ZRINKO TUTIĆ - Ti Sutra Odlaziš - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ZRINKO TUTIĆ - Ti Sutra Odlaziš

Ti Sutra Odlaziš
You're Leaving Tomorrow
Ti sutra odlaziš
You're leaving tomorrow
Uzet' ćeš četkicu za zube
You'll take your toothbrush
Svoju zdravstvenu knjižicu i otići
Your medical records and you'll leave
Jednostavno, ugasiš svjetlo i gotovo
You'll simply turn off the light and you're done
Bože, kako sam te volio
Oh my, how I loved you
Sjećaš se, dole iza barake, u haustoru
Remember, behind the barracks, in the entryway
Na kolodvoru, u kuhinji, svašta
At the train station, in the kitchen, everywhere
Rasprostirem po glavi i okolici
I spread out over my mind and all around
Seizmološke karte starijeg djetinjstva
Seismological charts of my early childhood
I novije mape, tu si
And newer maps, you're here
I ništa te neće izbrisati
And nothing will erase you
Jer, ti imaš oči moga sina
Because, you have the eyes of my son
Najgore noge na svijetu
You have the ugliest legs in the world
I pola mog života
And half of my life
Iz "krugova bliskih vladi"
From "circles close to the government"
Saznajem da sam pokvaren
I learned that I am corrupt
Da sam egoista, da te maltretiram
That I am selfish, that I mistreat you
Da sam nemoguć, uglavnom, veseo
That I am impossible, cheerful in general
Ne znam zašto ti sve to treba
I don't know why you need all of that
Jer ti sutra odlaziš i sva si važna zbog toga
Because you're leaving tomorrow and you're all important because of it
Osjećam se kao da mi ne'ko otkida desnu ruku
I feel like someone's tearing my right arm off
Spalit' ću sve tvoje fotografije, pisma, zaostale čarape
I'll burn all your photos, letters, old socks
Promijeniti posteljinu i ručnike
I'll change the sheets and towels
Ne moraš vratiti onih trista hiljada, kuća časti
You don't have to pay back the three hundred thousand, the house is yours
Majko moja, šta je ovo
Oh my goodness, what is this
Mogao sam te satima ljubiti
I could kiss you for hours
Biti bolestan kad te nema, mogao sam te ubiti
I could be sick when you're not there, I could kill you
A sada sjedim i šutim
But now I sit and remain silent
Mjesec vrhovima jagodica miluje tvoju kosu
The moon caresses your hair with the tips of the raspberries
I treba samo uzjahati prazninu
And you only need to ride the emptiness
Između tebe i mene i tu smo
Between you and me and there we are
Sve bi se vratilo
Everything would return
Kino "Zagreb", vlaga u Bosanskoj
The "Zagreb" cinema, the moisture in Bosanska
Kišević, Brodski, Katowize sve
Kišević, Brodski, Katowize - everything
Ali šta je tu je
But what's done is done
Ti sutra odlaziš
You're leaving tomorrow
Ti si čvrsta, odlučna i pametna
You're steady, determined and smart
Ti imaš budućnost
You have a future
Tu je sve napeto i nezdravo
Everything here is tense and unhealthy
I dobro je što ideš
And it's good that you're leaving
Jer brodski konopac je presječen
Because the ship's rope has been cut
Čvor nikad ne izdrži težinu broda
The knot can never handle the weight of the ship
I uvijek pukne na istom mjestu
And it always breaks in the same place
A putovanje je dugo
And the voyage is long
Ti sutra odlaziš
You're leaving tomorrow
I tu se više ništa ne da izmijeniti
And there's nothing that can be changed
Pogledaj dobro da nešto ne zaboraviš
Be sure to not forget anything
Isključi televizor i ne plači glasno
Turn off the TV and don't cry out loud
I još nešto ostavi ključ od auta
And one more thing - leave the car keys

Writer(s): Zrinko Tutic, Dusko Mandic

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