Zettah & C.S Rappaz - Cuidado Fieras Sueltas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zettah & C.S Rappaz - Cuidado Fieras Sueltas

Cuidado Fieras Sueltas
Beware Loose Beasts
Hey Yaoh
Hey Yaoh
Esto es Big Z
This is Big Z
Para todo el veneno de ahí arriba
For all the poison up there
De los de abajo
From the ones below
Arriba el pueblo
Up with the people
Es hora de levantarnos, puños en alto
It's time to rise up, fists held high
Ya no copiamos a tu fusil de asalto
We no longer copy your assault rifle
Manos arriba, en la calle suena este llanto
Hands up, this cry sounds in the streets
Celebran la agonía y nos matan en el asfalto
They celebrate the agony and kill us on the asphalt
En lo alto, es hora de levantarnos
Up high, it's time to rise up
Ya no copiamos a tu fusil de asalto
We no longer copy your assault rifle
Manos arriba, sigue sonando el llanto
Hands up, the cry continues to sound
Hip hop en la avenida, contra los que están matando
Hip hop on the avenue, against those who are killing
Empezaré por, que se vayan a la mierda
I'll start by saying, fuck them
Todos los que nos gobiernan, y matan en mi tierra
All those who govern us, and kill in my land
Los rifles suenan, Las fieras envenenan
The rifles sound, the beasts poison
Y después claman justicia cuando un tombo se quema
And then they cry out for justice when a cop gets burned
Rcn no te conviene nene
RCN it doesn't suit you, baby
Puedes ver hilos colgando que a sus títeres mantiene
You can see the strings hanging that hold their puppets
Pueden ver presentadores chupando diario algún pene
You can see presenters sucking some dick every day
Si son mierda disfrazada que al pueblo no le conviene
If they are disguised shit that doesn't suit the people
Quieren guerra Esa será su condena
They want war, that will be their condemnation
Matando la abeja reina no acabarán mi colmena
Killing the queen bee will not end my hive
Quieren guerra y esa será su condena
They want war and that will be their condemnation
Matando a la abeja reina na
Killing the queen bee, no
Y es que
And it is that
Tanta Masacre, tanto miedo en nuestros ojos
So much massacre, so much fear in our eyes
Más se que la sangre arde y pagarás por los acosos
But I know that blood burns and you will pay for the harassment
Ya mañana al levantarte serás solo otro baboso
Tomorrow when you wake up you will be just another fool
Que está matando a su gente solo por llenar su bolso
Who is killing his people just to fill his bag
Y es verdad, ponen precio a nuestras cabezas
And it's true, they put a price on our heads
Disparan con firmeza tirando hasta la corteza
They shoot with firmness, pulling to the cortex
El arte nuestra destreza retando a todos sus altezas
Art is our skill, challenging all their highnesses
Con certeza y crudeza, preparando la limpieza
With certainty and crudeness, preparing the cleaning
A Fernalga Cabal, le pesan mucho las tetas
Fernalga Cabal's tits weigh a lot
Tiene el criterio en el culo, al querer destrozar mi puerta
She has the criteria in her ass, wanting to destroy my door
Y cada vez que se entrometa voy a escupir su jeta,
And every time she interferes I'm going to spit in her face,
Para que la vaga vea que ue a Colombia se respeta
So that the lazy woman sees that Colombia is respected
Pa Duqueins, que tal señor presidente
To Duqueins, how are you Mr. President
Ignorante, insolente, maldito delincuente
Ignorant, insolent, damn criminal
Su mierda apesta además de poco elocuente
Your shit stinks besides being ineloquent
Se cae su gobierno, arriba el paro de mi gente
His government is falling, up with my people's strike
Pero, nos tiene en mierda hasta el cuello
But he has us up to our necks in shit
Y su papada lo juro no lo hace ver tan bello
And his father, I swear, doesn't make him look that handsome
Panzón hijo de puta vete a pintar el cabello
Fat son of a bitch go paint your hair
Y respeta nuestras raíces, hartas de tanto atropello
And respect our roots, tired of so much abuse
Malicia Arango, te pareces a Norberto
Malicia Arango, you look like Norberto
Mas el es mejor persona, y apuesto que es algo cierto
But he's a better person, and I bet that's somewhat true
Por lo menos da trabajo, mantiene su chuzo abierto
At least he gives work, he keeps his place open
Y no quiere llenar de mierda, cartones de los expertos
And he doesn't want to fill up with shit, cardboard from experts
Carrasquiña, me puede rascar los huevos
Carrasquiña, can you scratch my balls
Ya está en nuestra mirilla y se le ha acabado el juego
He's already in our sights and his game is over
Mientras el cerdo chilla, el resto nos bajan al suelo
While the pig screams, the rest of us are taken to the ground
Quieren enterrar semillas y va a florecer un pueblo
They want to bury seeds and a people will flourish
Pa Uribe, insultarlo será sublime
To Uribe, insulting him will be sublime
Hace cuanto que nos oprime, es momento que el pueblo opine
How long has he oppressed us, it's time for the people to speak
Aunque twitter lo elimine, matarife no se exime
Even though Twitter eliminates it, the butcher is not exempt
Mi bandera está cansada, de la sangre que le exprime
My flag is tired of the blood he squeezes out of it
Puños en alto
Fists held high
Ya no copiamos a tu fusil de asalto
We no longer copy your assault rifle
Hip Hop en la avenida contra los que están matando
Hip hop on the avenue against those who are killing
Es hora de levantarnos, puños en alto
It's time to rise up, fists held high
Ya no copiamos a tu fusil de asalto
We no longer copy your assault rifle
Manos arriba, en la calle suena este llanto
Hands up, this cry sounds in the streets
Celebran la agonía y nos matan en el asfalto
They celebrate the agony and kill us on the asphalt
En lo alto, es hora de levantarnos
Up high, it's time to rise up
Ya no copiamos a tu fusil de asalto
We no longer copy your assault rifle
Manos arriba, sigue sonando el llanto
Hands up, the cry continues to sound
Hip hop en la avenida, contra los que están matando
Hip hop on the avenue, against those who are killing
Quieren guerra esa será su condena
They want war that will be their condemnation
Matando la abeja reina no acabarán mi colmena
Killing the queen bee will not end my hive
Quieren guerra esa será su condena
They want war that will be their condemnation
Matando la abeja reina no acabarán mi colmena
Killing the queen bee will not end my hive
Desde Ceniza Records
From Ceniza Records
Bogotá, Colombia
Bogota, Colombia

Writer(s): Zettah

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