周杰倫 - 煙花易冷 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 周杰倫 - 煙花易冷

Fireworks Are Cold
繁華聲 遁入空門 折煞了世人
The noises of prosperity遁入空门retreat into the temple, making the world gasp.
夢偏冷 輾轉一生 情債又幾本
Our dreams are too cold. We spend our whole lives turning over and over in our minds, and how much love debt do we owe?
如妳默認 生死枯等
If you tacitly agree, I will wait for you, even if it takes a lifetime or several lifetimes.
枯等一圈 又一圈的年輪
I have waited for you for many years.
浮屠塔 斷了幾層 斷了誰的魂
The pagoda has collapsed several stories. Whose soul has been broken?
痛直奔 一盞殘燈 傾塌的山門
The pain rushes straight to a dying lamp, which causes the mountain gate to collapse.
容我再等 歷史轉身
Please let me wait a little longer until history turns around.
等酒香醇 等妳彈 一曲古箏
I wait for the wine to become mellow, and I wait for you to play a piece of guzheng music.
雨紛紛 舊故里草木深
Rain falls like blossoms. The grass and trees in my old hometown are thick and deep.
我聽聞 妳始終一個人
I have heard that you have always been alone.
斑駁的城門 盤踞著老樹根
The mottled city gate is occupied by the roots of an old tree.
石板上迴盪的是 再等
Reverberating on the stone slab are the words "wait again".
雨紛紛 舊故里草木深
Rain falls like blossoms. The grass and trees in my old hometown are thick and deep.
我聽聞 妳仍守著孤城
I have heard that you are still guarding the lonely city.
城郊牧笛聲 落在那座野村
The sound of a herdsman's flute in the suburbs falls on that village in the wilderness.
緣份落地生根是 我們
Fate has taken root and sprouted. It has become us.
聽青春 迎來笑聲 羨煞許多人
Listen to our youth welcoming laughter, which makes many people envious.
那史冊 溫柔不肯 下筆都太狠
The history books are too gentle and are unwilling to write too harshly.
煙花易冷 人事易分
Fireworks are cold, and people are easily separated.
而妳在問我是否還 認真
And you ask me if I am still serious.
轉載來自 魔鏡歌詞網
Reprinted from Magic Mirror Lyrics
千年後 累世情深 還有誰在等
After a thousand years, who will still be waiting for our love that spans several generations?
而青史 豈能不真 魏書洛陽城
And can history books not be true? The Wei book says Luoyang City.
如妳在跟 前世過門
If you are with me, you have stepped into a previous life.
跟著紅塵 跟隨我 浪跡一生
Follow the mundane world and follow me to wander all our lives.
雨紛紛 舊故里草木深
Rain falls like blossoms. The grass and trees in my old hometown are thick and deep.
我聽聞 妳始終一個人
I have heard that you have always been alone.
斑駁的城門 盤踞著老樹根
The mottled city gate is occupied by the roots of an old tree.
石板上迴盪的是 再等
Reverberating on the stone slab are the words "wait again".
雨紛紛 舊故里草木深
Rain falls like blossoms. The grass and trees in my old hometown are thick and deep.
我聽聞 妳始終一個人
I have heard that you have always been alone.
斑駁的城門 盤踞著老樹根
The mottled city gate is occupied by the roots of an old tree.
石板上迴盪的是 再等
Reverberating on the stone slab are the words "wait again".
雨紛紛 舊故里草木深
Rain falls like blossoms. The grass and trees in my old hometown are thick and deep.
我聽聞 妳仍守著孤城
I have heard that you are still guarding the lonely city.
城郊牧笛聲 落在那座野村
The sound of a herdsman's flute in the suburbs falls on that village in the wilderness.
緣份落地生根是 我們
Fate has taken root and sprouted. It has become us.
緣份落地生根是 我們
Fate has taken root and sprouted. It has become us.
伽藍寺聽雨聲盼 永恆
Jialan Temple listens for the sound of rain and espera for eternity.

Writer(s): 方 文山, Chou Chieh Lun, 方 文山

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