descampat i es tomben a la via
They cross the wasteland and lie down on the track
Sabent que on sobra realitat no hi cap el glamour
Knowing that where reality overflows, glamor does not fit
Cançons d'ofrena, maten el nervis i la pena
Offering songs, killing the nerves and the sorrow
Com si no vaig a desfer el nuc
As if I'm not going to crack the nut
Visc en el misteri del poema
I live in the mystery of the poem
Tot el que vam fer va ser per tu
Everything we did was for you
Maten el nervis i la pena
They kill the nerves and the sorrow
Com si no vaig a desfer el nuc
As if I'm not going to crack the nut
Visc en el misteri del poema
I live in the mystery of the poem
Tot el que vam fer va ser per tu
Everything we did was for you
Tots sentim la pena
We all feel the sorrow
Qui no mossega, te berena
He who doesn’t bite has a snack
Sempre són diners, per això me n'ix la fera
It's always about money, that's why my beast comes out
Treballar per estudiar
Working to study
I fer allò que sempre he somiat
And to do what I always dreamed of
Ha sigut una condemna
It was a condemnation
Tots volem ser amics,
We all want to be friends
Agafar informació, travessar, manipular
Gather information, cross over, manipulate
Ací comença la traïció
Here begins the betrayal
A la leona le quité yo la melena
I took the mane from the lioness
Les llàgrimes que tira, ja no causen sensació
The tears she sheds no longer cause sensation
Quedant-me afònica
Being left speechless
Jo vull un món millor
I want a better world
Aprendre de quan caus
To learn from when you fall
La solució és l'acceptació
The solution is acceptance
Bones persones regalant-vos el seu temps
Good people giving you their time
Done les gràcies i molt d'amor a totes elles
I give thanks and lots of love to all of them
Que lluiten, que criden, que tenen poder
Those who fight, who shout, who have power
Que saps que ningú perd el dret d'aprendre
You know that no one loses the right to learn
Si no som per tots, qui em va a defendre
If we’re not for everyone, who will defend me?
Si no és per tu qui em va a entendre
If it’s not for you, who will understand me?
Cançons d'ofrena, maten el nervis i la pena
Offering songs, killing the nerves and the sorrow
Com si no vaig a desfer el nuc
As if I'm not going to crack the nut
Visc en el misteri del poema
I live in the mystery of the poem
Tot el que vam fer va ser per tu
Everything we did was for you
Maten el nervis i la pena
They kill the nerves and the sorrow
Com si no vaig a desfer el nuc
As if I'm not going to crack the nut
Visc en el misteri del poema
I live in the mystery of the poem
Tot el que vam fer va ser per tu
Everything we did was for you
A la leona le quité yo la melena
I took the mane from the lioness
Te tiro, te tiro gas, te tiro te tiro fuego
I throw you, I throw you gas, I throw you, I throw you fire
Te tiro, te tiro gas, te tiro te tiro fuego
I throw you, I throw you gas, I throw you, I throw you fire
Te tiro, te tiro gas, te tiro te tiro fuego
I throw you, I throw you gas, I throw you, I throw you fire
Ni el carma me domina, yo domino el fuego
Not even karma dominates me, I dominate the fire
Te tiro, te tiro gas, te tiro te tiro fuego
I throw you, I throw you gas, I throw you, I throw you fire
Te tiro, te tiro gas, te tiro te tiro fuego
I throw you, I throw you gas, I throw you, I throw you fire
Te tiro, te tiro gas, te tiro te tiro fuego
I throw you, I throw you gas, I throw you, I throw you fire
A la leona le quité yo la melena
I took the mane from the lioness

Writer(s): Alvaro Sanchez Dominguez, Antonio Sánchez Pardines, Carmen Aguado Borderia

ZOO feat. Jazzwoman - Cançons d'ofrena
Cançons d'ofrena
date de sortie

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