Zoo - Corbelles - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zoo - Corbelles

Estic buscant tantes respostes, que oblide les preguntes que m′he fet
I'm looking for so many answers that I forget the questions I've asked myself
Guanyant en impotència al ritme que perc drets
Gaining in impotence at the rate at which I lose rights
Pensant més en desitjos que en fets, plorant de ràbia
Thinking more about desires than facts, crying with rage
Volent fer paredons de les parets
Wanting to make walls out of walls
Tombar el mur, obrir la gàbia, eixir del pou
To tear down the wall, to open the cage, to get out of the well
Rega la vida amb nova savia l'home nou, Hugo viu
The new man waters life with new sap, Hugo lives
Al rostre del seu poble que diu "D′ací no passen"
In the face of his people who say "No one passes here"
Defenen el seu pa i les seues cases
Defending their bread and their houses
I monta un numeret el amo de la empresa
And the owner of the company puts on a little show
Que plora si li expropien la riquessa
Who cries if his wealth is expropriated
Això ja noés com era, han trobat la manera
This is not like it used to be, they have found the way
Han olorat la sang, i ara fam la fera
They have smelled blood, and now the beast is hungry
Les lleis ja no son lleis si sempre fallen
Laws are no longer laws if they always fail
El rei ja no és el rei si el cap li tallen
The king is no longer the king if they cut off his head
Vinguen les armes als meus, plouen les pedres
Come weapons to mine, stones rain down
El poble salva al poble d'eixos putos merdes
The people save the people from those fucking bastards
I saludant al nou segle, trenquen el guió i les regles
And greeting the new century, they break the script and the rules
I una cosa: si veniu amb colps d'Estat... com
And one thing: if you come with coups d'état... like
A Cuba, com Vietnam: Caureu sense pietat!
In Cuba, like Vietnam: You will fall without mercy!
Tempestes vénen del sud, sonen corbelles que tallen la boira
Storms come from the south, cowbells ring that cut through the fog
I creix una flor al mur, vol ser futur, és present, és memòria
And a flower grows on the wall, it wants to be the future, it is present, it is memory
Tempestes vénen del sud, sonen corbelles que tallen la boira
Storms come from the south, cowbells ring that cut through the fog
I creix una flor al mur, vol ser futur, és present, és memòria
And a flower grows on the wall, it wants to be the future, it is present, it is memory
Sents com s′esmolen les metàfores
You feel how metaphors shake
I el so de la guillotina talla l′aire
And the sound of the guillotine cuts through the air
Destinats a no tindre dret a guanyar mai
Destined to never have the right to win
Han eixit rebotaets i el nord comença a tremolar
They have come out rebelling and the north begins to tremble
Guevara viu com Durruti en les paraules d'Emma Goldman
Guevara lives like Durruti in Emma Goldman's words
El sud somriu conscient de la seua força
The south smiles, aware of its strength
L′Escola de Chicago no guia els nostres passos
The Chicago School does not guide our steps
Portem idees i energia a cabassos
We carry ideas and energy in baskets
Exprópiese, colectivízese, que el poble mane
Expropriate, collectivize, let the people manage
Més enllà de ministres i presidents
Beyond ministers and presidents
Apúrense, que senten la por a la pell
Hurry, they feel the fear on their skin
Recordem els nostres morts mentre afilem el ganivet
We remember our dead while we sharpen the knife
Cochabamba, Chiapas, Haymarket
Cochabamba, Chiapas, Haymarket
Venes obertes, corbelles esmolaes
Open veins, sharpened cowbells
Tenim els referents, els exemples
We have the references, the examples
La selva, la defenem a maxetaes
The jungle, we defend it with machetes
Nuestra casa no es el patio de los gringos
Our house is not the gringos' backyard
Poco a poco expulsamos al imperio
Little by little we expel the empire
I una idea que deuríem no oblidar:
And an idea that we should not forget:
Contra tota autoritat, barrà de ferro al cap!
Against all authority, an iron bar to the head!
Tempestes vénen del sud, sonen corbelles que tallen la boira
Storms come from the south, cowbells ring that cut through the fog
I creix una flor al mur, vol ser futur, és present, és memòria
And a flower grows on the wall, it wants to be the future, it is present, it is memory
Tempestes vénen del sud, sonen corbelles que tallen la boira
Storms come from the south, cowbells ring that cut through the fog
I creix una flor al mur, vol ser futur, és present, és memòria
And a flower grows on the wall, it wants to be the future, it is present, it is memory
I no seran mai més el nostre magatzem
And they will never again be our warehouse
La dignitat no es compra, el sol no es ven
Dignity is not bought, the sun is not sold
Que no van a permetre que els exploten
That they will not allow themselves to be exploited
Ni soportar el pes de noves botes
Nor bear the weight of new boots
Capitalisme és barbàrie han aprés que
Capitalism is barbarism they have learned that
La història s'escriu amb la sang de qui perd,
History is written with the blood of the loser, Yes
Que ara son seus el café, el blat i el sucre
That now coffee, wheat and sugar are theirs
Que en esta Europa muerte huele a azufre
That in this dead Europe it smells of sulfur
Tempestes vénen del sud
Storms come from the south
Sonen corbelles que tallen la boira
Cowbells ring that cut through the fog
Tempestes vénen del sud
Storms come from the south
I creix una flor al mur, sonen corbelles
And a flower grows on the wall, cowbells ring
Tempestes vénen del sud, sonen corbelles que tallen la boira
Storms come from the south, cowbells ring that cut through the fog
I creix una flor al mur, vol ser futur, és present, és memòria
And a flower grows on the wall, it wants to be the future, it is present, it is memory
Tempestes vénen del sud, sonen corbelles que tallen la boira
Storms come from the south, cowbells ring that cut through the fog
I creix una flor al mur, vol ser futur, és present, és memòria
And a flower grows on the wall, it wants to be the future, it is present, it is memory

Writer(s): Antonio Sánchez

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