Zoo - Xafant fang - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zoo - Xafant fang

Xafant fang
Xafant fang
Corríem com llops a la vora del riu
We ran like wolves along the river bank
La cara bruta, el gest viu
Dirty faces, lively gestures
Camp a través, barrancs amb patinet
Across fields, ravines with scooters
Argelagues i bassals i els pantalons desfets
Scratches and puddles and ripped pants
A comunions, només de convidats
At communions, only as guests
A l'esglèsia vam entrar una volta a escuadrinyar
We entered the church once to scrutinize
Fill meu, on vas? On has anat a parar?
Son, where are you going? Where have you ended up?
Mala bascollà em vaig emportar
I took a bad spanking
A mi em cuidava Amparo a l'eixir de l'escola
Amparo took care of me after school
Quan a Carmela li s'allargava la faena
When Carmela's work dragged on
No en quedava altra que cooperar
There was no choice but to cooperate
La Joana sempre amb un plat preparat
Joana always had a plate ready
Lo que faça falta, xé, suport mutu
What's needed, hey, mutual support
Pa' a totes elles: amor perpetu
For all of them: perpetual love
10 mares, 17 germans, som la tribu
10 mothers, 17 siblings, we are the tribe
Criant en col·lectivitat
Raising children collectively
I el matriarcat, viu però amagat
And the matriarchy, alive but hidden
Que isca de les cases i impregne tota la societat
That emerges from homes and permeates all of society
Desfent-nos de la marca del poder de l'home blanc
Getting rid of the mark of the white man's power
De l'espasa i de la creu i del crist a la paret
Of the sword and the cross and the Christ on the wall
Obrir els ulls al món, riure i blasfemar
Open your eyes to the world, laugh and blaspheme
No hi ha ningú allà dalt disposat a ajudar
There's no one up there willing to help
Compartint eines, ho fem juntes
Sharing tools, we do it together
Regant les llavors de les idees comunes
Watering the seeds of common ideas
Manaes de llobes i de llops
Packs of wolves
Xafant fang, yo'
Stepping on mud, yo'
Xafant fang
Stepping on mud
Manaes de llobes i de llops
Packs of wolves
Manaes de llobes i de llops
Packs of wolves
Xafant fang, yo'
Stepping on mud, yo'
Xafant fang
Stepping on mud
Corríem com llops pel carrer i el barranc
We ran like wolves through the streets and the ravine
Del poli a la renfe, per barri o marjals
From the police station to the train station, through neighborhoods or marshes
Tant donava, la roba del germà major
It didn't matter, the older brother's clothes
La bici del cosí del poble i l'entrepà pa' tots
The cousin's bike from the village and the sandwich for everyone
Primer creuar, després mirar, disciplina?
First cross, then look, discipline?
Imaginació i argot, street medicina
Imagination and slang, street medicine
Xeringues, cabanyes, foc al descampat
Syringes, shacks, fire in the open field
La boca feta un cristo de pegar-me tant de bac
My mouth a wreck from smoking so much baccy
La mare el pare i sis cosins en un renault 7 a la platja
Mom, dad and six cousins in a Renault 7 at the beach
El sol implacable en la vega baixa
The relentless sun in the lowlands
La 'uela i la Sole cuinant per a 30
Grandma and Sole cooking for 30
I siempre hubo un platico pa' el que entrara por la puerta
And there was always a little plate for whoever walked through the door
Ni gomines ni tratges al cumple
No fancy clothes or suits at the birthday party
Ni bateig ni litúrgies ni temples
No baptism or liturgies or temples
Plens de merda i de fang, de carrers d'asfalt
Full of shit and mud, from asphalt streets
Perquè els buits amb regals mai no s'omplin
Because voids are never filled with gifts
La voluptuositat, l'efervescència
The voluptuousness, the effervescence
Els misteris insondables de l'adolescència
The unfathomable mysteries of adolescence
Fugíem del present, del futur, i amb la llei
We fled from the present, from the future, and with the law
Sentit militar i estrategia, ei
Military sense and strategy, hey
Discussions en el banc del parc
Discussions on the park bench
Contractes d'un dia al supermercat
One-day contracts at the supermarket
Amor incondicional
Unconditional love
No importava el cost, ni el marge de benefici
The cost didn't matter, nor the profit margin
(Debe ser muy duro)
(It must be very hard)
Manaes de llobes i de llops
Packs of wolves
Xafant fang, yo'
Stepping on mud, yo'
Xafant fang
Stepping on mud
Manaes de llobes i de llops
Packs of wolves
Manaes de llobes i de llops
Packs of wolves
Xafant fang, yo'
Stepping on mud, yo'
Xafant fang
Stepping on mud
(Debe ser muy duro)
(It must be very hard)
Very good
Què fem ací? Ho parem?
What are we doing here? Shall we stop?
Un solo? Vols fer-te un solo?
A solo? Do you want to do a solo?
Tira-li, va
Go for it, go
Héctor, para, para, para
Héctor, stop, stop, stop

Writer(s): Antonio Sánchez

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