周杰倫 - 三年二班 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 周杰倫 - 三年二班

Third Grade, Class Two
眼睛你要擦亮 記住我的模樣 表情不用太緊張 我是 三年二班
Girl, sharpen your focus. Memorize my face. And don't you sweat it, I'm from Third Grade, Class Two.
我專心打球的側臉還滿好看 黑板 是吸收知識的地方
Check out my stylish profile when I play ball. Chalkboards are made to absorb knowledge.
只是教室的陽光 那顏色我不太喜歡
But I'm not too keen on how the sun shines in our classroom.
沒有操場的自然 為何比較漂亮的都是在隔壁班
Why's it that the other classes get the pretty scenery, when we don't have a playground?
還有考卷的答案 我剛好都不會算
Oh, and I suck at math.
沒關係 再繼續努力 沒關係 為什麼上課時舉手很難
Well, whatever. I'll keep grinding. Whatever. It's not like it's hard to answer questions in class,
and it's easy to find treasures online.
為什麼女生不喜歡太胖 為什麼都別人手機在響
Why don't girls like guys with too much meat on their bones? Why is it that other people's phones are always ringing?
Forehand long shots are just table tennis for beginners.
反手短打再狠狠殺球是高級乒乓 回轉技巧乒乓 前場速攻乒乓
A backhand short serve and a powerful kill shot is advanced table tennis. Topspin finesse table tennis, quick attack table tennis.
對牆壁 在練習 乒乓 乒乓
Against the wall, practicing, ping-pong, ping-pong.
這第一名到底要多強(不用問 一定有人向你挑戰)
How strong does the person in first place need to be? (Don't ask. There will definitely be someone who will challenge you.)
How many more levels do I need to pass?
(不用怕 告訴他們誰是男子漢) 可不可以不要這個獎
(Don't worry, just tell them who's boss.) Can I not get this award?
(不想問 我只想要留一點汗)
(Don't ask. I just want to work up a sweat.)
我當我自己的裁判(不想說 選擇對手跟要打的仗)
I'm my own referee. (I don't want to talk about choosing opponents or the battles to fight.)
這第一名到底要多強(不用問 一定有人向你挑戰)
How strong does the person in first place need to be? (Don't ask. There will definitely be someone who will challenge you.)
How many more levels do I need to pass?
(不用怕 告訴他們誰是男子漢) 可不可以不要這個獎
(Don't worry, just tell them who's boss.) Can I not get this award?
(不想問 我只想要留一點汗)
(Don't ask. I just want to work up a sweat.)
我當我自己的裁判(不想說 選擇對手跟要打的仗)
I'm my own referee. (I don't want to talk about choosing opponents or the battles to fight.)
我不想 就這樣一直走 每天都遇上
I don't want to just keep walking, running into
充滿敵意那種眼光 等機會 就是要打倒對方 這種結果我不要
those hostile glares every day. I'll just wait for my chance to strike and take down my opponent. That's not the result I want.
This conceited arrogance,
這目的很好笑 我其實都知道 你只是想炫燿 我永遠做不到
this hilarious goal. I know what you're really all about. You just want to show off. I'll never be able to do that.
You'll never be able to win.
我永遠做不到 你永遠贏不了 永遠都贏不了
I'll never be able to do that. You'll never be able to win. Never be able to win.
走下鄉 尋找哪有花香(為什麼 這麼簡單你做不到)
Let's head out to the countryside, find where the flowers bloom. (Why can't you do something so simple?)
坐車廂 朝著南下方向(為什麼 這種速度你追不到)
Let's hop in a car and head south. (Why can't you keep up with this speed?)
鳥飛翔 穿過這條小巷(為什麼 這麼簡單你做不到)
Birds fly through these alleyways. (Why can't you do something so simple?)
仔細想 這種生活安詳(為什麼 這種速度你追不到)
Think about it, this life is so peaceful. (Why can't you keep up with this speed?)
不好笑 不好笑 不好笑
That's not funny. That's not funny. That's not funny.
這第一名到底要多強(不用問 一定有人向你挑戰)
How strong does the person in first place need to be? (Don't ask. There will definitely be someone who will challenge you.)
How many more levels do I need to pass?
(不用怕 告訴他們誰是男子漢) 可不可以不要這個獎
(Don't worry, just tell them who's boss.) Can I not get this award?
(不想問 我只想要留一點汗)
(Don't ask. I just want to work up a sweat.)
我當我自己的裁判(不想說 選擇對手跟要打的仗)
I'm my own referee. (I don't want to talk about choosing opponents or the battles to fight.)
我不想 就這樣一直走 每天都遇上
I don't want to just keep walking, running into
充滿敵意那種眼光 等機會 就是要打倒對方 這種結果我不要
those hostile glares every day. I'll just wait for my chance to strike and take down my opponent. That's not the result I want.
This conceited arrogance.
我不想 就這樣一直走 每天都遇上
I don't want to just keep walking, running into
充滿敵意那種眼光 等機會 就是要打倒對方 這種結果我不要
those hostile glares every day. I'll just wait for my chance to strike and take down my opponent. That's not the result I want.
This conceited arrogance.
走下鄉 尋找哪有花香
Let's head out to the countryside, find where the flowers bloom.
坐車廂 朝著南下方向
Let's hop in a car and head south.
鳥飛翔 穿過這條小巷
Birds fly through these alleyways.
仔細想 這種生活安詳
Think about it, this life is so peaceful.

Writer(s): 方 文山, Chou Chieh Lun, 方 文山

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