Zenit - Producto Infinito - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zenit - Producto Infinito

Producto Infinito
Infinite Product
No pretendas apuntarte parte de mis tantos,
Don't pretend to sign up for part of my many,
No pretendas apuntarte parte de mis exitos,
Don't pretend to sign up for part of my successes,
No pretendas obtener de mi ser nunca llantos,
Don't pretend to get from my being never cries,
No pretendas obtener respeto de mis sequitos,
Don't pretend to get respect from my sequitos,
No pretendas nunca recibir mi saludo,
Don't ever pretend to receive my greeting,
No pretendas nunca sentir lo que yo siento,
Don't ever pretend to feel what I feel,
No pretendas coseguir lo que Zenit pudo,
Don't pretend to follow what Zenit could,
Y no pretendas logrr que alguien ocupe mi asiento,
And don't pretend to get someone to take my seat,
Que en la cima del hip hop solo hay sitio para el que quiso,
That at the top of hip hop there is only room for the one who wanted,
Tener bajo sus pies el suelo que solo yo piso,
To have under his feet the ground that only I tread,
He llegao primero asi que atiende a mis avisos,
I've arrived first so take care of my notices,
Son mas lentos tus relevos que mis 100 metros lisos,
Your relay is slower than my 100 meters.,
En llegar a la meta que es la unica manera de ganar trofeo,
In reaching the goal that is the only way to win trophy,
Y estar continuamente en el podium de este torneo,
And to be continuously on the podium of this tournament,
Todo ha salido bien por lo que veo,
Everything has gone well as far as I see,
Ya ves que con mi rap en estudio tambien peleo,
You see that with my rap in the studio I also fight,
Asi que si te gusta escuchar todo lo que he escrito,
So if you like to listen to everything I've written,
Y hasta el nombre del disco te parece bonito,
And even the name of the album seems nice to you,
Para que se cumpla el tiutlo solo un requisito...
In order for the tiutlo to be fulfilled, there is only one requirement...
Cuando acabe ponlo otra vez es producto infinito.
When I finish playing it again, it's an infinite product.
Producto infinito, el resultado
Infinite product, the result
Producto infinito, esta escrito
Infinite product, it is written
Producto infinito esto no ha acabado
Infinite product this is not over
Es Producto infinito, es Producto infinito.
It's an infinite product, it's an infinite Product.
Destructor de egos,
Destroyer of egos,
Cobrador de pagos,
Payment collector,
Cirujano milagroso que hace ver a los ciegos,
Miraculous surgeon who makes the blind see,
Monstruo de lagos,
Monster of Lakes,
Receptor de ruegos,
Receiver of pleas,
Hacedor de pogos,
Maker of pogos,
En garitos cuyos logos,
In casinos whose logos,
Adheridos quedan luego,
Attached are then,
En la memoria de todos por mis logros,
In the memory of all for my achievements,
Tumbador de ogros,
Ogre tumbler,
Revelador de los trucos de los malos magos,
Revealing the tricks of the bad magicians,
Coagulo obturador de los riegos,
Coagulo obturador de los riegos,
De cerebros de vagos,
From the brains of bums,
Coleccionista oficial de ligues,
Official collector of hookups,
Ganador de ligas,
League winner,
Lamedor de pliegues,
Crease licker,
Hermano blanco de un monton de niggas,
White brother of a lot of niggas,
Que rebañas mis migas,
That you slice my crumbs,
Como la cigarra envidias lo que el trabajo del dia a dia,
Like the cicada you envy what the day-to-day work,
Dio a mis hormigas
He gave to my ants
No niegues,
Don't deny,
Que como con el micro flojo pegues,
That as with the lazy mic you stick,
Sera normal que tu vida en mis manos entregues,
It will be normal that your life in my hands you give,
Y a conocer no llegues,
And to know do not arrive,
Nunca al ver tu cara en un espejo las arrugas,
Never when you see your face in a mirror the wrinkles,
Te coman siendo joven los gusanos como a espigas,
When you are young, the worms will eat you like ears of corn,
Las orugas,
The caterpillars,
Y mueras en la lucha contra el Hombre Don si te pide que sigas,
And die in the fight against the Don Man if he asks you to follow,
Porque te asustas y del miedo que sientes,
Because you're scared and of the fear you feel,
Acojonado en tu rincon te castigas,
Scared in your corner you punish yourself,
Producto infinito, el resultado
Infinite product, the result
Producto infinito, esta escrito
Infinite product, it is written
Producto infinito esto no ha acabado
Infinite product this is not over
Es Producto infinito, es Producto infinito.
It's an infinite product, it's an infinite Product.
Batallas macabras,
Macabre battles,
Derrotas labras,
Defeats labras,
Imposible sera para ti que las puertas del respeto con,
It will be impossible for you that the doors of respect with,
Faltas de respeto abras,
Lack of respect abras,
Escritas por otro al que le sobran,
Written by someone else who has left over,
You steal,
Cuando las tierras mis palas abran,
When the lands my shovels open,
Tus trampas las sabran
Your traps will know
Que en el monte sobran cabras
That there are plenty of goats on the mountain
Viejas bobas en manada,
Old fools in a pack,
Que estropean de arte obras,
That spoil works of art,
Con absurdas palabras,
With absurd words,
Que dañan cual collejas o tobas... nada,
They hurt like dogs or dogs... Nothing,
Que piedras podran,
What stones can,
A los que estorban pues cobran,
To those who are in the way because they charge,
De los que al atacar hinchan el cuello como cobras,
Of those who when attacking swell the neck like cobras,
Que piraguas ebrias,
What drunken canoes,
Nunca venceran en abordajes a fragatas sobrias,
They will never beat sober frigates in boarding,
Resistentes a zozobras,
Resistant to capsizing,
Que te eclipsan mis sombras,
That my shadows overshadow you,
Que te digo que sobras,
That I tell you that you have leftovers,
Tu seras mis alfombras,
You will be my carpets,
Y nunca joderas mis maniobras,
And you'll never fuck up my maneuvers,
Est:(x4)Producto infinito, el resultado
Est: (x4)Infinite product, the result
Producto infinito, esta escrito
Infinite product, it is written
Producto infinito esto no ha acabado
Infinite product this is not over
Es Producto infinito, es Producto infinito.
It's an infinite product, it's an infinite Product.

Writer(s): Franklin Tshimini Nsombolay, Juan Gonzalez Moreno

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