Zoo - Xuplasangs - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zoo - Xuplasangs

Esto es la peor porquería que he escuchado
This is the worst crap I've ever heard.
Los ocho primeros tracks
The first eight tracks
Es horrible, pero como se hagan los tontos
are horrible, but if they play dumb
Es ruido
It's just noise.
No de donde sacó los temas
I don't know where they got the themes from.
De verdad, no es un disco que esta voz merezca
Really, this is not a record that this voice deserves.
Vols sentir respostes a preguntes tontes
Do you want to hear answers to silly questions?
Ficar-me una etiqueta pa′ penjar-me al stand
Slap a label on me to hang me on the stand.
Vas a buscar els fallos pa classificar-me
You're gonna look for flaws to classify me.
Vas a jutjar-me i a dir-me no saps on estàs
You're gonna judge me and tell me you don't know where you are.
Vas a fer de tot menys escoltar-me
You're gonna do everything but listen to me.
Vas a furgar, vas a vore d'on pots rascar
You're gonna dig, you're gonna see where you can scratch.
I així el passes els anys en plena forma
And so you spend your years in top form.
Donant-li corda a la teua empanada mental
Winding up your mental mess.
Yo te pengo la banda
I put the band on you.
Yo te hago la publicidad
I do the advertising for you.
Yo te hago que entre en tu camerino la mejor invita
I get you the best invite into your dressing room.
Pero lo demás, lo tenés que poner vos
But the rest, you have to put it on yourself.
Vas a prometre′m el èxit sempre
You're gonna promise me success forever.
Caramelos per a un mort de fam
Candies for a starving man.
Si després hi han fallos, ahí rebente
If there are flaws afterwards, I'll explode.
I em diràs qui mana és el mercat
And you'll tell me who's in charge is the market.
Vas a aconsellar-me anar amb calma
You're gonna advise me to go easy.
A lo que vinga, paternalisme sofisticat
To what comes, sophisticated paternalism.
Com m'agradaria tindre un arma
How I wish I had a weapon
Quan vos escolte blablabla presumint d'humiltat
When I hear you blablabla bragging about humility.
Perdut en un món de listos
Lost in a world of smart asses.
Putos amos de la pista
Fucking masters of the track.
Fins on m′arriba la vista
As far as my eyes can see
Soles puc ser optimista
I can only be optimistic.
Clar, som paràsits del sistema que han creat
Of course, we are parasites of the system they created.
No donem la talla, no hi han mans
We don't measure up, there are no hands.
Xuplasangs, els vam regalar la vida
Bloodsuckers, we gave them life.
Ells sabran que fer de veritat (Queda clar?)
They'll know what to do for real (Is that clear?)
Tens el teu dret dret a la pataleta
You have your right to throw a tantrum.
Canvien les sigles no la xaqueta (Xuplasangs)
They change the acronyms, not the jacket (Bloodsuckers).
Que barata que els ha eixit la broma
How cheap they got the joke.
Que cara han deixat la llibertat
How expensive they've left freedom.
Los que crean puestos de trabajo
Those who create jobs
Se llaman empresarios
They are called entrepreneurs.
Estoy totalmente a favor de la reforma laboral
I am totally in favor of labor reform.
Y yo hubiera ido más lejos
And I would have gone further.
Vas a presumir del teu imperi
You're gonna brag about your empire.
Que has alçat tu soles amb les teues mans
That you built yourself with your own hands.
No vas a resoldren′s el misteri
You're not gonna solve the mystery
De la pasta que no has declarat
Of the money you haven't declared.
Vas a concedir-nos algun mèrit
You're gonna give us some credit.
Per això has pagat com has pagat
That's why you paid what you paid.
Vas a perdonar-nos, o això espere
You're gonna forgive us, or so I hope.
Per no vindre cinc minuts abans
For not coming five minutes early.
Ustedes creen
You believe
Cuando tengo pisos por todo el mundo
When I have flats all over the world
Que por un alquiler de mierda de 1.000 euros yo me voy a ensuciar
That for a shitty rent of 1,000 euros I'm going to get dirty?
Vas a passejar-te amb suficiència
You're gonna walk around with sufficiency
Com els senyorets de temps passats
Like the lords of times past.
Vas a regalar condescendència
You're gonna give away condescension
Canviant il·lusions per veritats
Trading illusions for truths.
I és que tu tan de ciutat, jo tan del poble
Because you're so much of the city, I'm so much of the town.
Jo tan lluny de la serenitat
I'm so far from serenity.
Jo amb esta ansietat, tu inexpugnable
Me with this anxiety, you impregnable.
Pensant en el teu electorat
Thinking about your electorate.
Perdut en un mon de listos
Lost in a world of smart asses.
Putos amos de la pista
Fucking masters of the track.
Fins on m'arriba la vista
As far as my eyes can see
Soles puc ser optimista
I can only be optimistic.
Clar, som paràsits del sistema que han creat
Of course, we are parasites of the system they created.
No donem la talla, no hi han mans
We don't measure up, there are no hands.
Xuplasangs, els vam regalar la vida
Bloodsuckers, we gave them life.
Ells sabran què fer de veritat (Queda clar?)
They'll know what to do for real (Is that clear?)
Tens el teu dret dret a la pataleta
You have your right to throw a tantrum.
Canvien les sigles no la xaqueta (Xuplasangs)
They change the acronyms, not the jacket (Bloodsuckers).
Que barata que els ha eixit la broma
How cheap they got the joke.
Que cara han deixat la llibertat
How expensive they've left freedom.

Writer(s): Toni Sánchez

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