Zoči Voči - Kde Si Bol? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zoči Voči - Kde Si Bol?

Kde Si Bol?
Where Were You?
Posledné slova čo si pamätám
The last words I remember
Milé deti, o mesiac sa vrátim!
Dear children, I'll be back in a month!
Skúsil som vymeniť kalendár
I tried to change the calendar
Stále som nemal komu vravieť tati.
I still had no one to call dad.
Nechapem tomu, prečo si sa vzdal
I don't understand why you gave up
Bez rozlúčenie, viac sa neozval
You didn't even say goodbye
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som ťa potreboval
When I needed you
Nechal si nás tu samých stáť
You left us here alone
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som kričal zo sna
When I screamed from my dreams
A bol na kolenách
And was on my knees
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Ked som po prvýkrát zistil
When I first realized
že ťa nepoznám
That I didn't know you
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som zistil že som sám
When I found out I was alone
Denne čakali sme aspoň list od teba
Every day we waited for at least a letter from you
Verili tomu, ze sa ešte vrátiš
Believing that you would come back
Mal som 4 roky a hlavu bez obáv
I was 4 years old and had a carefree mind
Vtedy som ešte veril tvojim slovam,
Back then I still believed your words
Tati v prázdnej izbe stojím sám
Dad, I'm standing alone in an empty room
Neviem ako sa o matku postarám
I don't know how I'm going to take care of my mother
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som ťa potreboval
When I needed you
Nechal si nás tu samých stáť
You left us here alone
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som kričal zo sna
When I screamed from my dreams
A bol na kolenách
And was on my knees
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Ked som po prvýkrát zistil
When I first realized
že ťa nepoznám
That I didn't know you
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som zistil že som sám
When I found out I was alone
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som ťa potreboval
When I needed you
Nechal si nás tu samých stáť
You left us here alone
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som kričal zo sna
When I screamed from my dreams
A bol na kolenách
And was on my knees
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Ked som po prvýkrát zistil
When I first realized
že ťa nepoznám
That I didn't know you
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som zistil že som sám
When I found out I was alone
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som ťa potreboval
When I needed you
Nechal si nás tu samých stáť
You left us here alone
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som kričal zo sna
When I screamed from my dreams
A bol na kolenách
And was on my knees
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Ked som po prvýkrát zistil
When I first realized
že ťa nepoznám
That I didn't know you
Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Keď som zistil že som sám
When I found out I was alone
21 rokov si sa nám neozval
You didn't contact us for 21 years
Ze teba vychoval ma iný lepší
You let someone else raise me better
Neviem za čo by som sa ti poďakoval
I don't know what I would thank you for
Dúfam, že si teraz viac šťasnejší
I hope you're happier now

Writer(s): Michal Zitnansky

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