Zoo - Estiu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zoo - Estiu

Cau la calor a la safor bombeja el ritme
The heat falls in Safor, the rhythm pumps
No estem fent merda facilona, ací fem himnes
We're not making easy shit, here we make anthems
Se'n va el dolor amb l'olor a mar
The pain goes away with the smell of the sea
Les primaveres demanen vida, l'estiu arriba
Springtime calls for life, summer arrives
El sol ha eixit, la ràdio sona, estem vius
The sun is out, the radio is playing, we are alive
Estic fent temes i esperant per si somrius
I'm making songs and waiting for you to smile
Érem feliços amb mentires de mil colors
We were happy with lies of a thousand colors
Tinc els conflictes d'un suïcida, tinc por
I have the conflicts of a suicide, I'm scared
I vull tornar als meus impulsos, ser pràctic
And I want to go back to my impulses, be practical
Que si ella sona jo tremole, lo màxim
Because if she plays, I tremble, to the fullest
Venen trompetes, no és Gillespie
Trumpets are coming, it's not Gillespie
És Ainsley als samples, en calma, brother, que ho volen simple
It's Ainsley on samples, in calm, brother, they want it simple
Volen que venga el discurs que ven, que no qüestione
They want the discourse that sells to come, that doesn't question
Volen que calle i que puge al tren
They want me to shut up and get on the train
I aquella gent que em demana frases
And those people who ask me for phrases
Que em diu que torne, no s'imaginen lo mal que em sent
Who tell me to come back, they can't imagine how bad I feel
Pero hui ja passe del drama
But today I'm over the drama
Vull tocar el foc, sentir que crema
I want to touch the fire, feel it burn
Jo tinc set de vida, no de fama
I thirst for life, not fame
No vull que un error siga un problema
I don't want a mistake to be a problem
Però hui ja passe del drama
But today I'm over the drama
L'auto-compassió és una condemna
Self-pity is a condemnation
Jo tinc set de vida, no de fama
I thirst for life, not fame
No vull ni la reixa, ni la pena
I don't want the bars, nor the sorrow
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
La nostra eixida, homes i dones d'actes impurs
Our way out, men and women of impure acts
Tu eres rebel i consentida
You were rebellious and consenting
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
Passa la vida
Life goes on
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
La nostra eixida, homes i dones d'actes impurs
Our way out, men and women of impure acts
Perquè tu tanques la ferida
Because you close the wound
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
Passa la vida
Life goes on
I un altre any perdut en esta confusió vital
And another year lost in this vital confusion
Lluitant contra els dimonis que van per dins cridant
Fighting against the demons that scream inside
Buscant guanyar-me la partida, i perdre la raó
Trying to win the game, and lose my mind
Buscant que perga les forces, passa la vida i jo
Trying to lose my strength, life goes on and I
Veig als majors, i pense en tot el que es mereixen
I see the elders, and I think about everything they deserve
I baixa la esperança i puja el pa
And hope goes down and bread goes up
I amb esta perspectiva qui vol crèixer, eh?
And with this perspective, who wants to grow up, huh?
Dubtes i dubtes, depressió ve i eufòria va
Doubts and doubts, depression comes and euphoria goes
Que no serà per ganes de ficar les bombes
It won't be for the lack of wanting to drop the bombs
Que serà per la por a perdre el que tenim
It will be for the fear of losing what we have
Qui no censura el fons, critica per les formes
Those who don't censor the background, criticize the form
I uns passen del tema, i uns filen massa prim
And some ignore the issue, and some are too picky
Volen que venga el discurs que ven, la porten clara
They want the discourse that sells to come, they make it clear
Jo el que vull vendre és la victòria cara
What I want to sell is the expensive victory
Que vull mirar als ulls si un dia arriba l'hora
That I want to look in the eyes if one day the time comes
Que no puc ser feliç amb tanta merda ahí fora
That I can't be happy with so much shit out there
Pero hui ja passe del drama
But today I'm over the drama
Vull tocar el foc, sentir que crema
I want to touch the fire, feel it burn
Jo tinc set de vida, no de fama
I thirst for life, not fame
No vull que un error siga un problema
I don't want a mistake to be a problem
Però hui ja passe del drama
But today I'm over the drama
L'auto-compassió és una condemna
Self-pity is a condemnation
Jo tinc set de vida, no de fama
I thirst for life, not fame
No vull ni la reixa ni la pena
I don't want the bars nor the sorrow
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
La nostra eixida eixida, homes i dones d'actes impurs
Our way out, men and women of impure acts
Tu eres rebel i consentida
You were rebellious and consenting
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
Passa la vida
Life goes on
Res del passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
La nostra eixida, homes i dones d'actes impurs
Our way out, men and women of impure acts
Perquè tu tanques la ferida
Because you close the wound
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
Passa la vida
Life goes on
Res del passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
La nostra eixida, homes i dones d'actes impurs
Our way out, men and women of impure acts
Tu eres rebel i consentida
You were rebellious and consenting
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
Passa la vida
Life goes on
Res del passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
La nostra eixida, homes i dones d'actes impurs
Our way out, men and women of impure acts
Perquè tu tanques la ferida
Because you close the wound
Res del que passa és comparable a tu
Nothing that happens is comparable to you
Passa la vida
Life goes on

Writer(s): Antonio Sánchez

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