Zedbazi - Kal Kal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zedbazi - Kal Kal

Kal Kal
Kal Kal
خوب گوش کن زد بازی ... ز ز زد
Listen closely, Zedbazi... Z for Zed
خشن ترین اهنگی که تا حالا شنیدی
The most violent song you've ever heard
پس گوش کن تا حفظ شی
So listen up and memorize it
توی شاهنامه همچین ک* ش*ری پیدا نمی کنی
You won't find such a f*cking mess even in Shahnameh
Damn it
ورس 1 (ام جی):
Verse 1 (MJ):
واسه يه گلوله حيفي...
You're too good for just one bullet...
نداره عيبي...
No problem...
ميزنم بت با تريلي داره چه كيفي...
I'll hit you with a truck, how fun is that...
مي برم با قيچي و مي خورمت با چه ميلي...
I'll cut you with scissors and eat you with such pleasure...
شاخات كه شكلاتن تو چاقال آخه كيكي...
Your horns are just chocolate, you jackal, you're just a cake...
من خيلي واسه كشتن پايم...
I'm so down to kill...
صد نفر رو بيار ت*مم خ*یم...
Bring a hundred people, I'll f*ck them all...
هر كي كه غوله واسه ي ما موشه...
Anyone who's a monster is a mouse to us...
پس مورچه يه گوشه بشين تو مثه جوجه...
So sit in a corner, ant, you're like a chick...
ندو توي كوچه خونه خيلي دوره...
Don't run in the alley, home is far away...
نگاه كن به كو*ت چون يه خمپاره توشه...
Look at your a*s, 'cause there's a mortar in it...
دارم واسه ي تو چك چونه يك دونه ميزنم تو صورتت چك يه مشت تو فكت... سگ توله
I'm writing you a check, chin, I'll punch you in the face, a fist to your jaw... you puppy
بريزه هر چي دندونت...
All your teeth will fall out...
تو فقط هستي يه آفت يه لجن كثافت... ريدم به قيافت.
You're just a pest, a filthy piece of scum... I sh*t on your face.
چون كردي جسارت بدشم تو كارم دخالت
Because you dared to interfere in my business
حالا بايد بدي خسارت...
Now you have to pay the price...
ورس 2 (ویلسون):
Verse 2 (Wilson):
ميگن شده تا حالا از اين جنگا چند جا...
They say there have been wars in several places...
كه هرجا هست صحبت درد و رنجا...
Where there's talk of pain and suffering...
گلوله ها شليك ميشن پنج تا پنج تا...
Bullets are fired five by five...
مرگ و زندگي مي شه پنجاه پنجاه...
Death and life become fifty-fifty...
وقتي من ميام ندين برپا بر جا...
When I come, don't stand up...
معلم نيستم كه بدم درس و جنجال...
I'm not a teacher to give lessons and cause trouble...
وقتي نمي تونين بدين حرفو انجام...
When you can't follow through...
مجبور ميشم برم كلنجار سرانجام...
I'm forced to go and settle things...
مي پرسين ويلي كيه؟...مست و زاخاره...
You ask who Willy is?... Drunk and wasted...
مثه همه ي شماها دست و پا داره...
Like all of you, he has hands and feet...
متولد خرداد شصت و چهاره...
Born in June '84...
مي گرده دنبال توي پست و آواره...
Looking for you, lost and homeless...
نمي توني در بري تو دشت و صحرا...
You can't escape in the plains and deserts...
حتي اگه بري از دشت دريا...
Even if you go through the sea...
مثه 888 تا هشت پا...
Like 888 octopuses...
مي پيچيم به پر و بات بريزه اشكات...
We'll wrap around you and make you cry...
شب بخواب هر جا تا فردا چون فردا مي خوان بيان بقيه افراد...
Sleep wherever you want tonight, because tomorrow the rest of the guys are coming...
ببندن دستمال دوره دستات...
To tie a handkerchief around your hands...
تو امواج سنگسار سيصد بار...
In the waves of stoning, three hundred times...
زد بازي زد بازي... توي اين بازي برده زد بازي...
Zedbazi, Zedbazi... Zedbazi won this game...
تو مي رسي به ت*م زد بازي... هر وقت اينجوري جمله بسازي...
You'll get f*cked by Zedbazi... whenever you make a sentence like this...
زد بازي زد بازي... توي اين بازي برده زد بازي...
Zedbazi, Zedbazi... Zedbazi won this game...
نمي رسين به ت*م زد بازي... زد بازي... زد بازي...
You won't get to f*ck Zedbazi... Zedbazi... Zedbazi...
ورس 3 (مهراد هيدن):
Verse 3 (Mehrad Hidan):
ميام آهسته سراغت از پشت با چكش...
I'll come slowly from behind with a hammer...
ماجرا ميشه مثه پشه و مگس كش...
The story becomes like a mosquito and a fly swatter...
بعدش صبر نمي كنم ميدم فحش...
Then I won't wait, I'll curse...
مي زنم يه مشت با يه پنجه بكس درشت...
I'll throw a punch with a big knuckle duster...
درست حدس زدي من هيدن هستم همون كه خستم...
You guessed right, I'm Hidan, the one who's tired...
