Zabranjeno Pusenje - Mozes imat moje tijelo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zabranjeno Pusenje - Mozes imat moje tijelo

Mozes imat moje tijelo
You Can Have My Body
Gdje sam rodjen tu je sve sirotinja
Where I was born, there is only poverty
Vuk je u nas domaca zivotinja
The wolf is a domestic animal there
Skrta zemlja nikoga ne hrani
The stingy land does not feed anyone
Da prezivis moras radit′ vani
In order to survive, you have to work abroad
Sljakao sam ja u tudjoj zemlji
I've been a migrant in a foreign land
Sanjao sam o voljenoj zeni
I dreamed of a loving woman
Sa arbajta kad bi dos'o doma
When I would come home from work
Gledao sam kako raste ona
I would watch her grow
Mislio sam srecu kupit′ novcem
I thought I could buy happiness with money
Sredio sam stvar sa njenim ocem
I settled things with her father
Prenesoh je preko kucnog praga
I brought her across the threshold of my house
Mislio sam da bice moja draga
I thought she would be my dear
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Rekla mi je prvo vece
She told me the first night
Rekla mi je sve
She told me everything
Mozes imat' moje tijelo
You can have my body
Ali dusu ne
But not my soul
Samo tijelo nista mi ne znaci
Just a body means nothing to me
Kraj banhofa takve mogu naci
I can find them like that near the train station
Zelio sam da me stvarno voli
I wanted her to really love me
Da joj ljubav nije aerobik
For her love not to be aerobics
Kad je sa mnom da ne skriva pogled
When she's with me, not to hide her gaze
Da ne gleda uvijek negdje pored
Not to always look somewhere else
Zagrljeni kada zora svice
When dawn breaks, embraced
Da budemo kao jedno bice
To be like one being
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Nije mogla dugo da zanese
She couldn't carry on for long
U nas nije bilo graje djece
There was no children's laughter in our home
Sporo su nam prolazili dani
The days passed slowly for us
Za veceru kad bi sjeli sami
When we would sit down to dinner alone
Razboli se, Bog je mladu uze
She fell ill, God took the young one
Pamtim vjecno njene zadnje suze
I remember her last tears forever
I saptanje ti si covjek vrijedan
And the whisper, you are a worthy man
Ali zivot, zivot, on je bijedan
But life, life, it is miserable
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

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