aMO - Femme Fatale - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction aMO - Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale
Aj keď sa s tebou iba hrá,
Even though she only plays with you,
Dobre vieš, že presne tak to miluješ.
You know well that this is exactly how you love it.
A kradne mená, fatálna žena,
And she steals names, fatal woman,
Nikdy iná nebude.
There will never be another one like her.
Je to ten pocit, hľadáš a nájdeš,
It's that feeling, you seek and will find,
Nájdeš dôveru, ne manéž.
You will find trust, not a circus.
Ne herečku v slzách, ale ženu čo miluješ,
Not an actress in tears, but a woman you love,
Chápe, ty chápeš.
She understands, you understand.
Ona vie čím si prešiel si zlým,
She knows what you went through is bad,
Ona si prešla tým s kým si rozbalí zmysli,
She went through it with someone with whom she will unleash her senses,
Ktoré si myslí, že dávno zmizli,
Which she thinks have long since disappeared,
úprimné výzvy stíchli.
sincere appeals have subsided.
Tie tisíce hlasov,
Those thousands of voices,
Cesty čo lákali oddávna chlapcov,
Paths that have attracted boys for a long time,
Viedli sa vojny, keď išiel si za tou
Wars were fought when you went after that one
Femme fatale, život za život, raz s ňou.
Femme fatale, life for life, once with her.
Položiť život len pre jednu,
To lay down your life only for that one,
Ak položiť kvety, tak položiť pred ňu.
If to lay down flowers, then to lay them in front of her.
Vedieť si vybrať hriešnu, hej tú,
To know how to choose that sinful one, yes that one,
Skúsila život a nebere prehru.
She has tried life and does not accept defeat.
je z mála, žena pre kráľa,
She is one of the few, a woman for a King,
Ak si to nezažil nechápeš.
If you have not experienced this, you don't understand.
A hra, ktorú si hral s tou poslednou
And the game you played with that last one
Z piatka, zhasla jak fajka.
From Friday, went out like a cigarette.
A tak len maj na pamäti, ona je dar,
And so just keep in mind, she is a gift,
správna, ak je z mála, čo by fakt stála,
The right one, if she is one of the few who would really be worth it,
Pri tebe váž si to, daj jej to najavo mocne,
By your side, appreciate it, let her know powerfully,
Cez deň aj po tme.
During the day and in the dark.
Hej, ako krásne ma dostala,
Hey, how beautifully she got me,
Hej, keď spievala mi iba la la lááá la lááá
Hey, when she sang to me only la la laaa la laaa
Aj keď sa s tebou iba hrá,
Even though she only plays with you,
Dobre vieš, že presne takto to miluješ.
You know well that this is exactly how you love it.
Okúsiš pocit, prehranej noci
You will experience the feeling of a lost night
A nikam neutečieš.
And you will no longer run away.
Aj keď sa s tebou iba hrá,
Even though she only plays with you,
Dobre vieš, že presne takto to miluješ.
You know well that this is exactly how you love it.
A kradne mená, fatálna žena,
And she steals names, fatal woman,
Nikdy iná nebude.
There will never be another one like her.
Som pól, plus či mínus,
I am a pole, plus or minus,
Dobré či zlé, pravda či mýtus?
Good or evil, truth or myth?
A povedzme, že druhý protipól
And let's say that the other opposite
spôsobiť prísun večna,
Is supposed to bring about an eternity,
Možno je to len pocit, inštinkt, potreba bez dna.
Maybe it's just a feeling, instinct, a need without a bottom.
No chcem, potrebujem dievča, špeciál pre mňa,
But I want, I need a girl, a special for me,
špeciál väzba, edícia, s ktorou nevieš prestať lietať.
a special bond, an edition that you can't stop flying with.
Model, ktorý si vždy chceš nechať,
A model that you always want to keep,
Aj keď doba je inde s ňou, nešlapneš vedľa, jou.
Even though the time is already different with her, you won't go wrong, boy.
Som skala, čo potrebuje omyť hrany vodou,
I am a rock that needs to be washed over by water,
Som chlapec, čo potrebuje dievča, ne s trochou
I am a boy who needs a girl, not with a little
čerešní, ale s plným košom,
cherries, but with a full basket,
Tak veľmi hľadá sa dlho a všade,
She is looked for so long and everywhere in vain,
No márne, nerátam správne, kde?
But in vain, I don't count correctly, where?
Vládne len túžba a chtíč, rozoznám telo a gýč,
Only desire and lust reign, I recognize the body and kitsch,
Tak treba za tým istým posilniť štít.
So you have to strengthen the shield for the same reason.
Nech ona je cheat, na všetky obludy,
Let her be the cheat, for all monsters,
S ňou môžem skočiť do hudby
With her I can jump into the music
A ruka v ruke uchopiť beat.
And hand in hand, grasp the beat.
Hej, ako krásne ma dostala,
Hey, how beautifully she got me,
Hej, keď spievala mi iba la la lááá la lááá.
Hey, when she sang to me only la la laaa la laaa.
Aj keď sa s tebou iba hrá,
Even though she only plays with you,
Dobre vieš, že presne takto to miluješ.
You know well that this is exactly how you love it.
Okúsiš pocit, prehranej noci
You will experience the feeling of a lost night
A nikam neutečieš.
And you will no longer run away.
Aj keď sa s tebou iba hrá,
Even though she only plays with you,
Dobre vieš, že presne takto to miluješ.
You know well that this is exactly how you love it.
A kradne mená, fatálna žena,
And she steals names, fatal woman,
Nikdy iná nebude.
There will never be another one like her.

Writer(s): Lou Reed

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