Roces con aquellos que se enfrentan porque estar donde el se encuentra ellos no estan arriba en lo mas alto del sonido con el ke ellos no sueñan porque ni en sueños lo alcanzan
Friction with those who face each other because being where he is, they are not at the top of the sound with which they do not dream because not even in dreams they reach it
Que los exitos cuestan sangre, sudor y lagrimas
Success costs blood, sweat and tears
Y sin tener un plan perfecto los problemas empiezan si surgen los enfrentamientos
And without having a perfect plan, problems begin if confrontations arise
Con el hombre delante de cuyo nombre
With the man in front of whose name
Van en calendarios algun dia a poner san
They are going to put "saint" on calendars someday
Miedo me dan, que con dios ya le comparan, en la radio ya le escuchan y en la tele le veran
I'm afraid that they already compare him to God, on the radio they already listen to him and on TV they will see him
Recuerden ke con su compinche descorcho champan y juntos mas descorcharan
Remember that with his buddy he uncorked champagne and together they will uncork more
Porque celebran do van
Because they celebrate wherever they go
Que cuan do venga un fan
That when a fan comes
Nervioso como un flan
Nervous as a flan
Para que estampe una rubrica en el album que tendran
To stamp a signature on the album they will have
Expuesto por miles en un stan
Exposed by thousands in a stand
Conocidos y extraños lo compraran
Acquaintances and strangers will buy it
Y haran que dentro de unos años al que ya es el number one y a sus hombres les recuerden como les recordaran
And they will make that within a few years the one who is already the number one and his men will be remembered as they were remembered
Gracias pero por favor hasta el final no aplaudan
Thank you but please don't applaud until the end
Y busken a su alrededor a los ke kon cabeza gacha marchan
And look around you at those who walk with their heads down
Zenit hombredon viene a desenmascararles donde estan?
Zenit, big man, comes to unmask them, where are they?
Se camuflan
They camouflage themselves
Y ustedes quien es el preguntaran
And you will ask who he is
Sus apellidos gonzalez moreno y su nombre juan
His last names are Gonzalez Moreno and his first name is Juan
Quien es e? se preguntaran
Who is he? they will ask themselves
Es zenit hombredon, es don man
It's Zenit big man, it's Don Man
Que sera capaz de hacer?
What will he be able to do?
Dicen ke sus raps hasta el infinito llegaran
They say that his raps will reach infinity
Quien podra pararle?
Who can stop him?
No, no creemos que seres con mas poder existan
No, we don't believe that more powerful beings exist
Cual sera el final?
What will the ending be?
Que quienes kieran superarle ni en sueños le alcanzaran
That those who want to surpass him will not even reach him in their dreams
Los ke el tiempo y dinero derrochan
Those who waste time and money
Su limite no ensanchan
They don't broaden their limits
Sus dotes no aprovechan
They don't take advantage of their gifts
Su curriculm manchan
They stain their resume
Y a escondidas con bacalao se acuestan
And they secretly sleep with cod
Porque del hiphop se cansan
Because they get tired of hip hop
Sabemos por experiencia que nunca venceran
We know from experience that they will never win
Y a mi me descolocan
And they dislocate me
Porque encima se quieren hacer pasar por entendidos cuando son merecedores de etiquetas de holgazan
Because on top of that they want to pass themselves off as experts when they deserve labels of lazy
Y con esa absurda tactica no, no nos moveran
And with that absurd tactic, no, they won't move us
Estoy hasta los cojones del tipico orangutan
I'm sick of the typical orangutan
Otro mas del movimiento de la raptoyacoland
Another one from the Raptoyacoland movement
Que solo conoce a eminem y a los del Clan Wu Tang
Who only knows Eminem and the Wu-Tang Clan
Pantalones tiempo libre y sudaderas xxxl con las ke tanto sudan
Leisure pants and XXXL sweatshirts with which they sweat so much
Criticos expertos de una musica que ni conocen y que aunque sepan que es lo mejor ke han escuchado en su vida siempre de mala la tachan
Expert critics of a music they don't even know and even though they know it's the best they've ever heard, they always give it a bad name
12€ por un Lp no pagaran, lo copiaran
€12 for an LP, they won't pay, they will copy it
9€ por un concierto no pagaran, no pasaran
€9 for a concert, they won't pay, they won't go
Revistas mixtapes no pagaran
Magazines, mixtapes, they won't pay
Asi el hiphop no sube, patan
That's how hip hop doesn't rise, you fool
Y grupos extranjeros a esta mierda de pais nunca traeran
And foreign groups will never come to this shit country
Mientras en el extranjero no nos conozcan
While abroad they don't know us
Dejaros la vida haciendo hiphop como Big Pum
Give your life doing hip hop like Big Pun
Y hacer obras maestras como mi hombre tekafran
And make masterpieces like my man Tekafran
Aceptar este consejo que muy pocos os daran y rezad porque yo os de hoy de cada dia vuestro pan
Take this advice that very few will give you and pray because I give you your daily bread from today
Padres vuestros: quien es el? preguntaran
Your parents: who is he? they will ask
Sus apellidos gonzalez moreno y su nombre juan
His last names are Gonzalez Moreno and his first name is Juan
Quien es el?
Who is he?
Se preguntaran
they will ask themselves
Es zenit hombredon, es don man
It's Zenit big man, it's Don Man
Que sera capaz de hacer?
What will he be able to do?
Dicen ke sus raps hasta el infinito llegaran
They say that his raps will reach infinity
Quien podra pararle?
Who can stop him?
No, no creemos que seres con mas poder existan
No, we don't believe that more powerful beings exist
Cual sera el final?
What will the ending be?
Que quienes kieran superarle ni en sueños le alcanzaran
That those who want to surpass him will not even reach him in their dreams
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