Zverina feat. Strapo - Útok Na Parlament - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zverina feat. Strapo - Útok Na Parlament

Útok Na Parlament
Parliament Attack
Chcelo by to ďalšiu vojnu, anti systémovú,
It would be nice to have another war, an anti-systemic one,
útoky psychopatov, ktoré by nemali normu.
attacks by psychopaths, which would have no norm.
Skrývam sa v podzemí jak vojaci Vietcongu,
I hide in the underground like Vietcong soldiers,
šialený vedec, ktorý tam vyrába bombu.
a mad scientist, who makes a bomb there.
Mesiac kopem podzemný tunel z mojej pivnice,
A month I dig an underground tunnel from my basement,
Končiaci pod parlamentom - darček pre opice.
Ending under the parliament - a gift for the monkeys.
Nastavím časovač na začiatok rokovania národnej rady,
I set the timer for the beginning of the National Council meeting,
Teším sa jak to schytajú smradi.
I'm looking forward to them getting it.
Večer televízne noviny pripomínajú horor,
Evening television news resembles a horror,
Budova parlamentu bola vraj zničená bombou.
The parliament building was allegedly destroyed by a bomb.
Bohužiaľ, bola prázdna, poslanci mali voľno,
Unfortunately, it was empty, MPs had a day off,
Využili ho na návštevu miestnej zoo.
They used it to visit the local zoo.
Polícia zistí, za atentátom je doktor psycho,
The police find out, behind the assassination attempt is doctor psycho,
Kukláči rozkopú dvere môjho bytu veľmi rýchlo.
SWAT officers kick open the door of my apartment very quickly.
Po bitke ležia na zemi a ticho,
After the fight they lie on the ground and are silent,
Nevedeli, že dám za hodinu tisíc klikov jak c(F)ico.
They didn't know, that in an hour I'll perform a thousand clicks like c(F)ico.
Rozkopnem dvere zoo, medveď jak Mišo-o,
I kick open the doors of the zoo, a bear like Mišo-o,
Uhni mi z cesty, lebo ti predvediem čisté zlo.
Get out of my way, because I'll show you pure evil.
čo ma poznajú ma volajú rabín,
Those who know me call me rabbi,
Lebo odsekávam kokoty kokotom čo ma srali.
Because I cut off cocks to cocks that pissed me off.
Podarilo sa mi sem vylákať celý parlament,
I managed to lure the entire parliament here,
Pod geniálnou zámienkou, že ich všetkých napadnem.
Under the brilliant pretext, that I'll attack them all.
Vytrhám tu burinu, nech krajina neskape,
I'll weed out this weed here, so that the country doesn't die,
Musíme zastaviť tie svine prežraté.
We must stop these overfed pigs.
Jedného hodím gorilám, druhého levom (takoj),
I'll throw one at the gorillas, the other at the lions (right away),
Tretieho napumpujem prasačím geňom (takoj).
The third one I'll inject with a pig's gene (right away).
Brány zamknuté a nikto nezdrhol,
The gates are locked and no one escaped,
Otvorím klietky a zvyšok tých zmrdov polejem krvou (takoj).
I'll open the cages and pour blood over the rest of those bastards (right away).
Za to, že u nás všade vládne cenzúra,
For the fact, that everywhere in our country there is censorship,
Za to, že naše peniaze vaše kapesné.
For the fact, that our money is your pocket money.
Serete na ľudí a netrápi Vás kultúra,
You shit on people and you don't care about culture,
čakám, kedy Vás pôjdu upáliť na námestie.
I'm waiting, when will they go to burn You in the square.

Writer(s): Daniel Pitonak

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