Zoo - La mestra - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zoo - La mestra

La mestra
The Teacher
(Una, dos i, sota el pont, sota el pont)
(One, two and, under the bridge, under the bridge)
(Anem a passar-hi)
(Let's go through it)
(El nostre pont dos pilars, passem sense parar-nos)
(Our bridge has two pillars, let's pass without stopping)
Dos i dos són quatre, quatre i dos són sis
Two and two are four, four and two are six
Escola reglada i frustrada
Formal and frustrated school
No parles, ni jugues si no tens permís
You don't talk, you don't play if you don't have permission
La creu, la sotana i la vara
The cross, the cassock and the stick
Conjuguem presents imperfectes
We conjugate imperfect presents
Li restem la "x" al futur
We subtract the "x" from the future
Castrem a les feres als centres, força de treball del segle XXI
We castrate the beasts in the centers, workforce of the 21st century
Hem planificat les conductes
We have planned behaviors
No deixem ja marge per la creació
We no longer leave room for creation
Dibuixem futurs plens de dubtes
We draw futures full of doubts
Ni somnis, ni jocs, ni improvisació, infàncies al contenidor
No dreams, no games, no improvisation, childhoods in the container
10 hores al dia, un temps que era or
10 hours a day, a time that was gold
Esclaus d'un estat opressor
Slaves of an oppressive state
Perdona a tu pueblo señor
Forgive your people, Lord
Mare mare, que jo no vull tornar a resar i callar quan ens manen
Mother mother, I don't want to go back to praying and shutting up when they tell us
Pare pare, jo volia somiar i volar i allà ens tallen les ales
Father father, I wanted to dream and fly and there they cut our wings
Contrabandista de verbs clandestins, escampant el verí
Smuggler of clandestine verbs, spreading the poison
Pobles vius i senders infinits
Living towns and endless paths
Quin gust sentir-la parlar
How good it feels to hear her speak
Si del carrer i el corral és l'ama
If she is the mistress of the street and the corral
I ara hi ha un poble que brama en un idioma proscrit
And now there is a people who roar in a forbidden language
I en eixe context arriba una mestra rebel, decidida, valenta
And in that context comes a rebellious, determined, brave teacher
La infància en disputa és conquesta
Childhood in dispute is conquest
El dictador mor, es comenta
The dictator is dead, it is commented
Tenebres s'emporta el difunt
Darkness takes away the deceased
Canviem els costums, morta l'obediència
Let's change the customs, obedience is dead
Trenquem el rosari, cremem els apunts
We cut the rosary, we burn the points
Davant del futur, la innocència
Before the future, innocence
Arriba l'expedient disciplinari
The disciplinary file arrives
Volem que memoritzen l'oració i l'abecedari
We want them to memorize the prayer and the alphabet
Horaris estrictes i un pati ben delimitat
Strict schedules and a well-defined patio
Centre penitenciari de cristians
Christian penitentiary center
Vinguen l'alcalde, la guàrdia, inspectors
Come the mayor, the guard, inspectors
A defendre l'absurd, a donar-li lliçons
To defend the absurd, to teach her lessons
No van poder, mai no podran, d'aquella mestra
They couldn't, they never could, from that teacher
Hui som alumnat avantatjat!
Today we are advanced students!
Mare mare, que jo no vull tornar a resar i callar quan ens manen
Mother mother, I don't want to go back to praying and shutting up when they tell us
Pare pare, jo volia somiar i volar i allà ens tallen les ales
Father father, I wanted to dream and fly and there they cut our wings
Contrabandista de verbs clandestins escampant el verí
Smuggler of clandestine verbs spreading the poison
Pobles vius i senders infinits
Living towns and endless paths
Quin gust sentir-la parlar
How good it feels to hear her speak
Si del carrer i el corral és l'ama
If she is the mistress of the street and the corral
I ara hi ha un poble que brama en un idioma proscrit
And now there is a people who roar in a forbidden language
Contrabandista de verbs clandestins escampant el verí
Smuggler of clandestine verbs spreading the poison
Pobles vius i senders infinits
Living towns and endless paths
Quin gust sentir-la parlar
How good it feels to hear her speak
Si del carrer i el corral és l'ama
If she is the mistress of the street and the corral
I ara hi ha un poble que brama
And now there is a people who roar
Contrabandista de verbs clandestins escampant el verí
Smuggler of clandestine verbs spreading the poison
Pobles vius i senders infinits
Living towns and endless paths
Quin gust sentir-la parlar
How good it feels to hear her speak
Si del carrer i el corral és l'ama
If she is the mistress of the street and the corral
I ara hi ha un poble que brama en un idioma proscrit
And now there is a people who roar in a forbidden language

Writer(s): Antonio Sánchez

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