Zita Zoe - One and the Two - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zita Zoe - One and the Two

One and the Two
One and the Two
Comparte la situación
Share the situation
Deseo verte y distraerme
I want to see you and distract myself
Perderte de vista y que sea todo indecente
Lose sight of you and let everything be indecent
Mis sábados ya no son sábados
My Saturdays are no longer Saturdays
Me huelen a domingo
They smell like Sunday
Mis planes traman algo trágico así que llamo a francisco
My plans are plotting something tragic, so I call Francisco
Alo! marea what tha fuck?
Hello! Mare, what the fuck?
Me dice que no hay nada nuevo
He tells me there's nothing new
Apago el celular y me conecto a este juego
I turn off my phone and log into this game
Ultima vida y ahora envidio a los gatos
Last life, and now I envy the cats
No culpo a las vida
I don't blame life
Solo a mis auto maltratos
Just my own self-abuse
Nadie quedara si entro yo cierro la puerta
No one will be left if I come in and close the door
La combinación de hardcore y amor
The combination of hardcore and love
No esta dispuesta a ser comprendida
Is not ready to be understood
Por una masa de estúpidos
By a mass of stupid people
Engrupidos aun creyendo en cupido
Duped, still believing in Cupid
Y no es obligación de nadie tratar de entender
And it's not anyone's obligation to try to understand
Jóvenes alborotados por querer crecer
Young people are restless from wanting to grow up
El sueldo de mami es pa' quitarse los años
Mommy's salary is for taking off the years
No vamos a vivir tranquilos
We're not going to live peacefully
Si no nos conformamos
If we don't settle down
Estamos? estamos? vo' tení' que hacerme caso
Are we? Are we? I should have listened to myself
Llora lo que quieras nada borra tus fracasos
Cry all you want, nothing will erase your failures
Y por mas que vacíe ese vaso suelo ser casi yo
And even though I empty that glass, I tend to be almost me
Mas cariñosa me dijeron
They said I was more affectionate
Dije silence por favor
I said silence, please
Mis horas son minutos mil minutos eternos
My hours are minutes, a thousand minutes are eternal
Te prefiero ver desnudo que pegado a ese terno
I prefer to see you naked than stuck in that suit
Disfrutando de la vida que te ofrecen tu manos
Enjoying the life that your hands offer you
Yo hermanos tengo dos y jamas nos presentaron
I have two brothers and they never introduced us
Chek one
Check one
One and the two
One and the two
Uno no comprendes dos te falta actitud
One you don't understand, two you lack attitude
Chek one
Check one
One and the two
One and the two
Uno tu no piensas dos creo que no eres tu
One, you don't think, two, I think it's not you
Ocho o clock marzo del 2012
Eight o'clock, March 2012
Tengo un plan para avanzar
I have a plan to move forward
Me piden que no lo destroce
They ask me not to destroy it
Pero el camino esta turbio
But the path is murky
Aturdido por mis intereses
Dazed by my interests
Rapear y enseñarles que mi mierda crece
Rapping and teaching them that my shit grows
Soy yo!
It's me!
Figurando en la fotografía
Figuring in the photo
La realidad misma no esta me dicen cada puto dia
Reality itself is not, they tell me every damn day
Y yo les creo!
And I believe them!
De siempre que no me fió de nadie
I've always not trusted anyone
Análisis intelectual que mierda no hablen si no agradan
Intellectual analysis, what the hell, don't talk if you don't please
Ah! sus comentarios
Ah! Their comments
Dan gusto a la mayoría
They please the majority
Que pretende ser normal funcionando a batería
Who pretend to be normal functioning on battery power
Tienen lo que querían pero quieren ser mas
They have what they wanted, but they want more
Pa' mi es suficiente no devolverme pa' atrás
For me it's enough, not to go back
Y capaz que quiera soportarlo
And maybe I want to endure it
Si me pillo incapaz de en un track vomitarlo
If I find myself unable to vomit it out in a track
Conversar ya no se si se puede si quiero hacerla
I don't know if I can talk if I want to do it
Corta creo que voy a golpearlo
Cut, I think I'm going to hit him
Chek one
Check one
One and the two
One and the two
Uno no comprendes dos te falta actitud
One you don't understand, two you lack attitude
Chek one
Check one
One and the two
One and the two
Uno tu no piensas dos creo que no eres tu
One, you don't think, two, I think it's not you

Writer(s): Catalina Alejandra Gonzalez

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