Zverina feat. Supa - Prezident - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zverina feat. Supa - Prezident

Keby som bol prezident ihneď by som znížil dane,
If I were president straight away I would cut taxes,
Inšpiroval by som nezamestnaných na podnikanie.
I would inspire the unemployed to start a business.
Vyčlenil by som zo štátnej kasy aspoň milión
I would allocate at least one million from the state treasury
A celú krajinu by som pozval na pivo.
And I would invite the entire country out for a drink.
Každý politik by musel začať jazdiť v MHD,
Each politician would have to start riding public transport,
Každý pracujúci človek by vlastnil BMW.
Every working person would have their own BMW.
Zrušil by som jar, jeseň, zimu nechal iba leto,
I would do away with spring, autumn, leave winter and summer,
Baby by chodili hore bez - bolo by teplo.
The women would walk around topless - it would be warm.
Legalizoval by som trávu viac ako Holandsko,
I would legalize weed more than Holland,
Okamžite by sme zbohatli ako Švajčiarsko.
We would immediately become rich like Switzerland.
Nechal by som rómov na východe trávu pestovať,
I would let the Roma grow grass in the east,
Prestali by kradnúť zemiaky- začali pracovať.
They would stop stealing potatoes - they would start work.
Na prezidentský palác by som dal dať grafity,
I would have graffiti put on the presidential palace,
Aby že sme moderní videli aj v zahraničí.
So that abroad too the can see that we are modern.
Ak by som bol prezident život by bol krásny,
If I were president life would be wonderful,
Každý deň by bola na námestí veľká swinger's party.
There would be a big swinger's party on the square every day.
Budem ten najlepší, volte mňa!
I will be the best, vote for me!
Všetko čo budeš chcieť - môžeš mať!
You can have anything you want!
Keď ma zvolíš - nebudeš ľutovať!
You won't regret choosing me!
A dokonca viem aj rozprávať!
And I can even talk!
Hm, ľudia sa z prezidenta smejú chcem byť diktátor.
Hmm, people laugh at the President - I want to be a dictator.
Na 100 bankovke bude zobrazený vibrátor.
A dildo will be displayed on the 100-euro banknote.
Všade je korupcia nie je možné vyhrať voľby,
There is corruption everywhere - it's impossible to win an election,
Treba zaútočiť na parlament násilím.
The parliament must be attacked by force.
A ja vám sľubujem, že v božom mene znásilním,
And I promise to rape you in the name of God,
Tu špinu demokraciu ani nenasliním.
I won't even rape this filthy democracy.
Ak chceš byt moje Hipster Jugend,
If you want to be my hipster youth,
Armádna uniforma nesmie vyznieť nudne.
An army uniform must not be boring.
A čo s tým Talianskom,
And what about Italy?
Ak chcete more, tak ja zaútočím na tankoch a presťahujem talianov sem.
If you want the sea, I will attack them with tanks and force the Italians to come here.
Válať sa na pláží a sen všetkých Slovákov,
Lazing about on the beach is every Slovak's dream,
Chudobných aj boháčov nechám snívať sen.
Let both the poor and the rich dream a dream.
Nech si nevšímajú čo robím na jachtách a chatách,
Let them ignore what I do on my yachts and in my lodges,
Vilách a privátnych večierkoch s ostatnými diktátormi po nociach.
Villas and private parties all night with other dictators.
Máme sa riadne dobre - hráme ruletu o štátne lóve, myslím tým o vaše lóve, ha - neskončíme kým nebudú žiadne lóve, ah!
We're having a good time - we gamble on state loot, I mean on your loot, ha - we won't finish until there's no loot at all, ah!
Budem ten najlepší, volte mňa!
I will be the best, vote for me!
Všetko čo budeš chcieť - môžeš mať!
You can have anything you want!
Keď ma zvolíš - nebudeš ľutovať!
You won't regret choosing me!
A dokonca viem aj rozprávať!
And I can even talk!

Writer(s): Daniel Pitonak

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