Zabranjeno Pusenje - Muzej Revolucije - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zabranjeno Pusenje - Muzej Revolucije

Muzej Revolucije
Museum of Revolution
Velik sam i još kvasam
I'm big and still growing
Još uvijek raste mi moja masa
My weight is still increasing
Jer strašno ego zna te lupit′
Because a huge ego can beat you
Ovdje sve se može kupit'
Everything can be bought here
Transpantir′o sam respect
I've transplanted respect
Implantir'o intelekt
Implanted intelligence
Jet set je tu na hrpi
The jet set is here in a heap
Danas ljudi nisu skupi
People are cheap these days
Velik sam i još kvasam
I'm big and still growing
Još uvijek raste mi moja masa
My weight is still increasing
A ona bi da ide
But she wants to go
Da odvede djecu, pride
To take the children and come
Pa, dobro, to se može prodat'
Well, okay, that can be sold
Mediji to vole glodat′
The media loves to chew on it
To vole gledat′ proleteri
The proletarians love to watch it
što svijet su mijenjat' htjeli
Who wanted to change the world
Proleteri, što svijet ste mijenjat′ htjeli
Proletarians, who wanted to change the world
(A mi bez čovjeka ne možemo opstat', ne možemo)
(But we can't survive without humans, we can't)
što se htjeli ljubičica bijelih
Who wanted to be white violets
(A mi bez čovjeka ne možemo opstat′, ne možemo)
(But we can't survive without humans, we can't)
Proleteri, što svijet ste mijenjat' htjeli
Proletarians, who wanted to change the world
Ako niste za moje solucije
If you're not for my solutions
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you
Jer velik sam i svi ste sića
Because I'm big and you're all small
U principu ste niža bića
Basically, you're inferior beings
Kad si tako pametan što nemaš
When you're so smart, why don't you have
Par miliona eurića
A couple million euros
Transpantir′o sam respect
I've transplanted respect
Implantir'o intelekt
Implanted intelligence
Jet set je tu na hrpi
The jet set is here in a heap
Danas ljudi nisu skupi
People are cheap these days
Kako sam velik, kako me vozi
How big I am, how it drives me
Počasni vod i puške k nozi
Honorary escort and rifles at the ready
U mene i alternativi se
Even in me and the alternatives
Sređuju papiri
Papers are being arranged
A ona bi da ide
But she wants to go
Da odvede djecu, pride
To take the children and come
Pa, dobro, to se more prodat'
Well, okay, that can be sold
Mediji to vole glodat′
The media loves to chew on it
To vole gledat′ proleteri
The proletarians love to watch it
što svijet su mijenjat' htjeli
Who wanted to change the world
Proleteri, što svijet ste mijenjat′ htjeli
Proletarians, who wanted to change the world
(A mi bez čovjeka ne možemo opstat', ne možemo)
(But we can't survive without humans, we can't)
što se htjeli ljubičica bijelih
Who wanted to be white violets
(A mi bez čovjeka ne možemo opstat′, ne možemo)
(But we can't survive without humans, we can't)
Proleteri, što svijet ste mijenjat' htjeli
Proletarians, who wanted to change the world
Ako niste za moje solucije
If you're not for my solutions
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you
Al′ nikad nisam skont'o
But I never figured out
šta je mislio onaj pjevac drogeraš
What that drug-addicted singer meant
što je pjev'o da je sloboda
Who sang that freedom is
Kada ništa nemaš
When you have nothing
Proleteri, što svijet ste mijenjat′ htjeli
Proletarians, who wanted to change the world
što se htjeli ljubičica bijelih
Who wanted to be white violets
Proleteri, što svijet ste mijenjat′ htjeli
Proletarians, who wanted to change the world
Ako niste za moje solucije
If you're not for my solutions
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you
Eno vam Muzej revolucije
There's the Museum of Revolution for you

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