Zabranjeno Pusenje - Dobro Dvorište - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Zabranjeno Pusenje - Dobro Dvorište

Dobro Dvorište
Dobro Dvorište
Moje dobro dvoriste, evo mene kraj tebe
My dear Good Yard, here I am before you
Kao dijete poslije bajke, k′o u zagrljaju majke
Like a child after a fairy tale, like in my mother's embrace
Ljubavi najvrelije, miris razdlije
Most ardent love, spreading the scent around
Sve je bilo tu u mom dvoristu
Everything used to be here in my Yard
Da ti kazem da te trebam, da ti kazes da se ne dam
To tell you that I need you, and that you should tell me you won't give up
Da mi vratis one dane i da proslost plane
To give me back those days and to make the past come alive
Kad sam vjerov'o u cuda i kad sam im′o muda
When I believed in miracles and had the strength
Da idem do kraja
To go all the way
Al' ja sam htio nesto vece, vijenac slave, slajpek srece
But I wanted something more, a crown of glory, a slice of happiness
Da mnogo toga ceka me s druge strane ulice
That many more things await me on the other side of the street
Al' zivot proda dobar laznjak, kasno shvatis da je kvarnjak
But life sells a good fake, you realize it's a piece of junk too late
Da dzaba cekas povratnu u igri gdje svi padaju
That you're waiting in vain for a return in a game where everyone falls
Jer tu sve nestaje i tu sve prestaje
Because here everything fades and here everything ends
Sve teske rijeci, sve politike
All the harsh words, all the politics
I kada prodje sve, evo mene kraj tebe
And when everything passes, here I am before you
I sve bi dao za jednu tekmu na male
And I would give it all for a single game on the small field
Moje dobro, dobro dvoriste
My dear, dear Yard
Moji dobri drugovi, svi kosevski duhovi
My dear friends, all the Kosevo spirits
U jutrima od sjete, duz cijele planete
In the mornings filled with sadness, across the entire planet
Mislili smo svuda stici, a nismo trebali ni ici
We thought we would find it everywhere, and we didn't need anything
Jer sve je vazda bilo tu, u nasem dobrom dvoristu
Because everything was always here, in our dear Yard
Moje dobro dvoriste, evo mene kraj tebe
My dear Good Yard, here I am before you
Da mi vratis one dane i da proslost plane
To give me back those days and to make the past come alive
Kad sam vjerov′o u cuda i kad sam im′o muda
When I believed in miracles and had the strength
Da idem do kraja
To go all the way

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