ZetaK - Hegan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ZetaK - Hegan

Izan ginen desastre bat
We were a disaster
Iparrik gabeko mapa zahar bat
An old map without a north
Zu nigan ta ni zugan
You in me and I in you
Zirriborro bat, deskarte zikin bat
A sketch, a dirty discard
Laboaren orrietan
On the lab sheets
Behe-lainoan galdutako hitzak
Words lost in the low clouds
Hegan, egin genuen hegan
We flew, we flew
Kantauri itsasotik ikus mugetara, hegan
From the Cantabrian Sea to the horizon, we flew
Izan ginen kaos hutsa
We were pure chaos
Laurhogeita hamarreko bi bala
Two forty-five caliber bullets
Ibilbide gaiztotuaz
With a corrupted trajectory
Akorde bat, akorde minor bat
A chord, a minor chord
Inork entzun ez zuena
That no one heard
Arrano bat zaurituta airean
A wounded eagle in the air
Hegan, egin genuen hegan
We flew, we flew
Kantauri itsasotik ikus mugetara, hegan
From the Cantabrian Sea to the horizon, we flew
Ta jarri ginen hego-haizearen esanetara
And we surrendered to the south wind
Ekaitza hastear zela
As the storm was about to begin
Ekaitza hastear zela
As the storm was about to begin
Begiak itxi ta azken besarkada bat
Eyes closed and one last hug
Erori bitartean
While falling
Erori bitartean
While falling
Hegan, egin genuen hegan
We flew, we flew
Kantauri itsasotik ikus mugetara, hegan
From the Cantabrian Sea to the horizon, we flew
Hegan, egin genuen hegan
We flew, we flew
Kantauri itsasotik ikus mugetara, hegan
From the Cantabrian Sea to the horizon, we flew

Writer(s): Pello Reparaz Escala

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