Zaiko & Nuco - Juegas y Luego Te Vas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Zaiko & Nuco - Juegas y Luego Te Vas

Juegas y Luego Te Vas
You Play and Then You Leave
Otra ves tome una botella
I took another bottle
No puedo parar el llanto
I can't stop crying
Es un cáncer que crece más por ella
It's a cancer that grows more because of her
Por haberme entregado a amarla tanto
For having given myself to love her so much
Juegas y luego te vas
You play and then you leave
Desapareces como estrella fugaz
You disappear like a shooting star
Si ya no volviste jamás
If you never came back
Te arrepentirás
You'll regret it
Y te quedaras con nada
And you'll be left with nothing
De nada sirvio que entregara mi amor
It was no use for me to give my love
Si no supiste corresponderme
If you couldn't reciprocate
Me llenaste de odio y dolor
You filled me with hatred and pain
Hoy lo siento ya no volveras a tenerme
Today I feel sorry, you will never have me again
Resultaste ser una cualquiera
You turned out to be a nobody
Me engañaste y faltaste al respeto
You cheated on me and disrespected me
Quisiera que el hubiera existiera
I wish there was an afterlife
Y no haber sido solo un objeto
And to have not been just an object
Se que me utilizaste peor que un juguete
I know you used me worse than a toy
Y no me daba cuenta
And I didn't realize it
Gaste todo mi tiempo
I wasted all my time
Y mi corazón tonto solo se lamenta
And my foolish heart only regrets
Me ofendiste mil veces y te perdone
You offended me a thousand times and I forgave you
Por que en realidad si te queria
Because I really did love you
Pero no imagine lo mala que eras
But I didn't imagine how bad you were
Y contigo perderia
And I would lose with you
Fuiste mala por que te di la confianza
You were bad because I gave you my trust
Me jugaste chueco
You played me crooked
Y no te importo nuestra infancia
And you didn't care about our childhood
Desde pequeños el amor que fue creciendo
The love that grew since we were little
Lo mandaste al carajo
You threw it in the trash
Por eso es que estoy sufriendo
That's why I'm suffering
Estaba tan cegado
I was so blinded
Creyendo que tu me amabas
Believing that you loved me
Y todo era mentira
And it was all a lie
Pues con otro me engañabas
Because you were cheating on me with someone else
Espero y no te arrepientas
I hope you don't regret
De las cosas que me has hecho
The things you've done to me
Si te arrepientes
If you regret it
No me busques ya no hay techo
Don't look for me, there is no shelter anymore
Otra ves tome una botella
I took another bottle
No puedo parar el llanto
I can't stop crying
Es un cáncer que crece más por ella
It's a cancer that grows more because of her
Por haberme entregado a amarla tanto
For having given myself to love her so much
Juegas y luego te vas
You play and then you leave
Desapareces como estrella fugaz
You disappear like a shooting star
Si ya no volviste jamás
If you never came back
Te arrepentirás
You'll regret it
Y te quedaras con nada
And you'll be left with nothing
Llegas y te vas como el verano
You come and go like summer
Llega el otoño y cae mi última hoja
Autumn comes and my last leaf falls
He abierto los ojos temprano
I've opened my eyes early
Aunque de llorar mi mirada esta roja
Even though my eyes are red from crying
Todo lo que hacias era un engaño
Everything you did was a lie
Y hoy te vas
And today you're leaving
Y yo siempre tendia mi mano
And I always held out my hand
Ya no más
No more
Esta fue la gota que derramo el vaso
This was the straw that broke the camel's back
Para que seguir luchando si ya no tiene caso
What's the point of fighting if it's not worth it anymore
Tragandome tus mentiras durante todo este lapso
Swallowing your lies throughout this whole time
Eras perfecta pa mentir actriz te mereces aplausos
You were perfect at lying, you deserve applause as an actress
Despertaste en mi rencor y tanta ira
You awakened in me resentment and so much anger
Diria que te deseo el bien pero como tu mentiria
I would say I wish you well, but like you, I would be lying
Por que no somos iguales yo jamas lo haria
Because we are not the same, I would never do that
Enamorar a una persona que despues lastimaria
To fall in love with a person who would later hurt her
No me di cuenta eras princesa de fantasia
I didn't realize you were a princess of fantasy
Me dolia verte distante pelear y sentirte fria
It pained me to see you distant, fighting, and feeling cold
Fui un tonto tanto que me lo decian
I was a fool, so much that they told me
te quedaras con nada te vas a quedar vacia
You will be left with nothing, you will be left empty
Otra ves tome una botella
I took another bottle
No puedo parar el llanto
I can't stop crying
Es un cancer que crece más por ella
It's a cancer that grows more because of her
Por haberme entregado a amarla tanto
For having given myself to love her so much
Juegas y luego te vas
You play and then you leave
Desapareces como estrella fugaz
You disappear like a shooting star
Si ya no volviste jamas
If you never came back
Te arrepentiras
You will regret it
Y te quedaras con nada
And you'll be left with nothing

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