Zazo - Un che cont - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zazo - Un che cont

Un che cont
One who counts
We bellè
Well, baby
Fra n'è fantascienz no
Bro, it's not fantasy, no
Fra n'è fantascienz uh
Bro, it's not fantasy, uh
Fra n'è fantascienz no no
Bro, it's not fantasy, no, no
Eij Capi fratè
Hey, Capi, bro
Chell che dic over o pens
What I say or what I think
Chell c'agg fatt po dij c pens
What I did, then you think about it
Chell che faij tu ij nun c pens
What you do, I don't think about it
Stapp stu champagn
Pop this champagne
Chiur stata cann
It was quiet, now it's loud
A chell fall o bagn
To those who make it or break it
Che a chellat mo ma magn
That on her I eat, but I eat
Sott o riflettor
Under the spotlight
Ma ij song intenditor
But I'm a connoisseur
Fra mano lest
Bro, quick hands
P me ten na terz
Hold a third for me
Fra vir a chest
Bro, look at this guy
M'ha ritt diviet e sost
He told me it's forbidden and then he insisted
Acchiapp o nnammurat
He catches the one in love
E l chier quant cost
And asks how much it costs
Niscun m ten test
No one tests me
Song l'anim e ogni fest
I'm the soul of every party
Si m vuò lassà a per
If you want to leave me lost
Mea fa sul l'alcool test
My only test is alcohol
E sord che speng fra
And money I spend, bro
Manc me cont
I don't even count
A drog rind e ven fra
Drugs in the veins, bro
Manc s cont
I don't even count
E chell che dicn
And what they say
Nun teng cont
I don't care
Hai capit buon fra
Got it, good bro?
Song un che cont
I'm one who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Si frat a me song Un che cont
Yes, bro, to me, I'm one who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Frat a me cummann ij
Bro, I give the orders
E ij Nun facc scont
And I don't give discounts
Pigli appunt
Take notes
Famm nu riassunt
Give me a summary
Chist fra
This guy, bro
M'azzecc e pont
He gets close to the point
Molto intelligente
Very intelligent
Ma Nun s'impegn
But doesn't commit
Molto bello
Very handsome
Ma par e legn
But seems like wood
Bell e n'abball
Good looking and dances
M par e pall
Seems like a ball to me
Chill che contn
Those who count
Over s contn
Or those who are counted
Ngopp e pont
On the bridge
Re det tu staij
King, where are you?
A per
Ric' ca n'è over
Remember there's more
Ma Chi t ver
But who sees you
Nun t crer
Doesn't believe you
Hai sbagliat mestier
You chose the wrong profession
Nun si over
You're not more
E val zer
And you're worth zero
Statt a cas staser
Stay home tonight
Facc over
I'll do more
T facc chiù ner
I'll make you blacker
Ra mezzanott
At midnight
Hai pers sta lott
You lost this battle
I'm leaving
Nisciun t penz
No one thinks of you
Senza speranz
Without hope
Lievt a nanz
Take it forward
O cazz Co rap
Damn, with rap
M'aizz e palazz
I rise to the palace
Champagne e cavial
Champagne and caviar
Ngopp e terrazz
On the terrace
Nun t lass sta
I won't leave you here
Manc po cazz
Not even for shit
Hai pescat
You fished out
A carta sbagliat
The wrong card
RA rind a stu mazz
From this deck
E sord che speng fra
And money I spend, bro
Manc me cont
I don't even count
A drog rind e ven fra
Drugs in the veins, bro
Manc s cont
I don't even count
E chell che dicn
And what they say
Nun teng cont
I don't care
Hai capit buon fra
Got it, good bro?
Song un che cont
I'm one who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Si frat a me song Un che cont
Yes, bro, to me, I'm one who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Frat a me cummann ij
Bro, I give the orders
E ij Nun facc scont
And I don't give discounts
Si fratè so na superstar
Yes, bro, I'm a superstar
Chi sgarr cu me nun po' maij apparà