هميشه مستم... همه وقت پايه ي دعواها هستم.
Always drunk... always up for a fight.
قلبتونو شكستم... چفت دهن تك تكتونو بستم...
I broke your hearts... I shut all your mouths...
اگه دنبالت بوديم برو خودتو چنگ بزن...
If we were after you, go scratch yourself...
برو توي اتاقت و بشين عر بزن...
Go to your room and sit and cry...
تلفنو بردار و به دوستات زنگ بزن...
Pick up the phone and call your friends...
دنبال راه فرار تا صبح فك بزن...
Think about escape routes until morning...
ورس 4 (ویلسون):
Verse 4 (Wilson):
كاري ندارم به اسمت ، كارت...
I don't care about your name, your job...
هر جا بري پا مي شم ميام به استقبالت...
Wherever you go, I'll get up and come meet you...
دفتر خونه ها كه چه ترسون... همه شون رفتن تو لونه ها مثه پنگوئن...
The notaries are so scared... they all went into their nests like penguins...
اين آهنگ هست توي ضبطت... وقت كار و بيكاري...
This song is on your stereo... when you work and when you're idle...
به فكر مايي هميشه ، وقتي خواب و بيداري...
You're always thinking of us, when you're asleep and awake...
شاخ و ميزاري... بازم آهنگ ما رو ميزاري...
You show off... you still play our song...
كه بتوني راه بندازي تو به داد و بيدادي...
So you can get yourself into trouble...
پل (هیدن):
Bridge (Hidan):
هر كي كه با ما كل كل كرده ترسيده... ت*ماش به گلوش چسبيده...
Whoever messed with us is scared... their d*ck is stuck in their throat...
چون توي خونه اش شب ديده... تصويره... مردي كه...
Because they saw in their house at night... the image... of a man who...
توي دست راستش شمشيره... اون يكي دستش هفت تيره...
Has a sword in his right hand... a seven-shooter in the other hand...
خواسته بكشتش پستي كه... تو هم بپا اون شب نزديكه...
Wanted to kill him sneakily... you better watch out, that night is near...
ورس 6 (ام.جي):
Verse 6 (MJ):
تو چقدر ک*كلكي... ما مشتركي ... فكر كردي ميديم فحش الكي؟...
You're such a fake... we're connected... did you think we were just cursing randomly?...
يك، دو، سه، چهار ميشمرم در رو يه جا...
One, two, three, four, I'll count to the door somewhere...
چون مي خوام با خنجر بكنمتون پنچر...
Because I want to puncture you with a dagger...
پس تو بمون همون توي سنگر...
So you stay in your bunker...
من شيرم و تو مثه آهوي جنگل...
I'm a lion and you're like a deer in the jungle...
شاخ نشو برام بچه تو...
Don't mess with me, kid...
در ميارم از جيبم الان پنجه بكس...
I'm taking out my knuckle duster right now...
داريم تيغ و سرنگ...
We have blades and syringes...
داريم تير و تفنگ...
We have bullets and guns...
داريم بيل و كلنگ...
We have shovels and pickaxes...
داريم... بلند...
We have... loud...
پس بيا يه ک * ن تنگ... بيا يه دونه سنگ...
So come give a tight f*ck... come with a rock...
خاكت كنيم توي ميدون جنگ...
We'll bury you in the battlefield...
ورس 7 (هيدن):
Verse 7 (Hidan):
زد بازي... يه كله تو دماغت تا كه بشم راضي...
Zedbazi... a headbutt in your nose until I'm satisfied...
سعي نكن هيچ وقت ببريمون پيش قاضي...
Never try to take us to the judge...
چون كه توي اين بازي زد بازي اين تويي كه مي بازي زد بازي...
Because in this game, Zedbazi, you're the one who loses, Zedbazi...
اگه بهت چيزي ميگم بايد بگي چشم...
If I tell you something, you have to say yes...
رابطه ي بسيار صميمانه دارم با خشم...
I have a very close relationship with anger...
پخشت مي كنم روي زمين مثله كود... خيلي زود... بدرود... تا روز موعود...
I'll smash you on the ground like fertilizer... very soon... goodbye... until the promised day...
ميتونين بگين هيدن مريضه...
You can say Hidan is sick...
مي زنمتون از رو غريزه...
I'll hit you out of instinct...
يه كارايي مي كنم پشماتون بريزه ه ه ه...
I'll do things that will make your hair fall out hahaha...
اوترو (هیدن):
Outro (Hidan):
خوب گوش کردی
Did you listen carefully?
دوباره گوش کن
Listen again
ام جی
زد بازی
Fuck you...
F*ck you...
ههههه ههههه ههههه
Hahaha hahaha hahaha
دوباره گوش کن بزن اول
Listen again, start from the beginning
مگه نمیگم بزن اول؟!
Didn't I tell you to start from the beginning?!

Writer(s): Mehrad Mostowfi, Saman Rezapour, Sohrab Mostafavi

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