Whoever messes with me can never show up again
Statt accort nun sbaglià a parlà
Be careful, don't make a mistake when you talk
Ca t facc e scarp e po t vott a mar
Because I'll make you disappear and then throw you to the sea
Si fratè song o big boss
Yes, bro, I'm the big boss
E Quann c stong ij sta semp t'appost
And when I'm there, I'm always behind you
Si fratè famos a ogni cost
Yes, bro, famous at any cost
Si voglj na cos mene fott e quant cost
If I want something, bring it to me and tell me how much it costs
Rolex ngopp o racc
Rolex on my wrist
Chin r'or pur nfacc
With pure gold on my face
Chin e cicatric
With scars
Ma nisciun ma tocc a facc
But no one touches my face
Senza tatuagg
Without tattoos
Senza scritt nfacc
Without writing on my face
Pecchè e rovinà
Because to ruin
Nu capolavor nun teng o curagg
A masterpiece I don't have the courage
È Nu patrimonij
It's a heritage
Si m guard le
If you look at me
Sbatt o cor
Your heart beats
Si ma tuocc cu nu rit fra
If you touch me with a finger, bro
Ij nun perdon
I don't forgive
Cu ess nfacc o mur
With this face, a wall
E a vist ca s'appann
And you see that they're panicking
Tant ca sto tuccann
So much that I'm touching
A sto scannerizzann
I'm scanning
E sord che speng fra
And money I spend, bro
Manc me cont
I don't even count
A drog rind e ven fra
Drugs in the veins, bro
Manc s cont
I don't even count
E chell che dicn
And what they say
Nun teng cont
I don't care
Hai capit buon fra
Got it, good bro?
Song un che cont
I'm one who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Si frat a me song Un che cont
Yes, bro, to me, I'm one who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Frat a me cummann ij
Bro, I give the orders
E ij Nun facc scont
And I don't give discounts
Song o meglij
I'm the best
Song o chiù brillant
I'm the brightest
Venc diec e zer contr e diamant
I beat ten to zero against a diamond
Fra s'è fatt a fil
Bro, he made himself
Na schier r'amant
A line of lovers
Ma a realtà nun mene fott Chiù e tant
But the reality doesn't give a damn about me anymore
Si fratè si m Saij a rot
Yes, bro, if you know I'm broken
Bev nata vot
I drink eight times
Natu rum e coc
I was born rum and coke
Teng o cul e chest annanz
I have the ass and this, look
Quann è dopp rind o liett
When she's on top in the bed
A veng mmocc e ngopp a panz
She comes moaning on my stomach
Rall'orient all'occident
From east to west
Contr a me nun ponn nient
Against me they can't do anything
Diamant ngopp e dient
Diamond on my teeth
Ma ij sorrid a stient
But I hardly smile
Tutt chesta gent
All these people
Vicin a me nun song nient
Near me are nothing
Teng a cap ca va a vient
I have a head that goes with the wind
Nun c sto capenn nient
I don't understand anything
Ma nun m vott nderr
But don't throw me away
Manc o fumm rind e ven
Not even the smoke in my veins
P scagn stong allert
To change, I'm alert
Fratellì t vec a stient
Little brother, I barely see you
Nun sacc si sto fatt
I don't know if I'm high
O è pecchè nun cunt nient
Or is it because you don't matter
E sord che speng fra
And money I spend, bro
Manc me cont
I don't even count
A drog rind e ven fra
Drugs in the veins, bro
Manc s cont
I don't even count
E chell che dicn
And what they say
Nun teng cont
I don't care
Hai capit buon fra
Got it, good bro?
Song un che cont
I'm one who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Si frat a me song Un che cont
Yes, bro, to me, I'm one who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Un che cont
One who counts
Frat a me cummann ij
Bro, I give the orders
E ij Nun facc scont
And I don't give discounts

Writer(s): Francesco Zazo

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